PhD defence: Christine Gyldenkerne
Incident Type 2 Diabetes, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events
Info about event
Auditorium G206-142, Entrance G, Aarhus University Hospital
On Thursday 20 February at 9:00, Christine Gyldenkerne defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Incident Type 2 Diabetes, Mortality, and Cardiovascular Events: Danish Nationwide Studies".
Type 2 diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which remains a leading cause of death and disability among patients with type 2 diabetes. Over recent decades, risk management strategies for type 2 diabetes has evolved substantially, with an increasing emphasis on the multifactorial prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, it remains largely unknown how these changes have affected cardiovascular risk and mortality among patients with incident type 2 diabetes.
To address this, we conducted four population-based cohort studies using national health registries in Denmark. We examined temporal trends in the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in patients with incident type 2 diabetes, compared with matched individuals from the general population. Furthermore, we investigated sex- and age-specific differences in 10-year cardiovascular risk among patients with incident type 2 diabetes compared with their matched counterparts in the general population.
The summary is written by the PhD student.
The defence is public and takes place in auditorium G206-142, Entrance G, Aarhus University Hospital. Please see the press release for more information.
PhD student Christine Gyldenkerne
Phone: +45 60949704