Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence: Helen Gräs Højgaard

Citizens with screen-detected cardiovascular disease: Experience and adherence to preventive medication

Info about event


Thursday 20 February 2025,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Viborg Regional Hospital Auditorium, Entrance A, Floor 2

On Thursday 20 February at 14:00, Helen Gräs Højgaard defends her PhD dissertation entitled "A decision for life? Perspectives on preventive medication for screen-detected cardiovascular disease – An evaluation of follow-up to support citizens’ medication decision: A multi-method study".

This PhD project aims to gain insights into how citizens experience and adhere to recommendations for preventive medication for screen-detected cardiovascular disease (CVD), and how they are supported in their medication decisions.

CVD is the second leading cause of death in Denmark, with approximately one in four Danes dying from CVD each year. Research indicates that preventive medication for asymptomatic CVD, detected through screening, can reduce the risk and mortality of CVD, such as blood clots. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how citizens experience and adhere to recommendations for preventive medication initiated through screening. Additionally, there is a need for more insight into how citizens are supported in making informed medication decisions.

We have conducted three studies, and the results indicate that nurse-led telephone follow-up is crucial for supporting informed medication decisions. The decision to take preventive medication is complex. Citizen’s experience being on a continuum between well-being, illness, and in between, and some find it challenging to navigate the uncertainty of neither being sick nor healthy. The project highlights the importance of multifaceted strategies, person-centered communication, and shared decision-making to support citizens' medication decisions. These results provide essential knowledge for assessing the relevance of screening from the citizens' perspective.

The summary is written by the PhD student.

The defence is public and takes place at Viborg Regional Hospital Auditorium, Entrance A, Floor 2. Please see the press release for more information. 


PhD student Helen Gräs Højgaard
Mail: au153201@uni.au.dk  
Phone: +4521771234

Read full press release