PhD defence: Kristoffer Kallesøe Berg-Hansen
Cardiogenic Shock and Chronic Heart Failure: Prognostic Evaluations and Ketone-Based Therapeutic Interventions
Info about event
Auditorium G206-145, Aarhus University Hospital
On Friday 13 September at 14.00, Kristoffer Kallesøe Berg-Hansen defends his PhD dissertation entitled "Cardiogenic Shock and Chronic Heart Failure: Prognostic Evaluations and Ketone-Based Therapeutic Interventions".
Heart failure ranges from stable chronic heart failure to the critical condition of cardiogenic shock, which is characterized by high mortality and limited treatment options. This Ph.D. dissertation sheds light on the risk stratification and treatment of heart failure. The research has investigated global longitudinal strain measured by transthoracic echocardiography as a risk marker in patients with cardiogenic shock, demonstrating that this metric is a significant predictor of mortality both during hospitalization and up to one year after. Additionally, the study explored the effects of ketone supplementation with ketone ester on cardiac function in patients with cardiogenic shock and stable chronic heart failure. Treatment with ketone ester showed a significant improvement in cardiac function in both patient groups, with a sustained positive effect after 14 days of treatment in patients with chronic heart failure. These findings suggest new opportunities for improved risk assessment and treatment of heart failure patients.
The summary is written by the PhD student.
The defence is public and takes place in auditorium G206-145, Aarhus University Hospital. Please see the press release for more information.
PhD student Kristoffer Kallesøe Berg-Hansen
Phone: +4560540700