Aarhus University Seal

Clinical training for Integrated PhD

Integrated PhD students from Medicine (MD PhD students) may be offered a place for clinical training in Aarhus, but only once during their master studies. A maximum of five MD PhD students per semester can be offered a place.

Application and deadlines

You can apply for a place for clinical training every year after announcements in the graduate school’s monthly letter in March and October.

The next deadline for applications will be:

  • 31 October 2024 at 13:00 (for the Spring semester 2025)

The call for applications contains exact information about current deadlines and addresses for applications. If more than five applications qualify, positions will be decided by lot.

Formal requirements for the application

Applications may be written in Danish or English.

It is a precondition for a position that your application is clearly motivated, i.e. that it is explained carefully how and why the character of your research project demands your personal presence in Aarhus.

Apart from that you should enclose the following information and documents in your application:

  • Your full name and email
  • Your student no.
  • A recommendation from your principal supervisor
  • The motivation mentioned above

Applications must be submitted as one PDF-file to graduateschoolhealth@au.dk

Processing of applications

Applications are handled by the Graduate School of Health.

The PhD administration will inform you about the result and pass on information to the Board of Studies if you are granted a position in Aarhus.