Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence: Amanda Paust

Social Inequality in Medical Treatment

Info about event


Thursday 2 May 2024,  at 13:00 - 15:00


Lakeside Lecture Theatres, Eduard Biermann Auditorium (room 204), building 1252, Aarhus University

On Thursday 2 May at 13.00, Amanda Paust defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Social Inequality in Medical Treatment".

More people are living longer with chronic diseases, which increases the risk of receiving potentially inappropriate medication (PIM). The risk varies between social groups, suggesting social inequality in medical care. The healthcare system may help maintain or reduce this inequality. General practice is crucial in promoting equity, as general practitioners (GPs) are close to patients, have a comprehensive overview of their treatments and have the opportunity to involve the patients in decision-making.

A new PhD project from Aarhus University, Health has investigated associations between social position and PIM in four different studies. The results indicate significant social inequality in medical treatment. The inequality is associated with differences in economic, cultural and social capital. Among other factors, variations in health care are influenced by the geographical location of the GP clinic, the organisation of the clinic and the composition of the population listed at the clinic. Inequality in treatment can be explained by discordance between general practice and patients, which implies a mismatch between the rhythms of the healthcare system and patients' abilities and opportunities to understand, navigate, negotiate, and manage the temporal rhythms of treatment. The PREPAIR questionnaire developed in the PhD project appears to support patient preparation and involvement in the medication conversation with the GP, which is known to contribute to better care.

The summary is written by the PhD student.

The defence is public and takes place in the Eduard Biermann Auditorium (room 204), building 1252, Lakeside Lecture Theatres, Aarhus University. Please see the press release for more information. 


PhD student Amanda Paust
Mail: amasa@ph.au.dk   
Phone: +45 4277 0628

Read full press release