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Apply for a screening grant

Funding for internationalisation of PhD programmes

The Graduate School of Health offers funding of PhD programmes with the purpose of improving internationalisation of the overall PhD education at Health.

It is possible to apply for a grant for 1-3 months for a research stay at Health.The purpose of the research stay is to screen an international candidate’s suitability for a PhD study at Health, and the stay can thus be used for preparing an application for PhD enrolment and a general introduction to the local research environment.

The screening grant amounts to DKK 15,000 per month (taxed at source) to be used for living expenses (housing, course fees, etc.) and travel expenses (transport, visa etc.). The grant cannot be used for project materials and permanent equipment or for travel expenses for family members.

Please note that the grant is not to be compared with a salaried position (employment) and is not extended due to maternity/paternity leave or sickness. It does not include holiday allowance, pension and AU insurance schemes. Therefore, it is strongly advised that the candidate takes out a private accident and liability insurance.

The Graduate School of Health adheres to the national Danish guidelines for international research and innovation. Please find more information here.

We accept applications on a running basis and process them as they are received.

Screening grant - find the right candidate for your project

Funding for an international candidate's/student's research stay at Health, Aarhus University can be granted for a period of 1-3 months (maximum 90 days, including arrival and departure dates).

Qualitative assessment of the candidate will be made with a view to a potential PhD study period at the Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University. Applications are assessed by the relevant Head of Programme, and grants are awarded by the Head of the Graduate School. Furthermore, Health PhD Administration will have the candidate's education assessed by the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education as part of the assessment.

The Graduate School of Health adheres to the national Danish guidelines for international research and innovation. Please find more information here.

To apply for a screening grant, please use the 'Application form' (found in the right sidebar). Applications must be emailed as one PDF file to graduateschoolhealth@au.dk. We accept and process applications as they are received.

Please note:

  • The screening grants are aimed at students enrolled at or graduated from non-Danish universities.
  • The application must be made and sent by a member of the academic staff (main supervisor) at the Faculty of Health, Aarhus University.
  • The stay must be one continuous period of 1-3 months (max. 90 days).
  • It can take 7-8 weeks from approval of the application to the start of the grant period due to visa/work and residence permits depending on citizenship.
  • A screening grant does not guarantee enrolment in a PhD programme at Health, Aarhus University and it embodies no acknowledgement of the candidate's qualifications for such enrolment. All applications for enrolment are formally assessed.

To be eligible the candidate/student must:

  • either meet, or be in the process of meeting, the formal requirements for enrolment in a PhD programme at Health. This includes
    • enrolment in a Master's degree programme at a non-Danish university (equivalent to a Danish Master's degree ('kandidatgrad') of 120 ECTS credits
    • or already holding a qualifying degree from a non-Danish university, i.e. a Master’s degree of 120 ECTS credits or equivalent.
  • have no prior affiliation to Aarhus University, i.e. a screening grant
    • cannot be awarded in extension to another stay (planned or already in progress) at Aarhus University.
    • cannot cover two or more consecutive stays.
    • cannot cover a stay after submission of an application for enrolment with the Graduate School.
  • have a postal address outside of Denmark before starting the grant period.
  • have no formal, longstanding collaboration with the main supervisor or other experiences that would reasonably seem to preclude the necessity of a screening period.