Aarhus University Seal

Suggest a PhD course

The courses offered by the Graduate School of Health are developing on an ongoing basis. If you find that a course is missing, you are welcome to contact the head of your graduate programme (GP) (Biomedicine, Clinical Medicine, Forensic Medicine and Odontology/Oral Health or Public Health,) or the PhD administration and suggest that a new course is being set up.

Suggestion and approval of new courses

If you suggest that a new course is being set up, we advise you to find out whether (other) PhD students are interested in your course suggestion.

A number of formal requirements must be met before a course can be approved:

  • A course leader must agree with the relevant GP leader on being responsible for the course
  • The course leader must submit a course suggestion through the link in the right sidebar, including a course budget and a course description (find the templates through the link) to the graduate school. Please note that there can only be 1 course leader per course. Payment of course leader hours and attendance hours can only be made to one course leader. If you share the course leader tasks with another person this will not be remunerated to the other person.
  • Based on the recommendation from the head of the GP, the graduate school management must approve the set up and the academic content of the course
  • Funding is not guaranteed if courses are submitted ad hoc.
  • GSH reserves the right to cancel a course, after the registration deadline, if the number of registrations is low (less than 5 participants) and it does not align with the budget.

To allow sufficient time for the approval process, we kindly ask you to submit your course suggestion no later than 3 months before the course is expected to take place. 

Regarding residential PhD courses (as of 2024)

As a rule, the graduate school will cover all direct expenses for teaching activities on residential PhD courses, such as lectures and other class-related activities, assignments/exam papers etc., as well as expenses for material. Additionally, the course leader can apply the graduate school for covering expenses related to travel and stay of 1-2 external speakers, if relevant. All other expenses related to the residential PhD course should be covered by other means.

Other means of funding
We recommend course leaders to apply for additional funding via Aarhus University Research Foundation/AUFF (only applicable for courses held at Sandbjerg Estate), via the academies affiliated with the Health Research Networks (e.g. Danish Cardiovascular Academy and Neuroscience Academy Denmark) or other funding sources. Also, it is accepted to charge participants (be it both internal and external PhD students or others) a fee to cover their individual expenses related to the residential stay (acc. to the ‘Open Market Agreement’ by Universities Denmark).

Number of teachers
The number of teachers for each course will be individually assessed in the approval process in relation to the budget and course seats offered. The number of teachers should be proportional to the number of seats for PhD students.