The information below gives you an overview of which tasks and responsibilities you undertake as a course leader and which are carried out by the PhD course administration. Remember to always let the administation know of any changes or updates to your course, including dates and venue.
Course leader responsibilities include:
- Compliance to the PhD course administration's deadlines and information requests
- Sending updated course programmes and course descriptions to the PhD course administration
- Sending any course changes to the PhD course administration
- Sending any seating requests from participants or other to the PhD course administration
- IT equipment at booked course venues (HE IT can support this task)
- Venue bookings outside VAB and the conference centre
- Any extra course information to be send to course participants - not cancellation information or change in dates or venue (this should always be sent out via the PhD course administration).
- Upload of course materials to Brightspace (see practical information)
- Adding extra teachers/course leaders to Brightspace (see practical information)
- Checking and changing course information in Brightspace (see practical information)
- Responding to surveys
- Answering academic questions about the course content
- PhD students who are included as teaching assistants are expected to be actively teaching – course leader must ensure this.
Please note that there can only be one course leader per course. Payment of course leader hours and attendance hours can only be made to one course leader. If you share the course leader tasks with another person this will not be remunerated to the other person.
Please note that PhD Students cannot be course leaders.
Please note, that we expect the courses to be held in English by default.
The PhD course administration's tasks and responsibilities include:
- Management of course registrations from course leaders and the Heads of Graduate Programme (existing and new)
- Management of the course approval process
- Creating a course in the PhD Course Management System
- Venue bookings (VAB, The Conference Centre and AU Auditoriums)
- Creating a course in Brightspace
- Student and course leader support (answering questions relating to the administrative part of the course)
After a course application deadline the administration takes care of:
- Course seat allocations
- Course leader information
- Catering booking
- Invoicing of participants
At the registration deadline:
GSH reserves the right to cancel a course if the number of registrations is low (less than 5 participants) and it does not align with the budget.
After cancellation deadline the course administration takes care of:
- Sending course leader information (number of final participants, venue, catering etc.)
- Creating survey template – upload of participants' contact information
- Sending course information to participants (venue, programme, list of participants)
When the course has finished, the course administration takes care of:
- Follow-up on attendance registrations and diplomas
- Extract survey and follow-up
- Final financial settlement (both department or directly with course leader)
- Approval of catering invoices