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How to finance a Research Year


To enrol as a Research Year student you need to have the necessary funds for your personal scholarship (12 x 10.000 DKK). You can finance your Research Year the following ways:

  • With a fully financed scholarship from Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF) OR
  • With a fully financed scholarship from The Novo Nordic Foundation (NNF) OR
  • Through external financing from other private and public foundations

Below you find more information about how to finance your Research Year.

Fully financed scholarship from AUFF

On behalf of AUFF, The Graduate School of Health offers a number of fully financed scholarships in the two yearly application rounds. See open calls for enrolment and scholarship.

A fully financed scholarship covers your personal scholarship, and Aarhus University will pay out 12 x 10.000 DKK to you during your Research Year. In addition, the Graduate School of Health transfers an annuum of 10.000 DKK  to your department at AU. 

Fully financed scholarship from NNF

On behalf of  the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Aalborg University, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen and University of Southern Denmark offer scholarships to undergraduate research projects. A number of fully financed scholarships is available in two yearly application rounds administered by University of Southern Denmark.

Please notice that you cannot apply for this scholarship if you have already been granted a scholarship from AUFF in connection with applying for a research year.

A fully financed scholarship from NNF covers your personal scholarship, and Aarhus University will pay out 12 x 10.000 DKK to you during your Research Year. Please notice that NNF does not allow you to have any kind of paid work during the 12 months of receiving this scholarship.

The next application round opens 15 June 2024 for research year projects beginning 1 February 2025 at the earliest, and application deadline is 9 September 2024. For further information, please visit SDU's website, where you will also find the call for applications and guidelines, etc.

Please notice that this is a call for scholarship only. You still have to apply for enrolment (and scholarship) also at the Graduate School of Health in one of the two yearly application rounds. See open calls for enrolment (and scholarship).

Fully external financing

A Research Year can be externally financed by private foundations, in part by the department and/or by a hospital.

If you are applying for external financing of your Research Year project, you need to be aware of project-related costs in addition to your personal scholarship (12 x 10.000 DKK).

Project-related costs include purchase of special equipment, running costs, and travelling for conferences and research stays (if applicable), etc.

Financial statement and payment of scholarship

You need to document that the financing is in place before you can get enrolled, i.e. you need to document that you have funds for your personal scholarship (12 x 10.000 DKK).

Therefore, a financial statement for the entire Research Year is a condition for enrolment and needs to be submitted at the time of application if you apply for enrolment only. If you have applied for both enrolment and scholarship, but do not get the scholarship, you will receive a conditional offer of enrolment including a deadline for documenting full financing. Find "Financial statement" in the right sidebar.

If the scholarship is to be paid out by AU during your Research Year, you also need to submit a “Recommendation for payment of scholarship” together with the financial statement (to be found in the right sidebar).

If you receive a fully financed scholarship from AUFF or NFF (see above), you do not need to submit neither financial statement nor recommendation for payment, as these scholarships are administered by the Graduate School of Health.