Aarhus University Seal


The Graduate School of Health takes part in international collaborations as we want to ensure the highest quality in doctoral training and enhance cross-border collaboration. Learn about the graduate school’s external relations below.

Deakin University, Australia

The Graduate School of Health collaborates with Deakin University via a joint PhD programme (cotutelle in the Australian terminology). The programme provides PhD students from Aarhus and Deakin the opportunity to obtain a PhD degree from both universities after half a year of supervised research at the partner university. Students interested in this opportunity must not be more than 12 months into their PhD programme and must be prepared to meet the standards of both universities.

Deakin University is located in the Melbourne area and has several campuses that are home to four faculties including a Faculty of Health. The university was founded in 1974 and is consistently top-ranked in sport science, nursing, etc.

The Faculty of Health also collaborates with Deakin University on student exchange.

Please contact us for more information on the joint PhD programme.

The NorDoc network – Nordic universities

The Graduate School of Health is a founding member of NorDoc – a Nordic network of doctoral education in health sciences founded in September 2016 in Helsinki.

NorDoc intends to set up joint actions to remove barriers to cross-border collaboration in the Nordic countries, which includes free access for Nordic doctoral candidates to current courses offered by the members of the network. Learn more about the Nordic course collaboration.

NorDoc‘s focus is to support and ensure the highest possible quality in doctoral education in health sciences in the Nordic countries. This is done by initiating, facilitating and intensifying collaboration in all relevant fields for the benefit of Nordic doctoral candidates and their supervisors.

The network is for the first two years coordinated by the Graduate School of Health. 

Learn more about NorDoc and its members at the NorDoc website

Faculty contact persons

Circle U.

Circle U. is a European University Alliance consisting of nine strong partners: King’s College London, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, University of Belgrade, University of Oslo, UCLouvain in Brussels, Université Paris Cité, Università di Pisa, Universität Wien and Aarhus University.

The alliance focuses on education, research, and innovation within the fields of e.g. climate, global health, and democracy.

Via Circle U. PhD students can take part in a wide range of activities aimed at young researchers in order to strengthen their professional competency and become part of a larger network.

Learm more at the Circle U. website.

Medical University of Graz, Austria

The Graduate School of Health collaborates with Medical University of Graz in Austria on knowledge exchange within the field of doctoral education and PhD mobility.

Central to the collaboration is a joint PhD programme enabling PhD students in Graz and Aarhus to achieve a double PhD degree after a year of supervised research at the partner university and a joint assessment meeting the standards of both universities.

Medical University of Graz was established in 2004 and offers international and interdisciplinary PhD programmes in English within Molecular Medicine, Advanced Medical Biomarker Research, Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease, and Molecular Inflammation.

The Faculty of Health also collaborates with Medical University of Graz on medical student exchange.

Learn more about PhD at Medical University Graz.

Please contact us for more information on the joint PhD programme.

Faculty contact persons

Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Helsinki University, Finland

The Graduate School of Health has collaborative relations to the Doctoral School of Health Sciences at Helsinki University based on matters of common interest, including joint courses and student exchange in relation to courses, and to further research collaboration and the development of supervisory resources.

This collaboration enables that PhD students enrolled at the partner institutions are granted access to PhD courses offered by the partner institution free of charge. Also, the two partner institutions – together with several other universities – have established the Nordic network NorDoc.

Another outcome of this collaboration is a joint supervisor survey among supervisors from both schools as a joint initiative to develop supervisory resources.  

Faculty contact persons

Sino-Danish Center (SDC)

SDC is a partnership between all eight Danish universities, University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and the Chinese research institute Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) – China’s largest research institution in science, technology and high-tech innovation founded in 1949.

The aim of the partnership is to promote collaboration and increase mobility of students and researchers between Denmark and China.

SDC activities include Master’s programs, research collaborations, and PhD training. The latter include funding of PhD scholarships and the possibility of obtaining a double PhD degree from the partner university in China or Denmark.

Sino-Danish Center is located at UCAS' Zhongguancun Campus in Beijing.

Useful information

Agreement on a double PhD degree for SDC PhD students with primary enrolment in China

General information about PhD double degrees for SDC PhD students from UCAS

Learn more at the SDC website.


The Graduate School of Health is a member of the Organization for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (ORPHEUS).

ORPHEUS is an association of more than 100 primarily European biomedical and health science faculties committed to developing and disseminating best practice in PhD training. The association works for harmonization and quality assurance, e.g. through the award of the ORPHEUS Label, and promotes bilateral and multilateral networks.

ORPHEUS is an Associate Member of the European University Association - Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE).

Learm more at the ORPHEUS website.

University of São Paulo

The Faculty of Health and the graduate school have extensive collaborations with several research groups and faculties at the University of São Paulo, including:

Faculty agreements on international cooperation have been signed between Faculty of Health and Faculty of Medicine and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Ribeirão Preto. These agreements aim at promoting academic cooperation by allowing for exchange of students and PhD students as well as staff (research, teaching, technical and administrative).

The collaboration include a joint PhD programme allowing PhD students at both universities the opportunity to obtain a double PhD degree after min. 6 months of supervised research at the partner university and meeting the standards of both universities.

To support the strategic collaboration between research groups within the two universities, it has been decided that guest PhD students from USP can participate free of charge in PhD short courses offered by the Graduate School of Health. 

Aarhus University has a university wide student exchange agreement with University of São Paulo enabling Masters' and Bachelor's degree students to follow semester courses and summer schools at the partner university without tuition fees.

Please contact us for more information on the joint PhD programme.

Faculty contact persons