Aarhus University Seal

Application guide

All applications have to be submitted through our online application form.  You find the application form at the page Open Calls.

The online form has to be filled out in one session. It cannot be saved and completed on a later date. It will however stay open for filling out as long as the browser window is open.

Below you can find some information on how to fill in the form.

The online application form

Choosing a GP

When you access the application form, you need to choose the appropriate Graduate Programme (GP) – ClinFO (Departments of Clinical Medicine, Forensic Medicine and Dentistry), Biomedicine or Public Health.

Please choose the GP that reflects the department of your main supervisor.

Main supervisor

There should be one main supervisor affiliated to the Research Year project, and preferably one or two co-supervisors.

Main supervisors must be employed at Faculty of Health at Aarhus University (minimum at associate professor level) during the entire enrolment period.

Co-supervisors need to have a Master’s degree or higher, e.g. be a PhD student (except integrated PhD students on part A).


The online application form must be filled out in English, and all attached documents must also be in English. Please notice that your application will be administratively rejected if you do not comply with our language requirements.


See the list of mandatory attachments below. Attachments mentioned in brackets ( ) are not mandatory for all applicants. Please notice that your application will be administratively rejected if one or more mandatory attachments are missing from your application.

The project description

The project description can be max. five standard pages (2,400 characters incl. spaces per page). Not included in the five pages are: Tables, pictures, front page (if desired), references etc.

The project description has to include a description of the following:

  • Background for the application
  • The project thesis
  • Time schedule for the project
  • The individual parts of the project and their execution in practice
  • Completion of research year, i.e. scientific output (e.g. article, poster presentation, etc.)
  • References (not counted in the five pages)

Other information to consider

In addition to the mandatory attachments you can upload any extra documents in the upload field "Other information to consider".

You can only upload one file - so if you want to include more documents, you need to combine the files into one PDF.

Financial statement

The financial statement is only a mandatory part of the application if you apply for enrolment only.

Mandatory attachments

Attachments with links have forms which have to be used.

If applying for enrolment only:

• Project description max. 5 standard pages (2,400 characters incl. spaces per page)*
• Financial statement
• Main supervisor statement 
• Transcript of records (+Bachelor's diploma if achieved)
• CV
• Motivation for applying for a Research Year 
• (Co-supervisor statement(s))
• (A listing of PhD courses you plan to participate in, during your Research Year)

If applying for both enrolment and scholarship:

• Project description  max. 5 standard pages (2,400 characters incl. spaces per page)*
• Main supervisor statement 
• Transcript of records (+Bachelor's diploma if achieved)
• CV 
• Motivation for applying for a Research Year and funding
• Documentation (receipts or refusals) of submitted applications for other foundations
• (Co-supervisor statement(s)
• (A listing of PhD courses you plan to participate in, during your research year)

* The project description has to include a description of the following:

Background for the application, the project thesis, time schedule, the individual parts of the project and their execution in practice,  completion of research year, i.e. scientific output (e.g. article, poster presentation, etc.) and references.

The project description can be  max. 5 standard pages (2,400 characters incl. spaces per page). Not included in the five pages are: tables, pictures, front page (if desired), references etc.