The supervisor course aims to inspire better supervision e.g. by discussing dilemmas in supervision and working with methods to match expectations, structure the process, provide feedback etc.
Another aim of the supervisor course is to ensure that supervisors have updated knowledge about the rules of the PhD programme and the faculty's guidelines in this area.
The course is offered twice a year.
We look forward to welcoming you at the course!
The dates for the supervisor courses in 2025 and 2026:
Spring 2025:
Wednesday 5 February 2025
Tuesday 4 March 2025
(Participation in both days is mandatory)
Fall 2025:
Tuesday 9 September 2025
Tuesday 7 October 2025
(Participation in both days is mandatory)
Thursday 22 January
Thursday 19 February
(Participation in both days is mandatory)
Wednesday 9 September
Wednesday 7 October
(Participation in both days is mandatory)
The course offer in PhD Course Management is not completely ready yet. The link for the courses will be posted here on this site as soon as possible. Or you can keep updated on PhD Course management.
It is mandatory for all new main supervisors (experience up to four PhD students) at Faculty of Health to complete the supervisor course "PhD Supervision". The course must be completed within two years from your first supervisor obligations.
The course is not mandatory if:
However, we do welcome all main supervisors at the course. The main supervisor tasks include both project specific tasks and a responsibility for the entire PhD programme. Therefore, we expect the main supervisor to be familiar with the Danish PhD Order ("Ph.d.-bekendtgørelsen"), and to know the faculty specific regulations regarding PhD education - elements that will be taught at the course "PhD Supervision".
Find more information and sign up for the course in PhD Course Management. Search "PhD Supervision".
The workload of full participation in the course is about 60 hours including three days of participation (the three modules), participation in group work, individual reading and out-of-class activities, and a concluding assignment.
Approval of the course participation presupposes full participation, participation in group work, and handing in a concluding assignment.
A maximum of 20% absence in the course modules due to own or child’s illness or the like is acceptable.