Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence: Kamilla Truong

Medial Branch Nerve Denervation by Cryoneurolysis and Radiofrequency in Patients with Facetogenic Chronic Low Back Pain

Info about event


Monday 6 May 2024,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Conference room G206-122, Aarhus University Hospital, Entrance G

On Monday 6 May at 14.00, Kamilla Truong defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Medial Branch Nerve Denervation by Cryoneurolysis and Radiofrequency in Patients with Facetogenic Chronic Low Back Pain".

Low back pain affects 577 million people globally, with 5–10% developing a chronic disorder, defined as persistent or fluctuating pain for more than three months. In most cases of chronic low back pain, the facet joints are the source of pain. The medial branch nerve innervates the facet joints and has been a target for radiofrequency denervation for decades as pain management. Cryoneurolysis is an alternative method. In this PhD project, 120 patients were randomized 1:1:1 for denervation of the medial branch nerve by either cryoneurolysis, radiofrequency denervation, or placebo with an add-on of post-procedural physical therapy and long-term follow-up of 12 months to assess the effect of radiofrequency denervation and cryoneurolysis on impression of change, pain intensity, function, and quality of life compared with placebo.

The summary is written by the PhD student. 

The defence is public and takes place in conference room G206-122, Aarhus University Hospital, Entrance G. Please see the press release for more information. 


PhD student Kamilla Truong
Mail: Kamilla.truong@clin.au.dk 
Phone:+45 4232 1578

Read full press release