Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence: Mathias Kaas Ollendorff

Molecular studies of the synaptic receptors LAR, SorCS2 and NRXN1β

Info about event


Friday 24 May 2024,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Lille Anatomisk Auditorium, Aarhus University

On Friday 24 May at 14.00, Mathias Kaas Ollendorff defends his PhD dissertation entitled "Molecular studies of the synaptic receptors LAR, SorCS2 and NRXN1β".

Synapses are the primary site of communication between neurons and dynamic changes in their molecular machinary is responsible for learning and memory and their dyregulation can cause development of psychiatric and neurological disorders.

This PhD thesis studied the synaptic receptors LAR, SorCS2 and NRXN1β that are strongly associated to psychiatric disorders. Using genetic insights from patients diagnosed with such disorders, we show that key functions of the synaptic adhesion receptor LAR are perturbed by missense variation. Additionally, screening of a library of synaptic receptors revealed that SorCS2 preferentially interacts with NRXNβs and by using computational structural biology and biophysical assays, we determine the NRXN1β-SorCS2 interaction site. The thesis has provided novel insights to the functional roles of these synaptic receptors as well as their potential role in the molecular basis of psychiatric disorders.

The summary is written by the PhD student.

The defence is public and takes place in Lille Anatomisk Auditorium, Aarhus University. Please see the press release for more information. 


PhD student Mathias Kaas Ollendorff
Mail: mko@biomed.au.dk 
Phone: (+45) 20964926

Read full press release