Aarhus University Seal

PhD defence: Anne Kraushaar Martensen

Gastrointestinal electrical stimulation as prevention of postoperative ileus

Info about event


Thursday 20 March 2025,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Auditorium G206-142, Aarhus University Hospital

On Thursday 20 March at 14:00, Anne Kraushaar Martensen defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Gastrointestinal electrical stimulation as prevention of postoperative ileus".

Postoperative ileus is a commen condition following major abdominal surgery. Up to 50% of patients undergoing advanced cancer surgery experience postoperative ileus. In patients, it manifests as nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and delayed passage of stool and flatus, lasting 4-5 days , sometimes longer. Postoperative ileus increases the risk of other complications such as infectious comlications, tromboembolic complications and poor wound healing. Despite extensive research regarding treatments of the condition, no consistently effective solution has been found. A new ph.d- project from Aarhus University, Health, has investigated if electrical stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract using a pacemaker, can help prevent postoperative ileus.

The summary is written by the PhD student.

The defence is public and takes place in Auditorium G206-142, Aarhus University Hospital. Please see the press release for more information. 


PhD student Anne Kraushaar Martensen
Mail: anmate@rm.dk
Phone: (+45) 28716343

Read full press release