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PhD defence: Cecilie Blenstrup Patsche

The interaction between malnutrition and tuberculosis in Guinea-Bissau

Info about event


Wednesday 18 September 2024,  at 13:00 - 15:00


Samfundsmedicinsk Auditorium (building 1262), Aarhus University

On Wednesday 18 September at 13.00, Cecilie Blenstrup Patsche defends her dissertation entitled "Nutritional Challenges in Tuberculosis Care in Guinea-Bissau".

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that is especially prevalent in low-income countries, where poverty and crowded living conditions contribute to disease transmission. Although tuberculosis can be cured with antibiotics, it is estimated that over 10 million people develop tuberculosis, and over 1 million people die from tuberculosis every year worldwide.

Malnutrition, especially undernutrition, is a well-known risk factor for developing tuberculosis. An insufficient intake of energy, protein, and micronutrients, weakens the immune system and thereby increases the risk of developing tuberculosis. Malnutrition may be a result of food insecurity in low-income countries. Furthermore, tuberculosis disease causes malnutrition through various disease-specific effects on the body. It is often difficult to ascertain which comes first - malnutrition or tuberculosis - and which makes the other worse.

The West African country Guinea-Bissau is one of the poorest countries in the world. It has a high prevalence of both food insecurity and tuberculosis. The Ph.d. project explores the relationships between malnutrition and tuberculosis in Guinea-Bissau, and examines if a combined treatment of both malnutrition and tuberculosis is beneficial to patients.

The summary is written by the PhD student. 

The defence is public and takes place in Samfundsmedicinsk Auditorium (building 1262), Aarhus University. Please see the press release for more information. 


PhD student Cecilie Blenstrup Patsche
Mail: patsche@ph.au.dk  
Phone: 28737792

Read full press release