Rethinking Global Health
Join the the Circle U. summer school “Rethinking Global Health”. Travel grants are available. Application deadline 28 February.

Summer school at PhD level in Paris from 30 June to 5 July 2025.
The summer school will offer an engaging mix of lectures delivered by both academic experts and professionals, insightful short talks by alumni of previous Summer Schools, group works, social events related to global health, and scenario-based approaches.
Why should you participate?
- Improve your understanding of how your research interacts with global health issues
- Understand the importance of contextualizing global health
- Develop critical thinking skills in global health
- Enhance teamwork and interpersonal skills
- Connect with leading professors, clinicians, NGOs and build networks with European peers
- Engage with a team of interdisciplinary scholars from around the world
Find more information about the Summer School and sign up. Registration deadline is 28 February.
Travel grants
Students from AU who participate in the summer school are automatically offered an Erasmus travel scholarship (see above website).
Expenses for travel and accomedation that are not covered by the Eramus scholarship can be covered by means from GSH if you are enrolled as a PhD student when the summer school takes place: PhD students from Health can apply for a travel grant from GSH, find the rules here.
Applications for support should include documentation that you have been accepted for the summer school and be submitted no later than 1 June 2025.
Please note, in order to receive ECTS credits for an external course (all courses not included in PhD course Management), you must apply the graduate school for approval of the given course.
This applies for the Circle U. summer school as well.
Circle U.
Aarhus University is part of the university alliance Circle U. together with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom), Université de Paris (France), University of Belgrade (Serbia), University of Louvain (Belgium) and University of Oslo (Norway).
The aim is to combine expertise and common interests to build a European University that is inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary. You can read more about Circle U. here.