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SPARK Denmark – a unique partnership between universities and industry. Do you have a life science related invention you think might be turned into an…
Next GRASPH Summer School will be 13-14 May 2025
The Graduate School of Health now accepts applications for screening grants for international potential PhD students to be used in 2024
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Locus coeruleus: The master switch for brain health?
Postpartum depression: How does personal, family, and partner psychiatric history influence risk?
Investigation of EGLN1 and LRP2 as molecular targets for cancer therapy
Page 3 of 5.
Find information about funding and practicalities if you are planning on doing your change of research environment abroad.
Get an overview of useful links to information and ressources at Health and Aarhus University that can support your well-being during your PhD studies.
Health offers graduate programmes within Biomedicine, Clinical Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Odontology and Public Health.
The GSH is closed on the following days: