The external courses below have already been pre-approved. Therefore, you do not need to get them pre-approved before attending. However, you do still need to apply for approval of the external course when you have attended.
Course title | Responsible institution and location | Year |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2012 |
Laboratory Animal Science, FELASA category B | Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2012 |
TBNET academy 2013 | Tubercolosis Network European Trialsgroup, Moldova | 2013 |
1st European Cardio Thoracic Transplant Association Meeting | Budapest, Hungary | 2014 |
2nd GEC-ESTRO Workshop | Belgium | 2014 |
5th International Course in Nutritional Epidemiology | Imperial College, London, UK | 2014 |
6th International Workshop on Advances in Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Bone Disease | St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK | 2014 |
9th Course in Infectious Diseases and Global Health | Myanmar | 2014 |
14th Course in Neuroimmunology from the European School of Neuroimmunology | Mainz, Germany | 2014 |
17th Prague Workshop on Catheter Ablation | Prag, Czech Republic | 2014 |
27th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology | Florence, Italy | 2014 |
Academic English | Aarhus University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Denmark | 2014 |
Access 2010/2013 Grundlæggende | Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, Denmark | 2014 |
Acquisition Strategies for Hyberpolarised Spin Systems: Spactral, Spatial and temporal | Lyngby, Denmark | 2014 |
Advanced Clinical Epidemiology | DCE Summer School, Ebeltoft, Denmark | 2014 |
Advanced Computer Aided Modeling | Technical University of Denmark | 2014 |
Advanced Epidemiology and Regression Modeling S12.4 | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
Advanced Statistic and Data Minig Summer School | Dipartimento de inteligencia artificial - universidad politecnica de Madrid, Spain | 2014 |
Advanced Statistical Analysis of Epidemiological Studies | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Advanced Structural Biology | Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark | 2014 |
Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia | Oberlech, Austria | 2014 |
Advanvced Brachytherapy Physics | ESTRO School | 2014 |
Ageing Muscle: Size, Signalling, and Satellite Cells | Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences, Denmark | 2014 |
Aktionsforskning - forskning, der fremmer og tager del i forandringsprocesser | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
Analysis of Genome Data | Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Analysis of Repeated Measurements in Medical Research | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Angst og depression - rationel diagnostik og behandling | Institute for Rational Pharmacotherapy (IRF), Odense, Denmark | 2014 |
Animal Management and Welfare course | Oxford University Biomedical Services, UK | 2014 |
Anti-thrombotic Therapy Update 2014 | European Heart House, Sophia-Antipolis, France | 2014 |
Applied Mediation Analysis | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Applied Regression for Clinical Research | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2014 |
Applied Survey Design Methods | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark | 2014 |
Artery Disease - from Basic Biological Research through better Understanding to Improved Prevention and Treatment | The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in the Metabolic Syndrome | University of Southern Denmark, Nyborg, Denmark | 2014 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology | Istanbul, Turkey | 2014 |
Basic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia | Aarhus University Hospital, NBG, Denmark | 2014 |
Bayesian Cognitive Modeling | Interactive Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Bayesian Cognitive Modeling | Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society, Denmark | 2014 |
Bioinformatics for Microbiology | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Bioinformatics Tools for Microbiology | Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Biological Basis of Personalized Radiation Oncology (ESTRO) | Brussels, Belgium | 2014 |
Biomarkers in Hematology | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
Biomarkers in Hematology | Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark | 2014 |
BioNANOtools | iNANO Center, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Body Diffusion Weighted MRI: From theory to practice | ESMRMB | 2014 |
Brain Prize Meeting | Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark | 2014 |
Business Course for Industrial PhD students | Danish Technical University (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark | 2014 |
Cardiac Arrhythmia | Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Cardiotoxicity in Cancer Survivors | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer | Nordic CRPC camp 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Cerebral Blood Flow and Energy Metabolism | Panum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Classical Methods in Data Analysis | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Clinical Evaluation of Drug Products | Faculty of Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Clinical Research | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | 2014 |
Clinical Research and Epidemiology | EADV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Coronary Physiology in the Catherization Laboratory | European Society of Cardiology, Nice, France | 2014 |
Course in Andrological Endocrinology | Hammershusgade 11, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Current Advances in Treatment Planning and Optimisation | Wien, Austria | 2014 |
Current Advances in Treatment Planning and Optimisation | Wien, Austria | 2014 |
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2014 | Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2014 |
DEG Week Postgraduate Teaching | Vienna, Austria | 2014 |
Den professionelle dermatolog og infektioner i huden | Gentofte Hospital, København, Denmark | 2014 |
Dermatokirurgi og tumorer i huden. Strålehygiejne | Bispebjerg Hospital, Københavns Universitet, Danmark | 2014 |
ECTS PhD Training Course | St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK | 2014 |
EEG in the Diagnosis and Management of Epilepsy | ILAE - International League Against Epilepsy | 2014 |
Effective Speaking | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Efteruddannelseskursus i Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi | Domus Medica, København, Denmark | 2014 |
Electron Microscopy | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Empowerment in Contemporary Health Maindal | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Environmental Hazards - Risk Assesment and Communication | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Epidemiologic Principles & Methods | Rome, Italy | 2014 |
EPSEN Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism | Karolinska University, Stockholm, Sweden | 2014 |
ESTRO IGRT Course | Brussels, Belgium | 2014 |
ESTRO Survival Analysis in Medical Research | Odense, Denmark | 2014 |
European Paedeatric Life Support, Provider Coruse | Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Evidence-Based Medicine | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
ExCyte Flow Cytometry Boot Camp | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Experimental Microsurgical Techniques | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
FELASA kategori B kursus i dyreforsøgskundskab | AMU | 2014 |
FreeSurfer Course | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Frontiers in Cell Toxicology Testing | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Foundation Echocardiography | Moat House Hotel, Stoke on Trent, UK | 2014 |
Getting your PhD on Track | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Clinical School of Hepatology: "Course 22: Cholestatic Liver Disease" | European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), School of Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Glycobiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Good Clinical Practice | GCP-enhedens lokaler, Olof Palmes Alle 15, Aarhus N, Denmark | 2014 |
Histological Preparation and Evaluation - PhD Course 2014 | Ortopædisk Forskningslab, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
Hope in the Making | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
How to Design and Perform your Clinical Studies in Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology | Tübingen, Germany | 2014 |
How to Use and Interpret Large Datasets from Emerging - Omics-based Technologies | Forskningens Hus, Aalborg Hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
How to Write High Impact Papers and what to do when your Manuscript gets Rejected | The Graduate School at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Håndbold Symposium | Aalborg, Denmark | 2014 |
Image-Guided Radiotherapy in Chemotherapy in Genaecological Cancer - Focus on Adaptive Brachytherapy | Florence, Italy | 2014 |
Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice | Brussels, Belgium | 2014 |
Imese Suided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy | Florence, Italy | 2014 |
Immunology of Infectious Diseases | London, UK | 2014 |
Implementation Science in Healthcare | Radboud Summer School, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Infection Microbiology (Modul A og B) | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Inklusion og eksklusion i uddannelsessystemet | Aalborg Universitet, Denmark | 2014 |
Innate and Apaptive Immunity - Cutting Edge Knowledge | Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2014 |
Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism | ESPEN, Stockholm, Sweden | 2014 |
International Liver Congress 2014 | London, UK | 2014 |
Interneutron Summer School | Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Introduction to Nutritional Metabolomics | Department of Nutrition, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Introduction to QTL Mapping | Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil | 2014 |
Introduction to Quantitative Methods - Methods III | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methodology | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Introduktionsuddannelse i Acceptance and Commitment Therapy | Aarhus Universitets hospital - Research Clinic for Functional Disorders and Psychosomatics, Denmark | 2014 |
Introkursus i akut abdominal ultralydskanning herunder FAST og E-FAST skanning | Rigshospitalet, Radiologisk afd. 4122 | 2014 |
In-vivo Dosimetry Seminar | Belgium | 2014 |
Kvalitative metoder | Aalborg Universitet, Denmark | 2014 |
Kursus i arbejdsmarkedsstatistik | Danmarks Statistik, Denmark | 2014 |
Kursus i molekylærbiologi i klinisk biokemi | Vejle Center Hotel, Danmark | 2014 |
Laboratory Animal Science | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Laboratory Animal Science, Category B | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Laboratory Animal Science, Part I | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Ledelsesudvikling for speciallæger med ledertalent | Region Midtjylland, Danmark | 2014 |
Lipids and Atherosclerosis | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
MCMC for Genetics | Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil | 2014 |
Mech-Sense Seminar | Dronninglund Castle, Denmark | 2014 |
Mecical Imaging Summer School - Medical Imaging meets Computer Vision | MISS, Favignana, Italy | 2014 |
Medicinal Polymer Chemistry | Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
MEG Analysis with FieldTrip and MNE | Karolinska Instituttet, Stockholm, Sweden | 2014 |
Microbial Specialised Metabolites: Origins and Applications | IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia | 2014 |
Microsurgery and Advanced Techniques in Experimental Animals | Panum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Microtechniques to Measure Fluride, Calcium, and pH in Biofilm Fluid Microsamples and in Whole Bioiolms | University of Campinas, Piraciaba, SP, Brazil | 2014 |
Mixed Methods Research Design - Advanced | Aalborg University Hospital Psychiatric Hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
Mixed Models in Quantitative Genetics | Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil | 2014 |
MR-Grundkursus for radiografer og sygeplejersker | Koncern HR, Center for kompetenceudvikling, Aarhus | 2014 |
MR Workshop | Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark | 2014 |
Muscle and Matrix throughout the Body: Similarities and Heterogeneity | Comwell, Snekkersten, Denmark | 2014 |
NAMABIO Traning School, 3rd Course | Zagreb, Croatia | 2014 |
National Annual PhD Course in Oncology/Hematology in Denmark | Hotel Nyborg Strand, Nyborg, Denmark | 2014 |
NCAP 2014 - Evolving New Technology in Computed Tomography | Helsinki, Finland | 2014 |
Network and Pathway Analysis of Omics Data | Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil | 2014 |
Neuroanatomy of the Laboratory Animal | Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Neurofysiologisk kursus | Aarhus University hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
Neuroinflammation: Molecular Principles and Translational Approach | Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, Firenze, Italy | 2014 |
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis | Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Osteoporosis and Other Metabolic Bone Diseases | Oxford, UK | 2014 |
Paediatric Dermatology | Barcelona, Spain | 2014 |
Patentkursus | Danmarks Teknisk Universitet (DTU) | 2014 |
Pathway to Therapy and Prevention | Tivoli Center Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Pathophysiological-based Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes | Danish Diabetes Academy, OUH, Denmark | 2014 |
PET Tracer Pharmacokinetics and Data Analysis Procedures | VU medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Ph.d.-netværksdag | Hindsgavl slot, Middelfart, Danmark | 2014 |
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Introduction to Teaching: Focus on Large Groups | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK | 2014 |
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Introduction to Teaching: Focus on Small Groups | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK | 2014 |
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Research Information Skills 1: Subject Specific Skills | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK | 2014 |
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Systematic Literature Reviews | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK | 2014 |
Philips Pulse Programming Course | ETH, Zürich, Switzerland | 2014 |
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy | Madrid, Spain | 2014 |
Planning a Randomized Clinical trial | Odense University Hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
Practical Diabetology | Schæffergården, Gentofte, Denmark | 2014 |
Practical Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis | Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Gastrosenteret, Trondheim, Norway | 2014 |
PRE Congress Course 13th Cuman Proteome Organization World Congress | Madrid, Spain | 2014 |
Pre-PhD Course | Institute of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Principles in Light and Confocal Microscopy | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Principles in Statistical Genetics | Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil | 2014 |
Professional Communication | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
Project Management | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Project Management and Interpersonal Skills | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
Publicering af forskningsartikler på engelsk | Københavns Universitet, Danmark | 2014 |
Publishing Research Articles in English | University of Copenhagen (Aarhus), Denmark | 2014 |
Quantitative Genetics | Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil | 2014 |
Quantitative Methods in Radiation Oncology: Models, Trials, and Clinical Outcomes | Brussels, Belgium | 2014 |
Quantitative Research Methods: An Introductory Guide for Clinicans | Department of Clinical Medicine, Health, Aalborg University/Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
Questionaries in Clinical and Public Health Research: Development, Validation and Evaluation | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
The Randomized Clinical Trial for Surgical and Complex Interventions | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Tonomety - Theory and Practice | Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Australia | 2014 |
Register Based Epidemiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Register Based Epidemiology | University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
R-Workshop | Department of Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2014 |
Safty and Risks of Engineered Nanomaterial (ENM) | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
SASP Nordic PhD Course in Pain Research | STAMI, Oslo, Norway | 2014 |
SCAN Training Course | Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, Denmark | 2014 |
Science Teaching Module 1: Introduction | Graduate School of Science and Technology, GSST, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Science Teaching Module 2a: Teaching in Context: Instruction | Graduate School of Science and Technology, GSST, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
SCOPE School 2014 | Charles Darwin House, London, UK | 2014 |
Signal Processing for Neuroscientists: Introduction to the Analysis of Physiological Data | University of Copenhagen, Panum-Frederiksen, Denmark | 2014 |
Signal Proteins Related to Diet and Exercise | University of Oslo, Norway | 2014 |
Simulation as a Teaching Tool: Instructor Course | Havard University, Center for Medical Simulation, NYsim, USA | 2014 |
Simulation Intructor Training: Simulation as a Teaching Tool | New York - Simulation Center for the Health Science, USA | 2014 |
Simulatorinstruktørkursus | INCUBA, Skejby, Danmark | 2014 |
SOL 1 - Generelt obligatorisk kursus i sundhedsvæsenets organisation og ledelse | Scandic Hotel Silkeborg, Danmark | 2014 |
Spatial Statistics and Data Processing | Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark | 2014 |
Stata Summer School 2014: Survival Analysis | Stockholm, Sweden | 2014 |
Statistics in Medicine | Stanford University, Online | 2014 |
Statistical Analysis of Survival Data for Biostatical/Statistical PhD-Students | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Stimulus Delivery for Neuroscience and Psychophysics: A Psychopy Course | CFIN, Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus, Denmark | 2014 |
Structure and Function of Small Arteries in Health and Disease: And Introductory Course | Poiano Resort, Italy | 2014 |
Summer School Advanced Epidemiology | Ebeltoft Strand, Ndr. Strandvej 3, Denmark | 2014 |
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism | Sinatur Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Funen, Denmark | 2014 |
Survival Analysis in Medical Research | Graduate School of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark | 2014 |
Survival Analysis Using Stata | Stata Summer School, Stockholm, Sweden | 2014 |
Symposium on the Single Ventricle Patient | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
The Brain Prize Meeting 2014 | Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark | 2014 |
The Business Course for Industrial PhD Students | Technical University of Denmark | 2014 |
The European Academy of Nursing Science, Summer School | Rennes, France | 2014 |
The Neuroanatomy of the Laboratory Animal | Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
The Single Ventricle Patient | Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
The Textures of Time | Department of Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience 2014 | Nijmegen, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Treatment of Symptoms Caused by Neuro-Gastro and Mobility Disorders | Tivoli hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Tværfagligt vulva-kursus | Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark | 2014 |
Two Day Flow Cytometry Boot Camp (ExCyte Expert Cytometry) | Bartholin Building, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2014 |
UU1/UU2 Kursus i endokrinologi | Vejle Centerhotel, Danmark | 2014 |
Vakdidactiek Biomedische, Gezondheids- en revalidatiewetenschappen or Didactics in Biomedical, health and rehabilitation sciences | Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie, The Netherlands | 2014 |
Varian Developer Workshop 2,0 | Austin, Texas, USA | 2014 |
Vascular Function and Angiogenesis in Health and Lifestyle related disease | Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Virtopsy Course | University of Zürich, Switzerland | 2014 |
World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2014 |
Wyatt Light Scattering university (MALS) | Wyatt Technology Europe GmbH, Germany | 2014 |
Øjenforskertræf 2014 | Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2014 |
Øvre gastrointestinale cancer - sygdomme | Dansk Kirurgisk Selskab | 2014 |
Årsmøde for forskeruddannelsesprogrammerne i onkologi/hæmatologi i Danmark | Aarhus Universitet (Nyborg Strand) | 2014 |
Immunofluorescense - Laboratory Course | Øjenafdelingen J, NBG, Aarhus, Danmark | 2014 |
Writing in Sciences | Stanford University, Online | 2014 |
1-Projektstyring, Projektledelse for ph.D.-studerende | Syddansk Universitet, Danmark | 2015 |
3-Projektledelse - Projektledelse for ph.d.-studerende | Syddansk Universitet, Danmark | 2015 |
3rd GEC-ESTRO Workshops | Brussels, Belgium | 2015 |
3-dages grundkursus i mentoring | Rådgivnings- og Støtteenheden, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark | 2015 |
3 PMOD Training Courses; Basic Application Course - Small Animal Image Processing Course - PMOD Statistics Course. | Zürich, Switzerland | 2015 |
3 PMOD Training Courses; Basic Application Course - Small Animal Image Processing Course - PMOD Statistics Course. | Zürich, Switzerland | 2015 |
3 PMOD Training Courses; Basic Application Course - Small Animal Image Processing Course - PMOD Statistics Course. | Zürich, Switzerland | 2015 |
4D Radiotherapy - from 4D-imaging to 4D- dose Delivery and Verification | Barcelona, Spain | 2015 |
4th Nordic University Research Course: Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. From Genes, Fetal Programming and Microbiota through Hypertension and T2D to organ Damage and Cardiovascular Disease | Schæffergården, Gentofte, Denmark | 2015 |
8th Course in Operative Paediatric Urology | Leeds general infirmary, UK | 2015 |
13th ESCMID Summer School | Sigtuna, Sweden | 2015 |
18th workshop of Vitamin D | Delft, Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 2015 |
28th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology | European Educational Programme in Epidemiology, Florence, Italy | 2015 |
32nd Microelectrode Techniques for Cell Physiology Workshop | The Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, UK | 2015 |
38th Annual Research Course in Flow Cytometry | New Mexico, Mexico | 2015 |
Academic English | Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Academic Writing - PhD Course in the Preparation of Scientific Papers | Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Accessing Biomedical Big Data | Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA | 2015 |
Adaptive Brachytherapy | Barcelona, Spain | 2015 |
Advanced Epidemiology and Regression Modeling | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Advanced Life Support - ALS | INCUBA Skejby, Denmark | 2015 |
Advanced Reations in Organic Chemistry | Department of chemistry, Arhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Advanced Social Epidemiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Advanced Statistical Analysis of Epidemiological Studies | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Advanced Statistical Topics and Environmental Epidemiology | Florence, Italy | 2015 |
Advanced Treatment Planning | Lisabon, Portugal | 2015 |
Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia | Oberlech, Austria | 2015 |
Advanced Workshop - Fieldtrip Toolbox | Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Advances in Epidemiologic Analysis | Netherlands Institute for Health Science | 2015 |
Alpha-Synuclein: The Gateway to Parkinsonism | Innsbruck, Austria | 2015 |
Alzheimer's Disease and other Neurodegenerative Dementias | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Annual PhD Course in Oncology and Haematology | Hotel Nyborg Strand, Denmark | 2015 |
Aortic Valve Repair Summit 2015 | Bruxelles University, Belgium | 2015 |
Arktisk Sundhedsforskning. Forskningsmetoder i en lille population og forskningsmiljøer i Grønland og Danmark | Ilisimatusarfik (Grønlands Universitet), Nuuk, Grønland | 2015 |
Assessing Risks and Benefits of Treatments: Methodological Issues | Ebeltoft, Denmark | 2015 |
A-kursus i neuroradiologi | Neuroradiologisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital | 2015 |
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in the Metabolic Syndrome (A1) | Nyborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Basal Metabolism - Danish Diabetes Academi | Nyborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Basal Statistik | Københavns Universitet, Samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, Danmark | 2015 |
Basalt kursus i dyreforsøgskundskab | Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark | 2015 |
Basic Aerobiology | Rzeszow, Poland | 2015 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology (ESTRO course) | Brussels, Belgium | 2015 |
Basic Kinetic Modeling in Molecular Imaging | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Biomechanics and Motor Control in Exercise Physiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
BioSAXS Tutorial Day | iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Brachytherapi and Metabolic Therapy | University of Catania, Italy | 2015 |
Brain Development and Cognition in Adolescence | Danish Psychological Association, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Calcium and Calcium Metabolic Diseases | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
Cambridge Diabetes Seminar | University of Cambridge, MRC, UK | 2015 |
Cardiocascular Disease in Diabetes | Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark | 2015 |
Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetic Patients - an Endo-Cardiological Challenge | Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark | 2015 |
Clinical and Operative Neuropelveology | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Clinical and Research Applications of Diagnostic Imaging Techniques: MR, PET, SPECT, CT, and ultrasound | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Clinical Database and Registries | Clinical Research Infrastructure (Procrin), Comwell Aarhus, Denmark | 2015 |
Clinical Epidemiology Summer School | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Clinical Research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Clinical Trials towards P3 Medicine - with Focus on Metabolic Diseases | Lund University, Sweden | 2015 |
Clinimetrics Part 1 | University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
Cohort studies | Erasmus Summer Programme | 2015 |
Computational Methods in Radiotherapy & Imaging MDPH - 704 | McGill Universuty, Montreal, Canada | 2015 |
Computing with Data Using R | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Cone Beam CT kursus | Marselis Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark | 2015 |
Controversis in Hypertension | Klarskovgård, Korsør, Denmark | 2015 |
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2015 | Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Danish Diabetes Academy Winter School 2015: Diabetes Complications - from Basic to Clinical Science | Malaga, Spain | 2015 |
DASAIM | København | 2015 |
Data Storage in Clinical Settings | University of Catania, Italy | 2015 |
Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation | University of York, UK | 2015 |
Design and Conduct of Randomized Clinical Trials | Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA | 2015 |
Development of Radiotherapy | University of Catania. Italy | 2015 |
Diabetes Research: Methodology in Theory and in Practice | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Diabetic Retinopathy - Lessons from Benchside and Clinic Educational Course | Denver, USA | 2015 |
Drug Delivery | Aarhus University | 2015 |
ECTS PhD Training Course 2015 | Siena, Italien | 2015 |
Eden Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Design | The S-Building, Fuglsangs Allé, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Educational Programme on Transplant Virology, ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course | Lausanne, Switzerland | 2015 |
EMPO Practical Course on Metabolomics | European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK | 2015 |
Endagskursus i Calcium- og Calcium-metaboliske sygdomme | Aarhus Universitetshospital | 2015 |
Endoskopisk behandling af øvre bi-blødning | Aalborg Universitetshospital | 2015 |
Epidemiology I: Planning a Study | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
ESTRO: Cancer Survivorship | Brussels, Belgium | 2015 |
ESTRO: Particle Therapy | Paris, France | 2015 |
Ethics in Dementia Care | Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium | 2015 |
Ethnographic Methods and Practice | LSE, London UK | 2015 |
European Academy of Nursing Science Summer School for Doctorial Studies. First, second and thirds year | 1. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2. Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3. School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain | 2015 |
European Association of Neurological Societies, Intraoperative Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery: The Essentials | University of Verona, Italy | 2015 |
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology | Florence, Italy | 2015 |
Evidence-Based Assesment of New Imaging Techniques | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 2015 |
Evolutionary Medicine and Development of Respiratory Disease | Borstel, Germany | 2015 |
Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Data Interpretation | Technical University of Denmark | 2015 |
Exploring RNA biology using bioinformatic tools and the UCSC genome browser | University of Copenhagen and University of Santa Cruz, California, USA | 2015 |
Exploring the Human Connectome | Utrecht Summer School, Utrecht, The Netherlands | 2015 |
FSL Course 2015 | Oxford Center for Functional MRI of the Brain, Hawaii, USA | 2015 |
From Research Idea to Scientific Paper in Public Health | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Frontiers in Reproduction - Molecular and Cellular Concepts and Applications | Marine Biological Laboratory, Woodshole, MA, USA | 2015 |
Fundementals of Biostatistics | Harvard University | 2015 |
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Fundraising Course | Danish Diabetes Academy, Odens University Hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
Få øje på noget du ikke troede var muligt i din empiri | Syddansk Universitet | 2015 |
General Toxicology (online) | Utrecht University, Maastricht University, VU University Amsterdam, Wageningen University, Leidin University, University of Groningen, University of Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen (Postgraduate Education in Toxicology) | 2015 |
Get your Paper Published | University of Sydney, Australia | 2015 |
Good Clinical Practice | The GCP-Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
GRASPH Summer School | Comwell, Korsør, Denmark | 2015 |
Hallmarks of Cancer: Course of Tumor Biology | Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Hammersmith Echocardiology course | Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK | 2015 |
Hard Work and Creativity Qualitative Analysis | SFI Copgenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Hospital Infomation Systems | University of Catnia, Italy | 2015 |
Hypertension and Organ Target - how to do | Odense, Denmark | 2015 |
Interpretation of Animal Stress Response | Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Interview praksis - Workshop for ph.d.-studerende | Sektion for sygepleje, Aarhus Universitet | 2015 |
Introduction to Forensic Toxicology | Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduction to Nvivo | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Health Science | University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methodology (Methods II) | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methodology (Methods III) | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduction to Scale Validation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduction to Medical Science and Technology Studies | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Introduktion til Rønten og Nuklear medicinske metoder samt billedbehandling | Institut for ingeniørvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet | 2015 |
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Survival data | Erasmus Summer Programme | 2015 |
Klinisk biokemisk onkologi | Vejle Centerhotel | 2015 |
Kursus i perfusion og extrakorporal cirkulation | Klinisk Institut, Aarhus Universitetshospital | 2015 |
Kursus i praktisk insulinpumpebehandling | Hvidovre Hospital | 2015 |
Kursus i udvikling af kliniske retningslinjer (GRADE) | Aalborg Universitet | 2015 |
Kvalitative metoder | Aalborg Universitet | 2015 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Laboratory Animal Science - part I | Odense University Hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
Laboratory Animal Science - part II | Odense University Hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
Laboratory Animal Science, Category B | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Life Technologies Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Instrument and Applications Training | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
Limitations for Human Exercise Performance | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Logistic Regression | Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences | 2015 |
Machine Learning Summer School | Computer Science Department - University of Texas at Austin, USA | 2015 |
Master Class Metastatic Prostate Cancer | Gustave Roussy, Paris, France | 2015 |
MCMC for Genetics | Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA | 2015 |
Medical Image Formation | University of Utrecht, Holland | 2015 |
Medical Writing Course 1 | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Medietræning for forskere | Victor Albeck bygningen, Aarhus Universitet | 2015 |
Medietræning på Health | Health, Aarhus Universitet | 2015 |
Mendelian Randomization | Cambridge, UK | 2015 |
Method Comparison, Reliability, and Agreement | Forskningens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Metodeundervisning i GRADE for fagkonsulenter | Sundhedsstyrelsen, København | 2015 |
Microvascular Diabetic Complications - Danish Diabete Acedemy | Steno Diabetic Center, Gentofte, Denmark | 2015 |
Mitochondrial physiolog, Summer School | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Mixed Methods Research & Mixed Studies Reviews | Lausanne, Switzerland | 2015 |
Mixed Models Winter Course | EpidM - Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Holland | 2015 |
Modern Scale Validation using IRT and Rasch Models | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Module MPE03: Monte Carlo Simulations of X-ray Imaging and Patient Dose | Barcelona, Spanien | 2015 |
Molecular Methods in Cancer Biology | University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
Molecular Toxicology | Amsterdam, Holland | 2015 |
Multilevel Modelling | School of Psychology, University of Sussex, UK | 2015 |
Multilevel Modeling of Public Health Data | University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
NCAP 2015 - The tools of a Medical Physicist, Understanding Phantoms and Software | Aalborg, Danmark | 2015 |
Presenting in English | University of Utrecht, Holland | 2015 |
Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound (Basic & Advanced) | Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, UK | 2015 |
Network Analysis in Systems Biology | Mount Sinai, Egypt | 2015 |
Neurology of the Newborn | University of Southhampton, UK | 2015 |
Next Generation Sequencing analysis | Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Next-generation sekventering | Center for Bioinformatik (BiRC) | 2015 |
NIM Eclipse NP Advanced User Training | Medtronic, Switzerland | 2015 |
Nuclear Medicine and Advanced Imaging | University of Catania, Italy | 2015 |
Onderwijstechnologie or Education Technology | Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie, Holland | 2015 |
OpenClinica - Central User Training | London, UK | 2015 |
Optimal Treatment of Pso/PsA Patients | St. Vincents University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland | 2015 |
Osteoporose | Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Osteoporose and Other Metabolic Bone Diseases | Oxford, UK | 2015 |
Osteoporose og sjældnere calcium metaboliske sygdomme | Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Particle Therapy | Paris, France | 2015 |
Pasteur Program 2015: Leading the Virtual Company | Harvard Business School, Boston and InnovationFund Denmark, Copenhagen | 2015 |
Personalized Medicine in Cancer Research | Klitgården Refugium, Skagen, Denmark | 2015 |
PhD Course; Laboratory Animal Science Function A/B/D | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind | Center for Subjectivity Research, Univerity of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Phylogenetics Workshop | Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia | 2015 |
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy | Ljubljana, Slovenia | 2015 |
Positron Emission Tomography: Technology and Application | Department of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College, London, UK | 2015 |
Post.doc. Research Leadership - part 2 | CBS Executive, Frederiksbjerg, Denmark | 2015 |
Post.doc. Research Leadership - part 1 | CBS Executive, Frederiksbjerg, Denmark | 2015 |
Practical Course in Cellular Immunology | The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity and Related Diseases | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Presentation Skills | University of Oxford, UK | 2015 |
Pre-PhD Course | Institute of Regional Health Research - Faculty of the Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
Principles in Light and Confocal Microscopy | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Programme for Clinical Research Infrastructure (PROCRIN) | Aarhus, Denmark | 2015 |
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Project Management for PhD Students | Faculty of Health and Medical sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Project Management for PhD Students | University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
Projektlederuddannelsen, Region Midt | Regionshuset Aarhus | 2015 |
Prostate Cancer experience Exchange Meeting | Paris, France | 2015 |
PsychoPy Course with Jonas Lindeløv | Aarhus University, Fuglsangs Allé, Denmark | 2015 |
Pædagogik og vejledning for daglige vejledere | Aarhus Universitetshospital, Denmark | 2015 |
qPCR vs ddPCR for RNA and DNA quantification in HIV reservoir research | University of Gent, Belgium | 2015 |
Qualitative Research Method Seminars | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark | 2015 |
Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiological Research | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Receptor Structure and Function | The Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
REDCap PhD Course | University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
Regression 1 | Doctoral School of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Regression Models | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagne, Denmark | 2015 |
Register Based Epidemiology | University of Copenhagen, Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Reproductive Epidemiology | Montreal, Canada | 2015 |
Responsible Conduct of Research | Statens Serum Institut, København | 2015 |
Responsible Management of Research Data | University of Southern Denmark | 2015 |
Revammad Marie Curie Itn Research Training Programme | University of Lincoln, UK | 2015 |
Scale Validation | Graduate School of Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
SCAN Present State Examination | Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, Denmark | 2015 |
Scientific Misconduct | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Scientific Project Planning and Management I | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Simulatorinstruktørkursus | Aarhus University hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
SmArteR Summer School - Small Artery Technology | Amsterdam, Holland | 2015 |
SmArteR Workshop - German Matrix Biology Meeting | Münster, Germany | 2015 |
SMIMA1101U QA, QC, GXP for Pharmaceutical Production | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Societies in the World 25: Case Studies in Global Health: Biosocial Perspectives | Harvard University, USA | 2015 |
SOL 3 - Generelt obligatorisk kursus i Sundhedsvæsents Organisation og Ledelse | Hotel Scandic, Silkeborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Specialespecifikt kursus: Molekylærgenetik | Odense University hospital, Denmark | 2015 |
Specialespecifikt kursus: Onkogenetik | Klinisk Genetisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark | 2015 |
Statistical Analysis and Interpretation in Biology | Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Statistics for Humanities | Nobelparken, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Statistics in Medicine (online course) | Stanford University, USA | 2015 |
Statistisk analyse af hjerneskanninger | Aarhus Universitet, Denmark | 2015 |
Stimulus Delivery for Neuroscience and Psychophysics: A Psychopy Course | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Structural Equation Modelling in R | The Psychometrics Centre, Department of Psychology, Cambridge University, UK | 2015 |
Survival Analysis in Medical Research and Health Professionals | Reading, UK | 2015 |
Summer Programme in Clinical Effectiveness | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2015 |
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism (A1) | Nyborg, Denmark | 2015 |
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism (A2) | Sinatur Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Funen, Denmark | 2015 |
Supervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning | Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA | 2015 |
Symptoms Research in Psychosomatic Medicine | Nuremberg, Germany | 2015 |
Systematic Review | Sussex ESRC Doctoral Training Center, University of Sussex, UK | 2015 |
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Techno-College and postgraduate programmes in Cardiothoracic Surgery | European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery | 2015 |
The Business Course for Industrial PhD Students | Technical University of Denmark | 2015 |
The Data Scientist's toolbox (online) | John Hopkins University. Bloomberg School of Public Health | 2015 |
The European Academy of Nursing Science Summer School for Doctoral Studies | University of Barcelona, Spain | 2015 |
The Flow Cytometry Course 2015 | University of York, UK | 2015 |
The Logic of Qualitative Research in Political Science | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
The Manuscript | Forskningens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark | 2015 |
The Philosophy of the Human and Social Science | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
The Saltin International Graduate Course in Clinical and Exercise Physiology | Toronto, Canada | 2015 |
Theories of Organization | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2015 |
Theories of Science | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Translational Genetics and Epigenetics in Hematological Cancer | Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark | 2015 |
Translational Neurobiology of the Pain System Xix: Neuroplasticity and Pain | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2015 |
Unsupervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning | Department of Biostatistic, University of Washington, USA | 2015 |
Vascular Biology: MicroRNAs and Proteomics | London, UK | 2015 |
Visualization of Biomedical Big Data | Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA | 2015 |
Winter School 2015 - Diabetes Complications from basic to clinical science | Malaga, Spain - THB Class Reserva del Higueron | 2015 |
Wissenschaft - Verständlich (Science - comprehensible) | Schloss Lautrach, Germany | 2015 |
Workshop in Advanced Sociological Writing and Research | Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2015 |
Workshop in Basic Osteosyntesis | Odense, YODA, Denmark | 2015 |
WPPSI-IV (Weschsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence) | Børne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Center, Risskov, Danmark | 2015 |
Writing a Scientific Paper | University of Utrecht, The Neatherlands | 2015 |
Writing in Science (online) | Stanford University | 2015 |
Writing in the Sciences (online) | Stanford University | 2015 |
2016 ESH Summer School | Hotel Acquaviva del Garda, Italy | 2016 |
3-dages træningskursus i Autisme Diagnostisk Observations Skema - Second Edition (ADOS-2) til klinisk brug | Center for Autisme, Herlev, Denmark | 2016 |
3rd Course in the Integration of Cytogenetics, Microarrays and Massive Sequencing in Biomedical and Clinical Research | European School of Genetic Medicine, EuroMediterranean University Centre of Ronzano, Italy | 2016 |
5th Annual MDS-ES Winter School for Young Neurologists | Aarhus, Denmark | 2016 |
55th Annual Conference of the Particle Theraphy Co-Operative Group | Prag, Czech Republic | 2016 |
8th Nerve Excitability Workshop | Chicheley Hall, UK | 2016 |
8th Tractography Workshop | Department of Neurosurgery, Vienna, Austria | 2016 |
10th Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism | Derby, UK | 2016 |
13th InVivo NMR Course | Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Holland | 2016 |
16th Annual Course: Neuroradiology and Functional Neuroanatomy | UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK | 2016 |
21st International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology | Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea | 2016 |
29th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology | Florence, Italy | 2016 |
A-kursus i neuroradiologi | Neuroradiologisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark | 2016 |
Academic and Industrial Career Development | Munich, Germany | 2016 |
Action Research Methodologies in Theory and Practice | University College Capital, Roskilde University, Denmark | 2016 |
Advanced Brachytherapy Physics ESTRO Course | ESTRO, Vienna, Austria | 2016 |
Advanced Epidemiology and Regression Modeling | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2016 |
Advanced Macromolecular Crystallography: Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis | Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Advanced Proteomics | Varna, Italy | 2016 |
Advanced Statistical Topics | Florence, Italy | 2016 |
An Morning with NEJM Editors: Writing and Reviewing High Impact Research Papers | New England Journal of Medicine, New Orleans, USA | 2016 |
Analysis of Genetic Association Data | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Analysing Communication in Healthcare Settings | Aalborg university, Denmark | 2016 |
Animal Experimentation | Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Animal Pain | Vedbæk, Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Research | Departmen of Epidemiology, Emory University, USA | 2016 |
Approaches in Neurovascular Surgery | Cambridge Microsurgery Skills Laboratory, Addenbrooke's Hospital, UK | 2016 |
Anvendt strukturbiologi (Q4) | Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark | 2016 |
At undervise på universitetet | Københavns Universitet, Danmark | 2016 |
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in the Metabolic Syndrome | Danish Diabetes Academy, Nyborg, Denmark | 2016 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology | Budapest, Hungary | 2016 |
Basic Principles of Epidemiology | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2016 |
Biobusiness Summer School | Amsterdam & Leiden, Holland | 2016 |
Biological Membranes | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Bone, Energy Metabolism and Diabetes: Integrated Physiology and Clinical Applications | Nyborg, Denmark | 2016 |
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and pQCT | Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Australia | 2016 |
Breaking the Lines in Psoriasis Management | Barcelona, Spain | 2016 |
Brænd igennem med din forskning | Regionshospitalet Randers, Danmark | 2016 |
CAPE Simulation Instructor Programme | Stanford University, USA | 2016 |
Casual Inference I | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Clinical Epidemiology Summer School | Grenaa, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Clinical Research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2016 |
Cone Beam CT Kursus - 3 dages teoretisk indføring | Horsens, Denmark | 2016 |
Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Programme | Randers Regional Hospital, Denmark | 2016 |
Computational Biology: Genomes to systems | Heidelberg, Germany | 2016 |
Concepts and methods in causal meditation analysis | Florence, Italy | 2016 |
Cross Institutional Molecular Biophysics | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2016 | Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2016 |
Decision Analysis in Clinical Research, RDS 286 | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2016 |
Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation - Foundation Course | University of York, UK | 2016 |
De norske kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene som forskningssetting | Lysebu, Oslo, Norway | 2016 |
Diet, Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome | Danish Diabetes Academy, Hellerup, Denmark | 2016 |
Diabetes and the Brain | Danish Diabetes Academy | 2016 |
Diabetes Epidemiology | Nyborg, Denmark | 2016 |
Early Career Professional Development in Medical Imaging | San Diego, CA, USA | 2016 |
EASL School of Hepatology - Hepatic Nodules | Geneve, Switzerland | 2016 |
Economic Evaluation in Health Care | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Educational IT - Pedagogical Master Class 2016 | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Elements of Pharmaceutical/Biotech Pricing | ISPOR Conference, Vienna, Austria | 2016 |
Empiriværkstedet | School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
En praktisk indføring i brugen af K-SADS | Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri, Denmark | 2016 |
ENETS summer school | Royal Free Hospital, London, UK | 2016 |
Epidemiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Epidemiology I: Planning a Study | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Epigenetic Epidemiology | University of Bristol, UK | 2016 |
ESRA Instrucor Course for Regional Anesthesia | Amsterdam, Holland | 2016 |
Ethnography in Health Care Sciences | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2016 |
EULAR Online Introductory Ultrasound Course | EULAR Online | 2016 |
European Pain School 2016 | Siena, Italy | 2016 |
Evaluation and Research Methods | Leipzig University, Germany | 2016 |
Evidence based Radiation Oncology - How to Evaluate the Scientific Evidence and Apply it to Daily Practice | Porto, Portugal | 2016 |
EW11 - Participatory Design in Health Care - Participation, Power, and Knowledge | Department of Aestetics and Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
FreeSurfer Course | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Forandringsambitioner i ph.d.-projektet? - Aktionsforskning som løftestang for praksissamarbejder | Roskilde University, Denmark | 2016 |
Foundation Echocardiography | Moat House Hotel, Stoke on Tent, UK | 2016 |
GCP and investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
GCP-kursus for sundhedspersonale | Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark | 2016 |
GRASPH Summer School | Korsør, Denmark | 2016 |
Helsinki Summer School on Cognitive Neuroscience 2016 | University of Helsinki, Finland | 2016 |
HIV Reservoir Symposium and Workshop | Gent University, Belgium | 2016 |
How to Write an Abstract | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Image Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice | Madrid, Spain | 2016 |
Imaging and Image Analysis | Munich, Germany | 2016 |
Infectious Diseases Epidemiology | Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Integrative Cardiovascular Human Control | The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
International Computer Vision Summer School 2016 | Sicily, Italy | 2016 |
Intervention Mapping: Designing theory-based and evidence-based programs (online) | Maastricht University, Holland | 2016 |
Intro Clinical Epidemiology, EPI 208 | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2016 |
Introduction to Clinical Research | Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Introduction to Clinical Trials | University of New South Wales, Australia | 2016 |
Introduction to Health Technology Assessment | ISPOR Conference, Vienna, Austria | 2016 |
Introduction to Imaging Genetics (III) | Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University Helsinki, Finland | 2016 |
Introduction to Nvivo | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Introduction to Peer Supervision in Health Services | Koldkærgaard Konference Center, Denmark | 2016 |
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Health Science | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Introduction to Research Writing in English | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Introduction to Statistics for Medical Research, BIO 206 | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2016 |
Introduction to University Teaching for PhD Students | Aarhus University Denmark | 2016 |
Introductory Course on Epidemiology | ERA-EDTA, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Introdoctory Course in Questionnaire Technique and Clinimetrics | Odense University, Denmark | 2016 |
Introduktion til planlægning, præsentationsteknik og undervisning | BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Ion Channels | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Kjeldgaard Lectures in Molecular Biology | Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Klinisk biokemisk forskning | Hotel Haraldskær, Vejle, Danmark | 2016 |
Kursus i registerforskning | Institut for økonomi, Aarhus Universitet | 2016 |
Kvalitative Forskningsmetoder | Aalborg Universitet, Denmark | 2016 |
Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers; Rodents and Lagomorps | Uppsala University, Sweden | 2016 |
Linear and Longitudinal Regression, BIO 501 | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2016 |
LW1 - Exploring Embodied Speculation in Participatory Desgin and Innovation | Department of Aestetics and Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Medical Imaging Summer School - Medical Imaging Meets Machine Learning | Favignana, Sicily, Italy | 2016 |
Medietræning for forskere | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Meeting the Patient's Needs in the Changing World of Psoriasis Management (Educational Workshop) | Frankfurt, Germany | 2016 |
Microsurgery and Advanced Techniques in Experimental Animals | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Molecular Basis of the Biomedicine | Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine, Madrid, Spain | 2016 |
MR Fysik | Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark | 2016 |
Multidimensional Dosimetry Systems (ESTRO) | Turin, Italy | 2016 |
Munich International Autumn School for Respiratory Medicine 2016 | The Comprehensive Pneumology Center, Munich, Germany | 2016 |
Musculoskeletal Modelling by Multibody Dynamics with a Focus on the Knee Joint | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2016 |
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis | Bioinformatics, Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
One Week Course in Epidemiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Onkologiske sygdomme | Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Onkologi, Vejle Sygehus, Danmark | 2016 |
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Health Research | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Paul Ricoeur Masterclass | Sektion for sygepleje, Health Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Placebo and Context Effects - Friend or Foe in Research and Clinical Practice | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Planning and controlling a PhD project | Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Pmod Basic Application Course | Zürich, Switzerland | 2016 |
Pmod Statistics Course | Zürich, Switzerland | 2016 |
Policy Evaluation Methods | Manchester University, UK | 2016 |
Praktisk Statistik |, Frederiksberg, København, Danmark | 2016 |
Presentation Skills Workshop | Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2016 |
Presentation Traning Skills | Danish Diabetes Academy, Nyborg Hotel, Denmark | 2016 |
Project Management: A Practitioner's approach to the Managerial Process | Aarhus University, Science and Technology; School of Business and Social Sciences, Denmark | 2016 |
Project Management Skills | Steno Diabetes Center, Denmark | 2016 |
Projektledelse, Projektledelse for Ph.d.-studerende | Syddansk Universitet, Danmark | 2016 |
Prostate Cancer Preceptorship | Klinik für Urologie mit Hochschulambulanz, Charité, Berlin, Germany | 2016 |
Protein Biophysics | iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Psychosocial Epidemiology | Strand- og Badehotel Marienlyst, Helsingør, Denmark | 2016 |
Psykofarmakologi, Voksne | Dansk Psykologforening, København, Danmark | 2016 |
Publicering af kvalitative studier i internationale tidskrifter - Styrk dit fokus | Institut for Psykologi, Københavns Universitet, Danmark | 2016 |
Qualitative Research Methods | Roskilde University, Denmark | 2016 |
Qualitative Research Targeting Narrative Research Methods | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Questionaries in Clinical and Public Health Research: Development, Validation and Evaluation | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Register-Based Clinical Epidemiology Research | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Reimbursement Systems for Pharmaceuticals in Europe | ISPOR Conference, Vienna, Austria | 2016 |
ReProUnion Workshop: Sperm DNA damage and strategies for its reduction | Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Research Management and Leadership | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Responsible Management of Research Data | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2016 |
Stata Summer School: Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Stata | Birger Jarl Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden | 2016 |
Statistical Analysis of Survival data | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Statistical Methods for the Biosciences I | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Statistics for Medical Research Advanced, BIO 208 | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2016 |
Statistics in Medicine (online) | Stanford University | 2016 |
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism | Sinatur Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Funen, Denmark | 2016 |
Survival Analysis in Medical Research | Graduate School of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Systematic Critical Literature Reading | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
TEA: Thrombosis Expert Academy 2016 | Amsterdam, The Neatherlands | 2016 |
Techno-College 30th EACTS Annual Meeting | Barcelona, Spain | 2016 |
The Brain Prize Meeting 2016 | Hindsgavel Slot, Middelfart, Denmark | 2016 |
The Hallmarks of Cancer: Course in Tumor Biology | The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
The PhD Student as supervisor - Leadership Education | Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
The Process of Theorizing and Theory Building in Management Research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2016 |
Theoretical, Methodology, and Practical Methods in Nutritional Research | Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Australia | 2016 |
Tracing Brain and Behavioral Changes across the Life Span: Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors | Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark | 2016 |
Tumour Microenvironment and Metastasis | International House, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Using Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Theoretical and Practical Issues | Aberdeen University, Scotland | 2016 |
Using News Media and Social Media | University of Southern Denmark | 2016 |
Varian Developer Workshop | Washington DC., USA | 2016 |
Vestibular Testing Master Class | Maastricht University, Netherlands | 2016 |
Welfare Professionals and Professions under Transformation: New Paradigms and New Challenges | Roskilde University, Denmark | 2016 |
What You Need to Know about Life in the Vascular Wall | Panum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Writer Development | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2016 |
Writing for Publication | VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark | 2016 |
Writing in the Science (online) | Stanford University, UK | 2016 |
Zoological Imaging | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2016 |
Årsmøde for forskningsnetværk i Hæmatologi og Onkologi | Nyborg Strand, Denmark | 2016 |
C85/17 Stereology | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Advanced course: Neuroimaging Techniques | Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, USA | 2017 |
Akademisk skrivning - skriveprocessor og deltagelse i akademiske dialoger | Lysebu, Oslo, Norway | 2017 |
Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendon-aponeurosis function in sports science, clinical science and aging | Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Denmark | 2017 |
AO Basic Osteosynthesis | Middelfart, Denmark | 2017 |
3rd Course for Nordic Residents in Urology: 360 degrees around prostate cancer | Tampere, Finland | 2017 |
9th Annual Course on Isotope Tracers in Metabolic Research | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA | 2017 |
Advance Choice Modelling | Leeds University, UK | 2017 |
Advanced Course in Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Advanced Course in Questionnaire Technique and Clinimetrics (part 2) | University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
Advanced Methods for Reproducible Science | School of Experimental Psychology, Bristol University, UK | 2017 |
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods | Aarhus BSS, Denmark | 2017 |
Advanced Signal Processing in Joint Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Domains | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2017 |
Advanced Structural Biology | Aarhus University, Danmark | 2017 |
Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendon- aponeurosis function in sports science, clinical science and aging | University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
AU talent PhD course in Planning and controlling a PhD Project | BSS, Aarhus, Denmark | 2017 |
Basal metabolism and molecukar mechanisms in the metabolic syndrome | Nyborg, Denmark | 2017 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology | Paris, France | 2017 |
Basic Flow Cytometry and Cellsorting | Copenhagen University, Denmark | 2017 |
Basis I - Introduction to Linguistic Research | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Basic Statistical Analysis | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University | 2017 |
Basic Ultrasound Course | The Danish Society of Diagnostic Ultrasound | 2017 |
Bioinformatics for Microbiology | University of Copenagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Cancer and Endocrinolog (6½ hours) | The Society of Young Endocrinologists (FYEN), Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2017 |
Clinical Research in Health and Medical Sciences | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
CodeRefinery Workshop | Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC), Aarhus University | 2017 |
Complex Interventions in the Municipal Health and Care Services | Institutt for helse og samfunn, University of Oslo, Norway | 2017 |
COST Summer School on Corneal Regeneration | Linkøping University, Sweden | 2017 |
CRISPR/CAS and BAC Mutagenesis | EDGE/Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany | 2017 |
DaCRA summer meeting | University of Copenhagen, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark | 2017 |
Danish Diabetes Academy Winter school | Malaga, Spain | 2017 |
Data Mining for Business Decisions | BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
DDA Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism for PhD students 2017 | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2017 |
De kommunale helse- og omsorgtjenestene som forskningssetting | Oslo University, Norway | 2017 |
Diabetes Epidemiology PhD Course | Danish Diabetes Academy, Nyborg, Denmark | 2017 |
Diabetes Research - Methodology of exploring pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Dutch Connectome Lab, Utrecht Summer School | Utrecht University, Netherlands | 2017 |
Echocardiography and CFR training | Sahlgrehnska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden | 2017 |
Empiriværkstedet - Kursus i kvalitativ metode E2017 | Aarhus Uniersity Denmark | 2017 |
Endoanal and Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Masterclass, two day hands-on workshop | Croydon University Hospital, London | 2017 |
Enlight Annual Meeting and Training Event | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2017 |
Enlight Training Day | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2017 |
ESTRO: Physics Research Masterclass for Beginners in Research | Florence, Italy | 2017 |
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology | Firenze, Italy | 2017 |
Exercise as Medicine | Copenhagen University, Denmark | 2017 |
FEBS/EMBO lecture course on "Ion Channels and Transporters" | International School of Biophysics, Erice, Italy | 2017 |
FENS-SfN Summer: Chemical Neuromodulation: Neorubiological, Neurocomputational, Behavoural and Clinical Aspects | Bertinoro, Italy | 2017 |
Focus Groups as Research Method | Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Forskerforum | University of Aarhus, Denmark | 2017 |
Forskningsformidling på video | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
From cell physiology to integrated signals and emerging brain functions | EMFCSC, Italy | 2017 |
Gait course ESMAC 2017 pre-conference | Trondheim, Norway | 2017 |
How to get Numbers for Immunofluorescene Microscopy Experiments | EDGE/Hannover Medical School, Germany | 2017 |
How to get research published - knowing the peer-review process | University of Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, Denmark | 2017 |
How to write an abstract | University of Southern Denmark, SDU | 2017 |
How to write an article | University of Southern Denmark, SDU | 2017 |
Image-guided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Gynaecological Cancer: Focus on MRI based adaptive Brachytherapy | Prague (CZ) | 2017 |
Immunotherapy in Hematology | Hindsgavl, Middelfart, Denmark | 2017 |
In Vivo Pharmacology - Biologic Variation, Reproducibility, and Predictability in Preclinical Drug Testing in Laboratory Animals | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Informations Medieskole | Dagbladet Information, København | 2017 |
Innate Immunity | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS | Aarhus, Denmark | 2017 |
Introduction to Imaging Genetics | University of Helsinki, Finland | 2017 |
Introduction to R | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Introduction to Scale Validation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Introduction to Teaching and Learning | Online, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Kvalitative Metoder | Aalborg Universitet, Denmark | 2017 |
Laboratory Animal Science | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Laboratory Animal Science B | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, SDU | 2017 |
Laboratory Animal Science, Category B | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Lipid Metabolism: New Methods and translational aspects | University of Cambridge, England | 2017 |
Lær at formidle dit ph.d.-projekt | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Medical Biofilm Techniques | DTU, Department of Bioengineering | 2017 |
Medical Physics aspects of Particle Therapy | European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vienna, Austria | 2017 |
Medical Physics Aspects of Particle Therapy | ESTRO, Vienna, Austria | 2017 |
Metabolism is the key to understanding cell function | Science Center Skejby, Denmark | 2017 |
Metasynthesis-Reseach Course in Advanced Qualitative Methods | Nord University, Bodø, Norway | 2017 |
Mitochondrial Physiology - From Organelle to Organism | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Mixed Model Course | Store It Lab (1266), Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
MR Billeddannelse og digital billedbehandling | Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Danmark | 2017 |
MRI in Radiotherapy | The 4th NACP Symposium, Oslo, Norway | 2017 |
Molecular Pharmacology | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Multidisciplinary management of brain tumours | ESTRO, Austria | 2017 |
Multivariate Data Analysis | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2017 |
Neurobiology of Disease | Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, USA | 2017 |
Neuroimaging | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy | The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, London UK | 2017 |
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Nordic OCT Curriculum | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2017 |
Orientation course in oral neuroscience | Department of Odontology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden | 2017 |
Oxford Chronobiology and Sleep Medicine Summer Shool | Oxford University, England | 2017 |
Patient-reported outcomes in Clinical Health research | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Personalized Telehealth, Informatics and Personcentered Technology | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2017 |
Phenomenology and qualitative methodologies | University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
Phenomenology and qualitative research metodologies | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy | Bucharest, Romania | 2017 |
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project | AU Talent, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
PMOD Basic application course | PMOD Biomedical image quantification | 2017 |
Practical Supervision: Teaching and Collaboration in laboratories for PhD's without teaching experience | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Praktisk Statistik |, Valby, København | 2017 |
Presentation Skills Workshop | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Pressekursus og medietræning for ph.d.-studerende | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2017 |
Principles and applications of Dissolution DNP | HYPERMAG, Technical University Southern Denmark | 2017 |
Projektledelse for Ph.d.-studerende | Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
Projektstyring for ph.d.-studerende | Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
Python-MNE Workshop | Center for Research in Neuroscience, Lyon, France | 2017 |
Quantitative Methods in Radiation Oncology: Models, Trials, and Clinical Outcomes | Maastricht, The Netherlands | 2017 |
Responsible Conduct of Research | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
SCAN (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry) | AUH, Risskov, Denmark | 2017 |
Singing for better breathing | British Lung Foundation, London, UK | 2017 |
Skeletal muscle: size, signalling and satellite cells | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
STAR - Safe Transfer and Retrievel | Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation | 2017 |
Statistical Practice in Epidemiology using R | University of Tartu, Estonia | 2017 |
Statistics for experimental medical researchers | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Stereology Workshop | Core Centre for Molecular Morphology, Aarhus University | 2017 |
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 3: Reproducible Research for Biomedical Big Data | University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA | 2017 |
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 4: Supervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning | University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA | 2017 |
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 5: Unsupervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning | University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA | 2017 |
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 16: Survival Analysis in Clinical Trials | University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA | 2017 |
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 19: Discovering and Evaluating Biomarkers for Guiding Treatment: Methology for Precision Medicine | University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA | 2017 |
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism | Ebberup, Denmark | 2017 |
Summer School on Graphical Models, Image Analysis and Computer Graphics | Tjärö, Sweden | 2017 |
Survival and Event History Analysis | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Systematic Critical Literature Review | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2017 |
The Brain Prize Meeting | Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark | 2017 |
The European Academy of Nursing Science Summer School for Doctoral Studies | University of Malmø, Sweden | 2017 |
The Hallmarks of Cancer: Course in Tumor Biology | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
The Manuscript | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2017 |
The neural basis of brain information processing and behaviour: synapses, cells, circuits | SDC The university partnership Denmark - China | 2017 |
Thiol Oxidation in Toxicity and Signalling | Sant Feliu de Guixols, Girona, Spain | 2017 |
Træningskursus i brug af Autisme Diagnostisk Interview - Revised (ADR-R) | Center for Autisme, Herlev, København | 2017 |
Vestibular Diagnosic | Måns Magnusson and Mikael Karlberg, Universitetssygehuset Lund, Sweden | 2017 |
What happens after gestational diabetes pregnancy? | Novo Nordisk Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2017 |
Wonder in Qualitative Research and Practice-based and Existential Phenomenology | Human Centered Communication and Informatics, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2017 |
Workshop for aktive forskere 2017 | Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin, Danmark | 2017 |
1st Danish Bone Workshop | Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg | 2018 |
2nd ESTRO Physics Workshop: Science in development | ESTRO, Malaga, Spain | 2018 |
3rd European Conference on Donor Health and Management 2018 | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
4th Dianalund Summer School on EEG & Epilepsy | Dianalund, Denmark | 2018 |
6th GEC-ESTRO Workshop | Brussels, Belgium | 2018 |
31th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology (EEPE) | Florence, Italy | 2018 |
Academic English | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Academic Writing for Qualitative Health Researchers | SDU Odense, Denmark | 2018 |
Advanced Methods for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Meeting decision-makers' requirements | York, UK | 2018 |
Advanced Musculoskeltal Modeling | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Advanved Physics for Brachytherapy | ESTRO School, Valencia, Spain | 2018 |
Akademisk skrivning - skriveprocesser og deltakelse i akademiske dialoger | Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Scandic Hollenkollen Park, Oslo, Norway | 2018 |
Analytical Work in Qualitative and Ethnographic Health Research | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Anatomi og fysiologi | Anne Rosing Institut, Hellerup, Danmark | 2018 |
Annual meeting of the North European Young Diabetologists | Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands | 2018 |
Applied Microeconometrics | Institute of Economics, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Bacterial biofilms and their role in chronic infections | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Basal Farmakoepidemiologi | DSFE, Denmark | 2018 |
Basal metabolism and molecular mechanisms in diabetes | Nyborg, Denmark | 2018 |
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanism in the Metabolic Syndrome | Nyborg, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic and applied Immunology | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic BD FACSAria Operator Course | Erembodegem, Belgium | 2018 |
Basic flow cytometry and cellsorting | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic Kinetic Modeling in PET and MR imaging | Copenhagen University, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic Neuroscience | Faculty of Healtj and Medical Scienes, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic Statistical Analysis | Aarhus University, ST, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers | Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Bayesian Statistics, Simulation and Software - with a View to Application Examples | Aalborg University | 2018 |
Big Data ManageR | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Bioinformatics Analysis of Genomics-Data | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA | 2018 |
Cancer Genomics Course | Hinxton, UK | 2018 |
Cardiovascular Seminar Series 2018 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Cell-Reprogramming Technology in Neuroscience. Circuit Function, Regeneration and Repair | Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, San Servolo, Venice, Italy | 2018 |
Clinical research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Comprehensive Colposcopy | American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP), Atlanta, Georgia, USA | 2018 |
Cone beam CT kursus - 3 dage teoretisk indføring | Tandlæge foreningen, Horsens | 2018 |
Course in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) | Regionshuset in Aarhus, Denmark | 2018 |
Cultural Historical Activity Theory and Work | University West, Trollhättan, Sweden | 2018 |
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2018 | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2018 | Danske Multidisciplinære Cancer Grupper ( | 2018 |
DBDS/deCODE Genetics Winterschool | deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland | 2018 |
DCS Ekko 2 | Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab | 2018 |
DCT Workshop in Proton Therapy Planning of Head and Neck Cancer | Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark | 2018 |
DDA Summer School in Diabetea & Metabolism for PhD Students 2018 | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2018 |
De kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene som forskningssetting | Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, Oslo, Norway | 2018 |
Determinants for labour market attachment and retirement | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
DoH/SDCA Forskningssymposium | SDCA, Aarhus | 2018 |
Econometrics for Program Evaluation: Theory and Practice Using Stata, Summer School | TStat, CISL Studium Center, Florence, Italy | 2018 |
Economic Evaluation in Health Care | University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2018 |
Effective Qualitative Research | Copenhagen | 2018 |
Effektiv forskningsformidling | Center for Uddannelse og Kompetence, Region Sjælland, | 2018 |
Eksekutive funktioner - Praktikerkurses for psykologer med fokus på definitioner, måling og intervention. | Filadelfia, Dianalund | 2018 |
English for Researchers: Writing, Level 1 | Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital | 2018 |
Epidemiological Methods in Medical Research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2018 |
ESTRO 37 Pre-meeting course: MRI Physics for Applicants in Radiation Oncology | Barcelona, Spain | 2018 |
Ethnography in Health Care Sciences | Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
European Academy of Nursing science (EANS) Summer School 2018 | Ghent University, Belgium | 2018 |
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology | Florence, Italy | 2018 |
European Society of Hypertension, Summer School 2018 | Lausanne, Switzerland | 2018 |
Exploring the Human Connectone | University of Oxford | 2018 |
FEBS Advanced Lecture Course – Redox-omic Technologies and their Application in Health and Disease in the SFRR-E Free Radical School Series | FEBS - Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Spetses Island, Greece | 2018 |
Finitude and moral community | Anthropology and Philosophy, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Foundations of Economic Evaluation in Health Care | York, UK | 2018 |
Fundamentals and methods for impact evaluation of public policies | Venice, Italy | 2018 |
Få øje på noget du ikke troede var muligt i din empiri | University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2018 |
Generalised Linear Mixed Models | Luosto, Finland | 2018 |
Genetic Analysis of Population-based Association Studies | Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, UK | 2018 |
Genetics Winter School in Genetics | Copenhagen University and deCODE, Iceland | 2018 |
Genomics and Clinical Virology | Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK | 2018 |
Good Clinical Practice (GCP-E6(R2) 2016) | Online Course, | 2018 |
GRASPH Summer School | Comwell, Korsør, Denmark | 2018 |
Hälsostödjande familjesamtal - en modell för intervention | Linnéuniversitetet, kalmar, Sverige | 2018 |
Health Sociology | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Hey you, let me tell you about my research | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Hey you, let me tell you about my research - How to use the media to reach the public | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
How to Write an Abstract | University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
How to Write an Article | University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Human induced pluripotent stem cell culture, neural differentiation and gene-editing: and theory and in practice | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic analysis of biological and macromolecules and their interactions | Prague, Czech Republic | 2018 |
Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice | Budapest, Hungary | 2018 |
Image-guided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Gynaecological Cancer: Focus on MRI Based Adaptive Brachytherapy | Madrid, Spain | 2018 |
Improve your Research - Reference Managing, Copyright and Bibliometrics for PhD Students | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Infrastructures of Governance | Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Innovation and Intellectual property rights in biotechnology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Interactive Eye-gaze | UCL, London, UK | 2018 |
Introduction to Directed Acyclic Graphs | Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Introduction to MATLAB for Multivariate Data Analysis - Course no. 5308-18-04-31 | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Introduction to peer supervision in health services | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Introduction to Scale Validation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Introduction to R | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Introduction to the Human Gut Microbiome | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori och arbetsintegrerat lärande | University West, Trollhättan, Sweden | 2018 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University | 2018 |
Light Microscopy and Confocal | Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen | 2018 |
Litteratursøgning og referencehåndtering for ph.d.-studerende på Arts | Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Aarhus | 2018 |
Machine Learning | Stanford University | 2018 |
Medietræning og Skærmtræning | Health, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark | 2018 |
Mixed Methods Research Design - Basic and Advanced | Aalborg University Hospital, Unit for Psychiatric Research, Denmark | 2018 |
Modern Scale Validation using IRT and Rasch Models | The Graduate School og Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
MR billeddannelse og digital billedbehandling | Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Danmark | 2018 |
MRI Physics for Applications in Radiation Oncology | ESTRO, Barcelona, Spain | 2018 |
Muscle metabolism and E-C coupling - role in exercise, training and disease | Department of Sports Sciences and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Musculoskeletal Modeling by Multibody Dynamics | Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Neural circuit development and plasticity | Utrecht, Netherlands | 2018 |
Neuromechanics of Human Movement | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Neuroscience Day | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Next Generation Sequencing | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Next generation sequencing data analysis | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Non-invasive techniques for the assessment of plasticity in the human nervous system | Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Nordic preceptorship in Spondyloarthritis | Rheumatology Unit, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden | 2018 |
Particle Therapy | Vienna, Austria | 2018 |
Patient and Public Involvement in Research | University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Ph.D. Netværksdag 2018 | Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi, Vejle, Danmark | 2018 |
Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School 2018 | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2018 |
Physiological Optics and Vision Science, Basic Vision Science Core Courses (PHOP 6241-3) | College of Optometry, University of Houston, USA | 2018 |
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project | Aarhus BSS, Denmark | 2018 |
Praktisk Hæmodynamik | Hotel Nyborg Strand, Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab, Danmark | 2018 |
Precision Medicine in Hematology | Hotel Severin, Middelfart, Denmark | 2018 |
Proteomics Bioinformatics | Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambrigde, UK | 2018 |
Publication Quality Output from Stata | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Qualitative Research within the Health Sciences | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2018 |
Quantitative Bias Analysis | Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Georgia, USA | 2018 |
R Programming | John Hopkins University (online) | 2018 |
Radiation Detection in Medical Physics | Institut for Fysik og Astronomi og Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Radiobiological basis of clinical radiobiology | Barcelona, Spain | 2018 |
Randomized Controlled Trial in Health Science - Why and how to run a High Quality Trial | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research | Graduate School, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2018 |
Research Essential Skills in Medial Education (RESME) | Basel, Switzerland | 2018 |
RNA-Seq Data Analysis Workshop - Quality Control, Read Mapping, Visualization and Downstream Analyses | Leipzig, Germany | 2018 |
SAN (Statistisk Analyse af hjerneskanninger) | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
SCAN - Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (Danish) | Copenhagen University, Gentofte Hospital, Denmark | 2018 |
SCAN Training Course | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2018 |
Simulatorinstruktøruddannelse | Koncern HR, MidtSim, Region Midtjylland, Denmark | 2018 |
SIOG 2018 Advanced Course | Trevisio and Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2018 |
Skriverliv | Aalborg Universitet, Denmark | 2018 |
STATA - Fra 0 til 100 på 16 timer - for REDCap brugere | Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2018 |
Statistics, Epidemiology, Communication and Feedback | ECDHM, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Statistics in Medical Physics | H. C. Ørsted-Instituttet på Københavns Universitet, Danmark | 2018 |
Statistics in Medicine | Online/Stanford University | 2018 |
Structural Equation Modeling with appleciations using Lavaan in R | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Summer School in Neuroscience | University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Systematical critical review | University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Systematic Critical Literature Review | University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
The 4th Urology Simulation Boot Camp | Medical Education Leeds, LIMIT, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds | 2018 |
The Brain Prize Meeting 2018 - Dementia and Beyond | Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark | 2018 |
The Scientific Presentation - Perform better under pressure | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Tissue Clearing and 3D Imaging Workshop | Institute for Stroke and Dementia Reseach, Munich, Germany | 2018 |
Udvidet kursus i klinisk neuroanatomi, neurofysiologi og neurokemi | Uddannelsescenteret v. Regionshospitalet Hammel Neurocenter, Universitetsklinik for Neurorehabilitering, Denmark | 2018 |
Using News Media and Social Media to Increase the Awarness and Dissemination of your Research | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2018 |
Vejlederkursus for speciallæger | Region Nordjylland og Region Midtjylland, Koncern HR, Center for Kompetenceudvikling, Aarhus N. | 2018 |
Vestibular Testing Master Class | Maastricht University Medical Center | 2018 |
Viral Immonologi | University of California, USA | 2018 |
Visual Methods | Aalborg Univerity, Denmark | 2018 |
Viva Voce | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2018 |
Winter School on Noninvasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation with a focus on Multimodal Integration | Hvidovre University Hospital, Denmark | 2018 |
Writing in the Sciences | Stanford University, USA | 2018 |
Writing in the Sciences (September - October 2018) | Stanford University, USA | 2018 |
1st European Combined Paediatrics Neuro-Oncology Course | SIOPE, Budapest, Hungary | 2019 |
2nd Danish Bone Research Workshop | Sandbjerg, Denmark | 2019 |
3rd ESTRO physics workshop | ESTRO, Budapest, Hungary | 2019 |
3 Minute Thesis Competition | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
5th Saltin International Graduate Course in Exercise and Clinical Physiology | Center for Physical Activity, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
8th International ISCAR, Cultural-historical Psychology: Interdisciplinary Research perspectives and social practices | Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia | 2019 |
19th Annual Course Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy | UCL Institute of Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London. United Kingdom | 2019 |
A Couple State of Mind: Insights into Couple Relating and Therapeutic Work with Couples | Online Webinar, CONFER | 2019 |
AAI Advanced Course in Immunology | American Association of Immunologists, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston | 2019 |
Academic Entrepreneurship Pre-meeting: Academic Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer in Radiation Oncology: Dream or Reality? | ESTRO 38, Milan, Italy | 2019 |
Academic Writing | Department of Phychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Academic Writing | Global Denmark, Frederiksberg | 2019 |
Advanced course in questionnaire technique and clinimetrics | University of Southern Denmark | 2019 |
Advanced social epidemiology: a focus on methodology, context and lifecourse | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Akademisk skrivning - Skriveprocesser og deltagelse i akademiske dialogoer | Forskerskolen, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway | 2019 |
Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Dementias | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
An Introduction to CUDA | Aarhus University, Department of Physics and Astronomy | 2019 |
Anaesthesia and Analgia for Laboratory (Rodents) | Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Analysis of next-generation sequencing data | Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Analysis of Time to Event Data in Medical Research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Analyzing Neural Time Serie Data | Radboud University, The Netherlands | 2019 |
Applied prognostic research | Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health, SDU, Denmark | 2019 |
Approaches for Biomarker Discovery and Validation | COST CliniMARK Training School | 2019 |
Artificial Intelligence for Imaging | Maastricht University, The Netherlands | 2019 |
Basal metabolism and molecular mechanisms in diabetes | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2019 |
Basic BD FACSAria Operator Course | Erembodegem, Belgium | 2019 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Basis simulatorinstruktøruddannelsen | Region Midtjylland, MidtSim, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 82, 8200 Århus N | 2019 |
Cardioonkologi | Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab | 2019 |
CFIM crash course in Light Microscopy | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Chinese Culture and Chinese Language | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China | 2019 |
Clinical Research and Methods | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Cochrane methodology and systematic reviews of the effects of interventions | Cochrane Sweden, Cochrane Nordic, and Cochrane Norway, Lund, Sweden | 2019 |
Collaborative Experiments in Fieldwork | Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Combining Phenomenology and Qualitative Research | University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark | 2019 |
Complex Interventions in Health Care: Evaluation Stage | European Academy of Nursing Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal | 2019 |
Cone beam CT kursus - 3 dage teoretisk indføring | Tandlægeforeningen | 2019 |
Crafting Ethnography | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Culture, Psychology and Psychiatry | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands | 2019 |
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2019 | University of Copenhagen, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark | 2019 |
Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2019 | Danske Multidisciplinære Cancer Grupper ( | 2019 |
Data Management and Documentation | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Data Science in Bioinformatics | Center for Bioinformatik, Science and Technology, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark | 2019 |
DCCC-RT Workshop on Modeling of Radiation Therapy Outcome Data | Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center | 2019 |
DDA Summer School in Diabetes & Metabolism for PhD Students | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2019 |
Den kognitive udredning | Børne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Afdeling, Skejby Sygehus, Danmark | 2019 |
DEPeNDS Workshop - selection of proton plans for low grade glioma patients | Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark | 2019 |
Descriptive Phenomenology: Theory and Method | The Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Design and analysis of cluster randomised and stepped wedge trails | London School of Hygine & Tropical Medicine, UK | 2019 |
Developing and Repairing Trust: An Attachment-based Model of Family Therapy | Online Webinar, CONFER | 2019 |
Drug Delivery | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology | ECPN School, St. Cathrine's College, Oxford | 2019 |
Empiriværkstedet | Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
English Academic Writing Workshop | Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark | 2019 |
English for Researchers, Writing Level 2 | KU/SUND, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
English Grammar in Context: Clear and Fluent Academic Writing | University of Southern Denmark | 2019 |
Epidemology - Basic Principles | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 2019 |
ESH Summer School 2019 | European Society of Hypertention, Brauron, Grækenland | 2019 |
ESMRMB 2019 conference | ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 2019 |
ESMRMB 2019 educational sessions | ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 2019 |
ESTRO 38 Physics pre-meeting course: machine learning for physicists | The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Milan, Italy | 2019 |
EULAR-endorsed European Large Vessel Vasculitis Imaging Course (EULVIC) | EULVIC - EULAR (European Leauge against Rheumatology), Innsbruck, Austria | 2019 |
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology | Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Florence, Italy | 2019 |
Exercise as Medicine: a Translational Perspective | Centre for Physical Activity, Comwell Borupgaard, Snekkersten, Denmark | 2019 |
Finishing your PhD and planning your future career | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Forskningskommunikation på Sundhedsområdet - Forskningsformidling på engelsk | Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark | 2019 |
Forskningskommunikation på Sundhedsområdet - Pressekontakt samt Medie- og skærmtræning | Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark | 2019 |
Foundation Echo Course | University Hospital of North Staffordshire | 2019 |
Foundation Echocardiography | Midlands Echo, Moat House Hotel, Stoke on Tent, UK | 2019 |
From Fieldwork to Analysis | Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
GATK4 Workshop | Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
GATK Workshop | Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
GBD Advanced Level Workshop | Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, Evia, Greece | 2019 |
Get ready to present your PhD projekt | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) | The GCP Unit in Aarhus and Aalborg, Forskningens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark | 2019 |
GRASPH Summer School 2019 | KU, Comwell Klarskovgaard, Korsør, Danmark | 2019 |
Guided surgery S.I.N. training | S.I.N. training facilities, Sao Paulo, Brazil | 2019 |
Health Scientific Information Searching and Publishing | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Hälsostödjande familjesamtal - en modell för intervention | Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar, Sweden | 2019 |
How To Design and Conduct your Mixed Methods Study | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
How to do and how to get numbers from immunofluorescence microscopy experiments | Hannover Medical School, Germany | 2019 |
How to Structure an Article | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark | 2019 |
How To Write an Abstract | University of Southern Denmark, Odense Denmark | 2019 |
How To Write an Article | University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark | 2019 |
Image Guided and Apaptive Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice | Porto, Portugal | 2019 |
Integrative Human Cardiovascular Control | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Introduction to peer supervision in health services | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Introduction to Questionaire Research (Clinimetrics part 1) | University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2019 |
Introduction to Questionaire Technique and Clinimetrics | University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark | 2019 |
Introduction to Statistical Programming | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Innate Immunity | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Intensive Medical Writing: Learn how to write papers that get published | Gratuate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
International Summer School in Forensic Genetics and Massively Parallel Sequencing | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Introduction to medical statistics using SPSS | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Introduction to R | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Journal Club of non-coding RNA Biology | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Kunnskapstransalasjon og implementering: Forskningens kunnskapsbidrag og implikasjoner i og for helse- og omsorgstjenestenen i kommunal sektor | Forskerskolen for kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway | 2019 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2019 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Linear Algebra for Neuroscientists | Radboud University, The Netherlands | 2019 |
Logic, Causation and Probability (EPIDEM M204 / STATS M243) | UCLA Fielding School of Public Health | 2019 |
Machine Learning | Edinburgh University, Coursea Online Learning Platform | 2019 |
Machine Learning | Stanford University, Coursea Online Course | 2019 |
Machine Learning for health | Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark | 2019 |
Measuring Causal Effects in the Social Sciences | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Medical Neuroscience | Duke University, online course | 2019 |
Metakognitiv Terapi til Børn med Angst og OCD | Kognitiv Terapi Center, Aarhus V, Denmark | 2019 |
Methodology of Conducting an Intervention Review (Online) | Cochrane Interactive Learning, | 2019 |
Mitochondrial Physiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
MRI Fundamentals | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | 2019 |
Multidisciplinary management of breast cancer | ESTRO, Budapest, Hungary | 2019 |
National Annual PhD Course in Oncology and Hematology | SDU, Denmark | 2019 |
Neuroimmunephisiology | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems | Department of Matematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology (2019-2020) | The Association of Nordic Cancer Registries, Tampere University, Finland | 2019 |
Object Oriented Programming in Java | University of California San Diego, USA | 2019 |
One day introduction to REDcap | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Osteoporosis & Other Metabolic Bone Diseases | Oxford, UK | 2019 |
Particle Therapy | ESTRO School, Groningen, The Netherlands | 2019 |
Patient and Public Involvement in Research | Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2019 |
Pasientforløp og samhandling på tvers av helsetjenestenivåer og profesjoner | Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo | 2019 |
Personale, der betjener knoglescannere (DXA-scannere) | Region H, Gentofte Hospital, Danmark | 2019 |
Personalised Sensors | BERTHA Summer School | 2019 |
Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School 2019 | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2019 |
PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS AND PEDAGOGY | PACE University, College of Health Profession's Lienhard School of Nursing, New York, USA | 2019 |
PHYSICS Pre-meeting: Machine Learning for Physicists | Milan, Italy | 2019 |
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project | Head of Graduate School, Arts | 2019 |
Practical Introduction to Running Randomised Clinical Trials | Keele University, UK | 2019 |
Presentation of medical results | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Proces og produkt i afhandlingsarbejdet | Forskeruddannelsesprogrammet i filosofi, uddannelsesvidenskab og medier, SDU, Odense, Denmark | 2019 |
Projektledelse | Implement consulting group, Hellerup, Danmark | 2019 |
PSI Winter School for Proton | Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland | 2019 |
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiologic Research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Qualitative Methods - Module A - Introduction & Research Design | Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Qualitative Methods - Modul D - Mixing Methods | Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Questionnaires in clinical and public health research: development, validation and evaluation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2019 |
Radioterapi | DSKO, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Denmark | 2019 |
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research | Odense Patient Data Explorative Network, SDU, Denmark | 2019 |
Register-based research - Pharmacoepidemiology: drug use and safety | Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för medicin, Solna, Sweden | 2019 |
Research Course in Radiotherapy Physics | European society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) | 2019 |
Reproducible Quantitative Methods: Data Analysis Workflow Using R | Danish Diabetes Academy | 2019 |
Research Design and Applied Data Analysis for Quantitative Social Sciences and Education Studies | Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Responsible Conduct of Research | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Scientific Project Planning and Management 1 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Scientific Writing - A Framework for Writing a Scientific Paper | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Scientific Writing and Publishing | Nature Masterclasses, Online Course | 2019 |
School of MRI - Basic Course on Applied MR Techniques | European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, European Association of Radiology | 2019 |
SLLS Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research | University of Geneva, Switzerland | 2019 |
Social Research as a Craft | Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
SPSS | Oxford, UK | 2019 |
STATA - fra 0 til 100 på 16 timer - for REDCap brugere | Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Statistical analysis of survival data | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) | Functional Imaging Laboratory, University of London, UK | 2019 |
Statistics in Medicine | Online Course, Stanford University | 2019 |
Southern School of Biophysics | Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso, Chile | 2019 |
Summer School: Advanced Topics in Pharmacepidemiology | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2019 |
System thinking in Public Health | John Hopkins University | 2019 |
Target Volume Determination - From Imaging to Margins | ESTRO, Athens | 2019 |
The Physics of Medical Imaging - Diagnostic Radiology and CT | The Joint Department of Physics, The Institute of Cancer Research, and the NHS Foundation, London, UK | 2019 |
The Physics of Medical Imaging - Image Theory, Perception and Processing | The Joint Department of Physics, The Institute of Cancer Research, and the NHS Foundation, London, UK | 2019 |
The Physics of Medical Imaging - Nuclear Medicine | The Joint Department of Physics, The Institute of Cancer Research, and the NHS Foundation, London, UK | 2019 |
The good scientific presentation: From attractive posters to inspiring talks | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
The Role of the Microbiome in Complex Metabolic & Inflammatory Diseases | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2019 |
The PhD-student as supervisor - leadership education | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2019 |
Theories and Models for Midwifery | University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland | 2019 |
Train the Laparoscopic Trainer (LapCo) | Region Midtjylland, Hospitalsenheden Vest (Herning), Danmark | 2019 |
Translation Research in Psychology: From lab to patient and back again | Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
(Un)making data: Exploring (auto)ethnographic epistemologies and 'What counts?' as relevant knowledge in a datafiel era | Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark | 2019 |
Validation of Prediction Models in Epidemiology and Medicine | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Videregående kvalitativ metode: indsamling af interviewdata og kvalitativ indholdsanalyse | Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus BSS, Danmark | 2019 |
Vision: A Platform for Linking Circuits, Behavior & Perception | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | 2019 |
Web-seminar 1-8 | Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway | 2019 |
Which covariates to adjust for: An introduction to directed acyclic graphs | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2019 |
Writing a Data Management Plan | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2019 |
Writing in the Science (online) | Stanford University | 2019 |
Yngre Reumatologers inspirationskursus | Middelfart, Denmark | 2019 |
3rd Danish Bone Research workshop | Danish Bone Society, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark | 2020 |
A study in Trauma and Somatic Memory | Online Webinar, CONFER | 2020 |
A-kursus i neuroradiologi | Neuroradiologisk afdeling Aarhus Universistetshospital, Denmark | 2020 |
Advanced Course in Qualitative Research in Public and Global Health – From Conceptualization to Write-up | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Advanced Epidemology | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Advanced Life Support | Dansk Råd for Genoplivning | 2020 |
Advanced Statistical Topics in Health Research A | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Analysis of time to event data in medical research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Anatomy of the Central Nervous System | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
An Introduction to CUDA | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University | 2020 |
An introduction to systematic reviews | University of Southern Denmark | 2020 |
Antimicrobial resistance, theory and methods | Technical University of Denmark DTU, | 2020 |
Applying Practice Theory in Social Science Research | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Applied Prognostic Research | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2020 |
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in Diabetes 2020 | The Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism, Danish Diabetes Academy | 2020 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology | European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), virtual course | 2020 |
Basic EEG 22nd edition | Virtual Epilepsy Academy (VIREPA) | 2020/2021 |
Basic Flow Cytometry and cell sorting I | Graduate School of Health and Medican Sciences, Copenhagen University | 2020 |
Basic hands-on course in transmission and scanning electron microscopy of mammalian cells (MaEM) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Basic Kinetic Modelling in PET and MR Imaging | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Basic Statistical Analysis in Life and Environmental Sciences | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers (Danish) - R | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2020 |
Basis Simulatorinstruktøruddannelsen | Koncern HR, MidtSim, Region Midtjylland, Denmark | 2020 |
Biological Membranes | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Biostatistics I | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Cardiac MR | Danish Society of Cardiology, Nyborg, Denmark | 2020 |
Client Participation | Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Complex Interventions in Health Care with a Special Focus on the Care of Adults and Older Persons | Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden | 2020 |
Contemplating Fieldwork | Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University | 2020 |
Course in neurosurgical oncologi | Neurokirurgisk afdeling, Rigshospitalet | 2020 |
Critical Ethnographic Research in Cultural and Societal Transformations in the Nordic Countries | Doctoral School of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Faroe Islands | 2020 |
Cross Institutional Bioimaging PhD Course | AU, SDU, KU and Danish Bioimaging Network | 2020 |
DDA Summer School on Diabetes & Metabolism for PhD Students | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2020 |
Deep Learning | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Design and analysis of epigenome-wide association studies | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2020 |
De kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene som forskningssetting | Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway | 2020 |
Effective Speaking | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Empiriværkstedet | Graduate School, Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
English Grammar in Context | University of Southern Denmark | 2020 |
Experimental surgery 1: Basic principles and procedures | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Facilitating Innovative Processes (NorDoc Course) | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Finishing your PhD and planning your future career | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
From Analysis to Text | Aarhus University & University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Generic Intructor Course (GIC) | Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES) | 2020 |
Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Good Clinical Practice | GCP-enheden, Aarhus og Aalborg Universitetshospitaler, Aarhus, Denmark | 2020 |
GRADE | Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health, University of Southern Denmark | 2020 |
HEY YOU, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY RESEARCH - How to use the media to reach the public | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2020 |
How to present your research to the public | Danish Diabetes Academy and Elevate Scientific Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Immunometabolism, from bench to bedside | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Intensive Medical Writing: Learn how to write papers that get published | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Introduction to Behaviour Change: Principles & Practise (online) | University College London, Center for Behaviour Change, UK | 2020 |
Introduction to Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) | University of Copenhagen, SUND | 2020 |
Introduction to medical statistics using SPSS | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Introduction to omics for clinical researchers | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Health Sciences | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Introduction to scale validation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Key Concepts and Principles for Design and Critical Interpretation of Nordic Register-Based Studies | Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (Online Course) | 2020 |
Klinisk undervisningsforløb | Center for health science education and problem-based learning, Klinisk institut, Aalborg Universitet | 2020 |
Kursus for personale, der betjener knoglescannere | Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Kvalitative Forskningsmetoder | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Machine Learning | Aalborg University | 2020 |
Matrix Biology | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Medical Ethics: Theory and Practice | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2020 |
Meeting the reproducibility challenges in research - importance of qaulity assessment in the laboratory | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2020 |
Metabolic Aspects of the Brain Muscle Axis (online course) | Cambridge Metabolic Network, University of Cambridge & Danish Diabetes Academy | 2020 |
Mixed Models | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
Modern scale validation using IRT and rasch models | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Neuroradiologisk A-kursus | Neuroradiologisk afd. AUH | 2020 |
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact! | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Paediatric Research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Pediatric Nutrition Journal Club | The PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen | 2020 |
Phantasmography and Anthropology | Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
PhD Course: Organizational Ethnography | Doctoral School of Social Science and Business, Roskilde University, Denmark | 2020 |
Physics for modern Radiotherapy | ESTRO, online course | 2020 |
PMOD Training Course (Basic- and Advanced Application Course) | Biomedical Image Quantification, Zurich, Switzerland (online course) | 2020 |
Political and Organizational Ethnography | Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research (SRT) | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity Related Disease (Online) | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Present your research | Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (offered as an online course) | 2020 |
Presentation of medical results – Basic course (Online) | Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Process Evaluation of Interventions in Complex Systems | Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Projektledelse for ph.d.-studerende | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process | Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2020 |
Pure and applied phenomenology | The PhD School, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen | 2020 |
Qualitative Research within Health Science | Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Randomized controlled trials in health sciences - why and how to run a high-quality trial | Graduate Program in Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health, Odense, SDU | 2020 |
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research | University of Southern Denmark | 2020 |
Responsible conduct of research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2020 |
Safety during work with radioactive sources | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2020 |
Scientific Computing using Python - 1. Python + Scientific Computing | Online Course, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Scientific Computing using Python - High Performance Computing in Python | Online Course, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Skriverliv - om at blive og være et skrivende menneske | Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Smell and Taste 12 | Smell & Taste Clinic of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Technical University of Dresden | 2020 |
Statistical analysis of survival data | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Statistics in Medicine | Online Course, Standford University, USA | 2020 |
Stem Cell Research and Critical Thinking | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Systematical Critical Review | University of Southern Denmark | 2020 |
Teoretisk Basiskursus i Pronterapi | Dansk Center for Partikelterapi, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Denmark | 2020 |
The good scientific presentation: from attractive posters to inspiring talks | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
The PhD-student as supervisor - leadership education (Danish) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
The Use of Concepts: Choosing and Unfolding Concepts in PhD Theses | Copenhagen business School, Frederiksberg | 2020 |
Theories ans Qualitative Methods for Investigating Technology in Action | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Tumor i Centralnervesystemet, udredning og behandling | Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Machine Learning and Imaging Projects | Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Update your Academic Publishing Toolbox | Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2020 |
Validation of Prediction Models in Epidemiology and Medicine | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Which covariates to adjust for: An introduction to directed acyclic graphs | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2020 |
Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2020 |
Writing in the Sciences (online) | Standford University | 2020 |
33rd Course on Clinical Genomics and NGS | Online course, ESHG and CEUB, Italy | 2021 |
4th European Conference on Donor Health and Management 2021 (ECDHM) | Online Course, University of Hamburg, Germany | 2021 |
5th Variant Effect Prediction Training Course (VEPTIC) | Online Course, Global Variome, The Human Variome Project | 2021 |
6th NorMIC Imaging Workshop - Course in Advanced Light Microscopy and Image Processing | Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) and Department of Life Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway | 2021 |
Academic Writing | Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Advanced Causal Inference | Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden | 2021 |
Advanced Life Support | Dansk Råd for Genoplivning, Aarhus N, Denmark | 2021 |
Advanced Social Epidemiology: A focus on Concepts, Context, Life-course and Policy | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Advanced Training Programme: Changing Behaviour in Systems | UCL Centre for Behaviour Change, online | 2021 |
Akademisk skriving - Skriveprosesser og deltakelse i akademiske dialoger | Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway | 2021 |
Analysis of genome-wide association study data with a focus on prediction of complex traits | Doug Speed (QGG - graduate school of technical scienses) - Aarhus University | 2021 |
An Introduction to Genomics in Health Science | University of Southern Denmark | 2021 |
ASAS e-core course on Axial Spondyloarthritis | Online Course, ASAS, | 2021 |
Basal Metabolism & Molecular Mechanisms in Diabetes | The Education Committee, Diabetes and Metabolism Danish Diabetes Academy and Danish Cardiovascular Academy | 2021 |
Basic academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences | Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University | 2021 |
Basic Bioethics | Online Course, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Basic Course in Qualitative Research Methods in Healthcare | Amsterdam University Medical Centres (UMC), The Netherlands | 2021 |
Basic Methods in Pharmacoepidemiology | Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | 2021 |
BASIC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES | The Faculty of Science and Tecgnology, Aarhus University | 2021 |
Basis simulatorinstruktøruddannelsen | Koncern HR, MidtSim, Region Midtjylland, Denmark | 2021 |
Broad Cancer BootCamp | Broad Institute Cancer Program | 2021 |
Cancer Genomics | Online Course, EMBL, European Bioinformatics Institute | 2021 |
Central Concepts and Theoretical Debates in Social Science Approaches to Alcohol and Drug Research | Aarhus BSS Graduate School, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Denmark | 2021 |
Clinimetrics Part 2 | University of Southern Denmark, Denmark | 2021 |
Computational Psychiatry Course 2021 | Translational Neuromodeling Unit, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich | 2021 |
Constructive and Explainable Machine Learning | Aalborg University | 2021 |
Course in Good Clinical Practice | GCP Enheden, Aalborg og Aarhus Universitetshospitaler | 2021 |
Crafting Ethnography: Analysis, argument and writing | Faculty of Arts, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University | 2021 |
Curso de Formacâo em Odontologia - Course in digital dentistry (ENG) | Sao Paulo, Brazil | 2021 |
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2021 | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark | 2021 |
DCS Ekko 2 - 2 dages kursus i basal ekkokardiografi | Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab | 2021 |
DDA Summer School on Diabetes & Metabolism for PhD Students | Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism and Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2021 |
Design Thinking in Health and Medical Sciences (NorDoc Summer School 2021) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
DCS EKKO 1 - 3 dages kursus i basal ekkokardiografi | Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab | 2021 |
EANS 10th Annual Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting & Research Course | European association of neurosurgery, Online | 2021 |
EANS Research Course 2021 | Online Course, Sint Martens Latem, Belgium | 2021 |
EC301 Eclipse Scripting API basics v15.1 (c) | Online Course, Varian Medical Systems, Las Vegas, USA | 2021 |
Empiriværksted | Online Course, Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Empower Your Talent | Danish Cardiovascular Academy, SAS Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark | 2021 |
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Development (NorDoc Summer School 2021) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Ethnography in health care sciences | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Exercise as Medicine; a translational perspective | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Facilitating Innovative Processes (NorDoc Summer School 2021) | Online Course, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark | 2021 |
Finishing Your PhD and Planning Your Future Career | Online Course, NorDoc Summer School 2021, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
General Pathology | Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Hands-on course in transmission and scanning electron microscopy - process your own sample | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2021 |
Hands-on Qualitative Methods | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark | 2021 |
Hemodynamic Monitoring 2021 - e-DAY 2021 | ISICEM, Virtual | 2021 |
How to get published | Aarhus University | 2021 |
How to teach communication skills and conduct peer supervision – pedagogical reflections, learning theory and communication models | Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University | 2021 |
Human Brain Anatomy Course | Online Course, Neurocourses UK | 2021 |
Imaging for Physicists | ESTRO, Online Course | 2021 |
Imaging tools for the comprehensive diagnosis and management of PsA | Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Beerse, Belgium | 2021 |
Implementation of interventions and implementation research in health and medical sciences | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Gene-editing and Brain Cell Models | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2021 |
Industrial PhD Course: The Business of Impact, Innovation, and Co-Creation | Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Inequalities in Health and Healthcare | Summer School of the Tinbergen Institute Graduate School og Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands | 2021 |
Influenza School (mixed online and in-person format) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2021 |
Intermediate course on reproducible research in R | Danish Diabetes Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Intermediate methods in pharmacoepidemiology 2021 | Online Course, The Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology | 2021 |
Introduction to estimation of the causal effects in an observational study and g-methods | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | 2021 |
Introduction to Analysis in Qualitative Research | Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Introduction to R | Online Course, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Introduction to Teaching and Learning (InTel) | Centre for Educational Development, CED, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Introduktion til universitetspædagogiske overvejelser og kommunikation | Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet | 2021 |
IASP Euro Pain Winter School | Online Course, International Association for the Study of Pain and Heidelberg Pain Consortium | 2021 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Laboratory Animal Science B | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2021 |
Machine Learning and Imaging (MLIM) | Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Machine Learning for Single Cell Analysis | Yale Genetics and Yale SEAS | 2021 |
Measurement of Pain | SCANDINAVIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN, Rigshospitalet København | 2021 |
Media School for PhD students in health and medical sciences (Online) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Medical Statistics | Online Course, Stanford University, USA | 2021 |
Metabolomics Data Processing and Data Analysis | Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre, University of Birmingham, UK | 2021 |
Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study | Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School 2021 | 2021 |
Multidisciplinary management of breast cancer | ESTRO - Brussels, Belgium | 2021 |
Muscle metabolism and E-C coupling – role in exercise, training and disease | Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark | 2021 |
Neuropsychopharmacology | Department of Clinical Neuroscience & the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Instituttet, Sweden | 2021 |
Next-generation sequencing in routine clinical microbiology and infectious diseases | ESCMID Online Postgraduate Education Course, Online | 2021 |
NMA-Computational Neuroscience | Online Course, Neuromatch Academy | 2021 |
NSG6133 Decision Making in Clinical Practice | The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada | 2021 |
Online Teaching Course Particle Therapy | German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Virtual Course | 2021 |
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact! (Online) | Graduate Schrool of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Pediatric Nutrition Journal Club | The PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen | 2021 |
Personalized Medicine in Cancer Research – from Bedside to Basic Science to Bedside | Doctoral School of Clinical Science and Biomedicine, Aalborg University and Clinical Cancer Research Center, and Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark | 2021 |
PET pharmacokinetics course | Uppsala University, Sweden, Virtual event | 2021 |
Phenomenological lifeworld perspective, methodology and analysis | Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway | 2021 |
Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Mouse Models | University of Copenhagen, Department of experimental Medicine | 2021 |
Philosophy of Science | Copenhagen Business School | 2021 |
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project | Online Course, Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Polysomnografi - skåring av søvn og søvnrelaterte hendelser | Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer (SOVno), Universitetet i Bergen, Norway | 2021 |
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process | Department of Management, Business and Social Science, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Graduate School of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2021 |
Prospects in Contemporary Anthropological Theory Session 2: Well-being | University of Copenhagen, online | 2021 |
Qualitative Research within the Health Sciences | Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research | Graduate School, Faculty of Health, Sciences University of Southern Denmark | 2021 |
Researching (urban) Landscape Governance and Management | Online Course, Swedish University of Landscape Governance and Management (SLU) | 2021 |
Reproducible Research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows | Danish Diabetes Academy, Aarhus, Denmark | 2021 |
Scientific Project Planning | Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Signal and Spectral Analysis: extracting information from noisy data | Aalborg Universitet | 2021 |
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis using R | Online Course, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK | 2021 |
Skriv ph.d. afhandlingens "kappe": struktur, sammenhæng, kvalitetskriterier og bidrag | Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SMP) for MEG/EEG | Online Course, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, London | 2021 |
Statistisk analyse af hjerneskanninger (SAN) | CFIN, civilingeniøruddannelsen i Biomedicinsk Teknik, Science and Technology, Aarhus Universitet | 2021 |
Suffering in Contemporary Society | Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Summer School 2021 - The Skin Barrier | The LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, Denmark | 2021 |
Survival Analysis | Graduate School of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark | 2021 |
Teoretisk Basiskursus i Protonterapi | Dansk Center for Partikelterapi, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2021 |
The 33rd Residential Summer Course | Online Course, European Educational Programme in Epidemiology, Florence, Italy | 2021 |
The evolving role of medical physicists in clinical trials | ESTRO - Madrid, Spain | 2021 |
The PhD student as supervisor - leadership education | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
The social media landscape - a crash course | Aros Business Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy | 2021 |
Translational Paediatric Oncology in the Era of Immunotherapy and Omics | Online Course, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden | 2021 |
Treatment of Diabetes, Obesity and Assessment of End Organ Damage (Kidney and Liver/Intestine) | Danish Diabetes Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
Reproducible Research in R: An Introductory Course on Modern Data Analyses and Workflows | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2021 |
Validation of Prediction Models in Epidemiology and Medicine | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Visual Methods | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2021 |
Why, when and how: Theory in Qualitative Empirical Studies (Online) | Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2021 |
33rd Course on Muscukoskeletal Pathology | Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy | 2022 |
34th Residential Summer Course (13th June - 1st July) | European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence | 2022 |
155th O2k-Workshop on High-Resolution Respirometry | Orobuoros Instruments, Schröcken, Austria | 2022 |
Academic Writing | Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2022 |
Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience | Giuseppe Nicosie & Panos Pardalos, Siena, Tuscany, Italy | 2022 |
Advanced Flow Cytometry | Health, Aarhus University | 2022 |
Advanced Life Support | Dansk Råd for Genoplivning | 2022 |
Aktionsforskning og organisatorisk læring som forskningstilgang | Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet | 2022 |
Analysis of qualitative data; Introduction and "hands on" with a phenomenological hermeneutical approach inspired by Paul Ricoeurs | Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark | 2022 |
Analysis of Time to Event Data | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2022 |
Analytical work in qualitative and ethnographic health research | National Institute of Public Health,University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Annual meeting in Graduate School of Immunology 2022 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Arctic Community Perspectives on Covid-19: Collaboration, methodology and lessons learned | Greenland Center for Health Research, University of Greenland | 2022 |
Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine | Jacob T. Schwartz International School for Scientific Research - Lipari School on Computational Life Sciences, Italy | 2022 |
Bacterial biofilms and their role in chronic infections (Online) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Basal Cardio-Metabolic PhD Course - from Impaired Glucose and Lipid Metabolism to Cardiovascular Disease | Danish Cardiovascular Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy | 2022 |
Basic Bioethics | Aalborg University, Denmark | 2022 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology | Online Course, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) | 2022 |
Basic Kinetic Modeling in PET and MR Imaging | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Basic statistics for health researchers - SAS statistical software (Danish) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Bayesian methods in biomedical research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Behavioural testing in rodents: there's more than meets the eye | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
BI-portal Ninjauddannelsen | BI-kontoret, Region Midtjylland | 2022 |
Biobanking in the era of precision medicine | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Cancer genomics | European Bioinformatics Institute, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK | 2022 |
Cancer Genomics. Current concepts and clinical applications | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) and its cardiovascular applications | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Cardiology, Diabetes and Nephrology At the Limits (2022 and 2023) | At the Limits / Royal College of Physicians, London, UK | 2022 |
Causal Inference, Part 1 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Challenges in the Surgical RCT – focus on patient selection and PROs | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Clinical Neuroscience | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Communication & presentation in the academic context | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Computational Genomics Summer Institute (CGSI) | University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) | 2022 |
Cone Beam CT Kursus - 3 dages teoretisk indføring | Tandlægeforeningen | 2022 |
Copenhagen Meeting on Cardiac Arrhythmia | University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Copenhagen Image Analysis 2022 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Crafting Ethnography: Analysis, argument and writing | Faculty of Arts, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University | 2022 |
Creative Techniques for Thesis Writing (Online) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Data Science Spring School & Challenge for Early Career Researchers & Professionals | Danish Data Science Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy | 2022 |
DCAcademy Summer Meeting 2022 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
DCAcademy Winter Meeting 2022 | Danish Cardiovascular Academy | 2022 |
Decision Analysis Methods in Public Health and Medicine, RDS 285 | Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA | 2022 |
Designing, conducting and evaluating interventions in Sport and Exercise Psychology | Faculty of sport science, Leipzig University, Germany | 2022 |
Diabetes Research Symposium | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Diffusive and Stochastic Processes | University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Drug Delivery | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Economic Evaluation in Health Care | University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Effective Speaking | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
EMBL Course: Advanced fluorescence imaging techniques | EMBL Advanced Light Microscopy Facility, Virtual | 2022 |
EMBO Workshop: The molecular and cellular basis of regeneration and tissue repair | EMBO. Barcalona, Spain | 2022 |
Empower Your Talent – Leadership course 2022 | Danish Cardiovascular Academy | 2022 |
Epidemiology - Basic Principles | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Eriksholm Summer School on Translational Research | Eriksholm Research Centre and Demant Headquarters | 2022 |
Ethical challenges and dilemmas in research with vulnerable and socially exposed groups in society | The Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University | 2022 |
Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement Summer School | The University of Leicester | 2022 |
European Acardemic Nursing Science (EANS) Summerschool | The Vilnius Univsersity of Faculty of Medicine | 2022 |
Exercise performance and training of the top-class athlete | The PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Experimenting with ethnography, Making time-space for analysis | PhD school at the IT University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
From high throughput sequencing to diagnosis in immune mediated disorders - ESID/ERNRITA workshop | European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, Paris, France | 2022 |
Fundamentals of Genetics: The Genetics You Need To Know | Stanford, Center for Professional Development, Online course | 2022 |
Foundations of Behavioral Economics | Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Online | 2022 |
Get ready to present your PhD project | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
GIS (Geographical Information Systems) in Environmental Epidemiology | European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence | 2022 |
GRASPH Summer School | Comwell, Korsør, Denmark | 2022 |
Health Research with Vulnerable Groups | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Hjertekarsygdom og den hæmostatiske balance | University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
How to Make an Award-winning Scientific Poster | Danish Diabetes Academy | 2022 |
How to teach communication skills and conduct peer supervision – introduction to pedagogical reflection, learning theory and communication models | Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet | 2022 |
How to Write an Abstract | University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Human Digestion and Absorption - a Mechanistic Understanding | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Image and Data Integrity - EMBO workshop (Online) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy | ESTRO, Ljubljana, Slovenia | 2022 |
Implementation of interventions and medical/health implementation research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Gene-editing and Brain Cell Model | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Innovation and intellectual property rights in biotechnology and drug discovery | University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences | 2022 |
Institutional Organizational Analysis – Change and Transformation | Copenhagen Business School | 2022 |
Intermediate Course on Reproducible Research in R for PhD students & Postdocs – Expanding Your Data Analysis Toolkit | Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark | 2022 |
International FISH Course 2022 | Division of Microbial Ecology, Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, University of Vienna | 2022 |
International Training Course in Hyperpolarized 13C & 129Xe MRI: moving to Clinical use | The MR Research Centre, Department of Clinical Medicin Aarhus University | 2022 |
Intervention Mapping: Designing theory-based and evidence-based behavior change programs | Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, The Netherlands | 2022 |
Internt kursus i tematisk analyse | Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen | 2022 |
Introduction to Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data | University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Introduction to R | Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University | 2022 |
Introduction to RayStation Planning | RaySearch Laboratories, Hyperboost | 2022 |
Introduction to the microphenomenological interview | The Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University | 2022 |
Introduction to the Ucloud platform for highperformance next-generation sequencing analyses | University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Introductory Course on The Biology of The Skin | Downing College, Cambridge University | 2022 |
Kursus for personale, der betjener konglescannere | Region Hovedstaden, Rigshospitalet | 2022 |
Kursus i Muskuloskeletal Ultralyd | Dansk Ultralyddiagnostisk Selskab, Hvidovre Hospital | 2022 |
Kvalitative metoder | Aalborg Universitet | 2022 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2022 |
Laboratory Animal Science - EU Function ABD (mixed online and in person format) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Laboratory Animal Science - supplementing online course | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Learning and Memory | Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, in Venice, Italy | 2022 |
Living wih Algorithms: Power, Practices, and People in a Datafied World | Arts, Aarhus University | 2022 |
LUMA practitioner certification program | Deakin University, Melbourne | 2022 |
MAGNETOM Free.Max | Siemens Healthineers, Aarhus, Online Modules | 2022 |
Medical cancer treatment | Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital | 2022 |
Microbial biofilm techniques | Technical University of Denmark, DTU | 2022 |
Microfluidics for lab-on-a-chip | EPFL, Schwitzerland | 2022 |
Mikrobiologisk Donorscreening | Dansk Selskab for Klinik Immunologi, Odense Universitets Hospital, Danmark | 2022 |
Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study | Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School 2022 | 2022 |
Mixed models in Health Science | Odense Universitetshospital, SDU, Denmark | 2022 |
Molecular Methods in Cancer Biology/Basic Cancer Biology | Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark | 2022 |
Mixed Methods Research – An Introduction | Western Norway Graduated School of Educational Research II | 2022 |
Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology | ESTRO, Lyon, France | 2022 |
National Annual PhD Course in Oncology | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University | 2022 |
NMA Computational Neuroscience | Online Course, Neuromatch Academy | 2022 |
Non-Coding Genome | Sorbonne Université | 2022 |
Nordic Baltic PhD Course: Hypertension, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease | Danish Cardiovascular Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy | 2022 |
Obesity in a Life-Course | Danish Diabetes Academy | 2022 |
Occurrence rates, cumulative risks, competing risks, state propabilities with multiple states and time scales in Register Research with R and Epi | Ilisimatusarfiks Ph.d.-skole | 2022 |
One day introduction to REDCap | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact! | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School | AI for Global Goals, CIFAR, University of Oxford, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. | 2022 |
Particle Therapy | ESTRO, Aarhus, Denmark | 2022 |
Pasientforløp og samhandling på tvers av helsetjenestenivåer og profesjoner | Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE | 2022 |
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Health Research | University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics | Uppsala University | 2022 |
Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School 2022 | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Grenaa, Denmark | 2022 |
PhD course in Innovation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
PhD seminar Feminist Methodologies | Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Aalborg University | 2022 |
PhD Spring School: Cardiac electrophysiology - basic and clinical aspects | University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
PhD Summer School 2022 - Topics in Computational Biology | University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Present Your Science - Visual Storytelling for Scientists | Visualize Your Science | 2022 |
Principles of fMRI 1 | John Hopkins University and University of Colorado Boulder, USA | 2022 |
Process Evaluation and Complex Interventions | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Programming and statistical modelling in R | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2022 |
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process | Department of Management, Business and Social Science, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Graduate School of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2022 |
Qualitative Methods in Sports Exercise and Health: Innovative Approaches | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Qualitative Research Methods an Analysis | University of Oslo, Norway | 2022 |
Quantitative 3D Imaging | Quantitative 3D Imaging | 2022 |
Quantitative methods in radiation oncology: models, trials and clinical outcomes | ESTRO, Lisbon, Portugal | 2022 |
Questionnaire Development | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Questionnaires in clinical and public health research: development, validation and evaluation | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Randomized controlled trial in health sciences – why and how to run a high quality trial | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Realist Evaluation | Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen | 2022 |
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research | Faculty of Health Sciences, Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark | 2022 |
Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Reproducible research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows | Dansih diabetes Academy | 2022 |
Research Coordination Meeting | International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria | 2022 |
Research course in Radiotherapy Physics | ESTRO, online course | 2022 |
Saltin International Graduate Course in Exercise and Clinical Physiology | School of Kinesiology, University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine University of Ottawa, Ontario, Niagara on the lake, ON, Canada | 2022 |
Science Writing and Communication | Aarhus University | 2022 |
Scientists of Tomorrow | Copenhagen Institute for Furture Studies (CIFS) & The Danish Diabetes Academy | 2022 |
Social Research as a Craft | Department of Political Science, Aarhus University | 2022 |
Surgical Pathophysiology | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Survival Analysis | Graduate School of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark | 2022 |
Statistical analysis of repeated measurements and clustered data with SAS | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) fMRI/MRI/VBM | Online Course, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, London | 2022 |
Statistics for Assessment of Occupational Exposures and Health Outcomes | NIVA organisation (the Nordic Institute for Advanced Education in Occupational Health), Oslo, Norway | 2022 |
Statistics for Assessment of Occupational Exposures and Health Outcomes | Statens Arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (STAMI), Oslo | 2022 |
Statistisk analyse af hjerneskanninger (SAN) | Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroimaging, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark | 2022 |
The 2022 EASO ECN Winter School | European Association for the Study of Obesity, Seville, Spain | 2022 |
The complexity of age-related diseases | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
The European Basic Course in Neuropathology | The European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies, Virtual | 2022 |
The fifth CanTest International School for Cancer Detection Research in Primary Care | Magdalene Collega, University og Cambridge | 2022 |
The Principles of Neural Organization | The Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2022 |
The Talented Researcher - lead yourself & lead your project | Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Thinking through your PhD-project. Working with situational analysis in practice. | University of Faroe Island, Faculty of Communication and education | 2022 |
Training Time - & Project mangement, Traning Presentation Skills | Hyperboost-Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, Online | 2022 |
Translational Neurobiology of the Pain System XXVII: 1) Probing Neuroplastic Manifestations in Neuropathic, Nociceptive, and Nociplastic Pain Conditions, and 2) Pain Comorbidities in other Diseases | Aalborg University | 2022 |
Unashamed Citizenship | The PhD School, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Vaccinations- og Blodprøvekursus via LabVikar ApS | LabVilkår Aps | 2022 |
Vascular function and angiogenesis in relation to health and physical activity | University of Copenhagen | 2022 |
Visualize your Science | Visualize your Science, Online | 2022 |
Academic Information Searching: Methods, Sources and Documentation | Aalborg University | 2023 |
Advanced academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences | Aarhus University | 2023 |
Advanced course in questionnaire technique and clinimetrics | University of Southern Denmark | 2023 |
Advanced professional writing and editing in English for natural sciences and technical sciences | Aarhus University | 2023 |
Analytical work in qualitative and ethnographic health research | Department of health sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2023 |
Applied Python Programming for the Bio- Medical-sciences | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Atherosclerosis: Molecular Mechanisms, Genomic Modifiers and Therapeutic Strategies | Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Comwell Klarskovgaard, Korsør, Denmark | 2023 |
Basic academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences | Aarhus University | 2023 |
Basic data science skills for health researchers using R and the Tidyverse | University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Health Sciences | 2023 |
Basic Methods in Intro to Pharmacoepidemiology | Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (DSFE) | 2023 |
Basic Statistical Analysis | Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Basic Statistical Analysis (extra) | Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers - R | University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Bayesian Statistics, Simulation and Software - With a view to Application Examples | Aalborg University | 2023 |
BEING TRUE TO YOUR COMMITMENTS: ONTOLOGIES, EPISTEMOLOGIES AND METHODOLOGIES | Doctoral School of Social Sciences at Aalborg University | 2023 |
Biobanking in the era of precision medicine | University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Bioimaging Core Facility workshop on Light Sheet Microscopy | Bioimaging Core Fascility, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Biology of the Skin course | Postgraduate Medical Centre, Cambridge UK | 2023 |
Biostatistics I | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2023 |
Bridging Endocrinology with metabolism - Glucocorticoid Psyksiology and Pharmacology and Circadian Rhythms and merabolic stress | Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2023 |
Cardiometabolic Research PhD Course, From metabolic disturbances to the quest for novel solutions | Danish Cardiovascular Academy & Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism | 2023 |
Clinical Trials Course | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. | 2023 |
Communication and presentation in the acedemic context | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Controversies in Parkinson's Disease Research | International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. The venue was at Bordeaux Neurocampus, Bordeaux, France | 2023 |
Coronary Physiology - From basic to clinical science | Dansih Cardiovascular Academy, Comwell Hvide Hus Aalborg | 2023 |
Course in Good Clinical Practice | Aalborg og Aarhus Universitetshospitaler - Regionshuset - Oluf Palmes Alle 15 - 8200 Aarhus N - Danmark | 2023 |
UK Cardiac CT course Level 1 and Level 2 | Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, UK | 2023 |
Data Scientist With Python | Datacamp, online | 2023 |
Data Visualisation Workshop | Danish Data Science Academy, Danish Cardiovascular Academy and Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2023 |
DBI-INFRA QuPath Workshop | University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
DCAcademy Summer Meeting 2023 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
DCA winter meeting - Navigating new research agendas as a cardiovascular reasearcher | Danish Cardiovascular Acadamy | 2023 |
DDEA Summer School on Diabetes, Metabolism & Endocrinology for PhD Students | Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2023 |
Det første nationale ctDNA-RECIST kursus | Helnan Marselis Hotel, 8000 Aarhus | 2023 |
Diabetes Technology in Clinical Practice | Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2023 |
Digital PCR methods for circulating tumor DNA analyses - Theory and Practice | Roskilde University | 2023 |
Dissemination of Clinical Research - Papers, preprints, and social media | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Drug Delivery | Faculty of Health and Medical sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Effective Speaking | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Ekko 2 | Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab, Aarhus Universitetshospital | 2023 |
ESGCT Spring School 2023 | European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy - Giens, France | 2023 |
Ethical challenges and dilemmas in research with vulnerable and socially exposed groups in society | The Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Epidemiology - basic principles | Aalborg University | 2023 |
Epidemiology I: Planning a study | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Feltarbejdet som videnskabelse - workshop om tilrettelæggelse og gennemførsel af feltarbejde i samspil mellem vidensinteresser og feltets aktører | University of Roskilde, Roskilde , Denmark | 2023 |
Fundamentals of Clinical Data Science | Aalborg University | 2023 |
Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Global Health Case Challange | School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen & KU Ligthhouse | 2023 |
Grundkursus i Protonterapi | Danish Center for Particle Therapy, AUH | 2023 |
Hands-on Training on Open and Reproducible Science | Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2023 |
Health promoting conversations – a model for intervention (Swedish) | Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar, Sweden | 2023 |
How to teach communication skills and conduct peer supervision – introduction to pedagogical reflection, learning theory and communication models | Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Industrial PhD Course: The Business of Impact, Innovation, and Co-Creation | Copenhagen Buisness School | 2023 |
Informations Medieskole | Dagbladet Information, København | 2023 |
Institutional Organizational Analysis – Change and Transformation | Copenhagen Business School | 2023 |
In Vivo Pharmacology - Reproducibility & predictability in animal studies | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Integrative Human Cardiovascular Control | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Intermediate course on reproducible research in R - expanding your data analysis for PhD students and postdocs | Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy, Education Committee, Copenhagen | 2023 |
International Clinical Certification Course in Transcranical Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) | Maastricht University, The Netherlands | 2023 |
Introduction to Analysis in Qualitative Research | Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2023 |
Introduction to omics for clinical researchers part 1 | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Introduction to R | Aarhus University | 2023 |
Kend dit publikum - om at formidle forskning i samspil med journalistikken | Arts, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Department of Zoophysiology at Aarhus University | 2023 |
Lullabyte Training Camp | Donders Institute, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen | 2023 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in clinical neuroscience - potential & pitfalls | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Masterclass - head and neck surgery | Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark | 2023 |
Maximize the impact of your presentation | Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Moesgaard Museum | 2023 |
Media School (By the Danish newspaper Information) | University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Methodological Innovation in Public Health Intervention Science: Development, Evaluation and Adaptation | Cardiff University, DECIPHer-group | 2023 |
MRtrix3 workshop | Arenberg Castle, KU Leuven, Belgium | 2023 |
Multidisciplinary Management of Breast Cancer | ESTRO, Naples, Italy | 2023 |
Missing Data Using R | Statistical Horizons, livestream online seminar | 2023 |
Mitochondrial Physiology - from Organelle to Organism | University og Copenhagen, Faculty of Helath and Medical Sciences | 2023 |
Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study | Aalborg University Summer School 2023 | 2023 |
Mixed methods methodology – mixed methods integration and writing a mixed methods paper | Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School 2023 | 2023 |
Mixed Models | Danish Ramazzini Centre, Aarhus University Hospital | 2023 |
National annual PhD course in Oncology and Hematology | Danish Society of Clinicsl Oncology, Comwell Kolding | 2023 |
Netværk med fokus på etik i forskning med sårbare og udsatte grupper i samfundet | Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Neuro-immune interactions in health and disease | The Hertie Foundation and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) | 2023 |
Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration | Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies | 2023 |
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Non-invasive techniques for the assessment of plasticity in the human | Aalborg University | 2023 |
Obesity: Causes and Consequences - interplay between behaviour, society, and genes | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School - ML x Health | Oxford Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, England | 2023 |
Pain Reprocessing Therapy and Emotional Expression and Awareness Therapy | Aarhus University | 2023 |
Patient and public involvement in health research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
PMOD Application Course | Bruker Corp. & PMOD Technologies LLC | 2023 |
Population Genetics and Forensic Analysis | Department of Forensic Medicine, University Hospital Copenhagen | 2023 |
Protein Research and Critical Thinking | University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Psychometric validation of patient reported outcome measures (HyFlex) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Qualitative research within health science | Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University | 2023 |
Radiation Safety | Aarhus University Hospital | 2023 |
RCT Course A Guide to Design, Conduct, Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting | Centre for Medical Statistics, Merton College,University of Oxford | 2023 |
Responsible Conduct of Research 1: An Introduction (online) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Reproducible Research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows for PhD Students & Postdocs | Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism, Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2023 |
Research Grant Proposals | SDU HR, Vejle Sygehus | 2023 |
Research seminars in Qualitative Analysis | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
RNA Medicine - From Bench to Bedside | Aalborg University | 2023 |
Serious Illness Care Program Summit 2023: Driving Equity in Serious Illness Communication and Care | Harvard Medical School | 2023 |
Skeletal muscle metabolism and growth - insight into models and mechanisms | University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Skriverliv - skrivning som kreativ og analytisk praksis | The Doctoral School of Social Science and Humanities, Aalborg University | 2023 |
STATA - fra 0 til 100 - for REDCap brugere | Health, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Statistical Analysis in the Lexis Diagram: Age-Period-Cohort models and cousins | Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Strengthen your project management capabilities | Danish Cardiovascular Academy - Copenhagen | 2023 |
Summer school on missing data, augmentation and generative models | DIKU, DTU, AAU. Kobæk strand hotel and conference center | 2023 |
Summer School "Rethinking Global Health" | Circle U. European University Alliance - Université Paris Cité | 2023 |
Surgical Pathophysiology | Center of Surgical Science, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen | 2023 |
Targeted Register Analysis | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
Target Volume Determination | ESTRO, Prague Czech Republic | 2023 |
Introduction to Teaching and Learning (InTel) | Center for educational development, Aarhus University | 2023 |
Theories and Models for Midwifery | Oslo Metropolitan University | 2023 |
The Application of Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques in Human Physiological Research | The Physiological Society. Place: The University of Nottingham at Derby Medical School, UK | 2023 |
The PhD-student as supervisor - leadership education (Danish) | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen | 2023 |
The phenomenology and normativity of mental health | Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark | 2023 |
Urothelial Cancers: Tumor heterogeneity and therapeutic resistens | Institut Curie - Paris | 2023 |
Visualize your Science | Visualize your Science | 2023 |
Webinar 1-6 | MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo University | 2023 |
Workshop Clinical Neuropathy - The Elephant in the room | DDEA, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and DGI Byen Copenhagen | 2023 |
Writing in the Sciences (online) | Stanford University | 2023 |
35th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology | European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence | 2023 |
14th Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism | Maastricht University, The Netherlands | 2024 |
Adaption, process evaluation and realist evaluation - interventions in complex systems | University of Southern Denmark | 2024 |
Advanced statistical methods in Biomedicine | University of Southern Denmark | 2024 |
Advances in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foreign body associated infections | European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) | 2024 |
Algorithmic Fairness and Bias in Machine Learning | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen | 2024 |
An Introduction to the Analysis of the Nextgeneration Sequencing Data | Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands | 2024 |
Analysis of Qualitative Data | Copenhagen Business School | 2024 |
Analytical work in qualitative and ethnographic health research | National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen, SDU | 2024 |
Animal Behaviour | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendon-aponeurosis function | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2024 |
Basic Clinical Radiobiology (ESTRO) | ESTRO - Tallinn, Estonia | 2024 |
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers R (Danish course) | University of Copenhagen, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences | 2024 |
BioPhotonics | DaMBIC, University of Southern Denmark, Odense | 2024 |
Causal Inference with Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) | Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University | 2024 |
Clinimetrics: Assessing Measurement Properties of Health Measurement Instruments | EpidM, department Epidemiology and Data Science, Amsterdam UMC, online | 2024 |
Course in Good Clinical Practice | GCP-Unit at Aarhus University Hospital | 2024 |
Cross-Institutional Bioimaging PhD Course | University of Southern Denmark | 2024 |
Dissemination of Clinical Research - Papers, preprints, and social media | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
DCAcademy Postdoctoral Winter Meeting 2024 | Danish Cardiovascular Academy | 2024 |
DCAcademy Summer Meeting 2024 | Danish Cardiovascular Academy | 2024 |
ESGCT 7th Annual Spring School | ESGCT, Budapest, Hungary | 2024 |
Exploring gene and environmental exposure interactions to understand human health and disease | EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute, the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK | 2024 |
Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Git and GitHub | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
GRASPH Summer School | Comwell, Korsør, Danmark | 2024 |
Hey you, let me tell you about my research - get public media outreach | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
How to do research across healthcare sectors | University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Intermediate Course on Reproducible Research in R | Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark | 2024 |
Introduction to Complex Systems Approaches in Public Health | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Introduction to estimation of the causal effects in an observational study and g-methods | University of Southern Denmark | 2024 |
Introduction to Nutritional Metabolomics | PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Introduction to omics for clinical researchers Part 1 (Online) | University of Copenhagen, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences | 2024 |
Introduction to R | Graduate School of Natural Sciences/GSNS and Graduate School of Technical Sciences/GSTS, Aarhus University | 2024 |
Introduktion til R | Dansk Ramazzini Center | 2024 |
Introduction to radiation safety regulations during radiotherapy | Danish Center for Particle Therapy, AUH | 2024 |
Laboratory Animal Science | Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
LC-MS based metabolomics and metabolite identification with the Q Exactive™ Plus and Orbitrap ID-X™ Tribrid™ | Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre, University of Birmingham | 2024 |
Light sheet workshop | Aarhus University | 2024 |
Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics and its application in biology | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Maximize your computer's potential - Mastering the terminal with Bash and Unix | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Mixed Models with Biomedical and Engineering Applications | Aalborg University | 2024 |
Model-based data analysis for clinical application | ZHAW School of Engineering, Zurich University of Applied Sciences | 2024 |
Modeling of Musculoskeletal Systems based on Multibody Dynamics | Aalborg University | 2024 |
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis | Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University | 2024 |
Open Neurophysiology - analysis tools and datasets | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Patient-reported outcomes in clinical health research | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Phenomenological lifeworld perspective, methodology and analysis | Agder University, Norway | 2024 |
Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research (SRT) | University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
Presenting Powerfully: Communicating Yourself and Your Science | Organizing partners & Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2024 |
Qualitative Methods for PhD: Advanced level | University of Bergen | 2024 |
Qualitative research methods, design and fieldwork | Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 2024 |
Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiological Research (8th-12th july) | European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence | 2024 |
Quantitative 3D Bioimaging PhD course | Danish Diabetis and Endocrine Academy, Roskilde Univeristy | 2024 |
Questionnaires in clinical and public health research | University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
REDCap introduktionskursus | Region Hovedstaden - Sjællands Universitetshospital Roskilde | 2024 |
Register-based Epidemiology | Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark | 2024 |
Reproducible Research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows for PhD Students & Postdocs | Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy | 2024 |
Responsible Conduct of Research 1: An Introduction | The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen | 2024 |
STATA - fra 0 til 100 - for REDCap brugere | Aarhus University | 2024 |
Strengthen our project management capabilities | Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Aarhus University | 2024 |
Stereology Workshop | Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern | 2024 |
Summer School "Rethinking Global Health" | Circle U. European University Alliance - UCLouvain, Louvan-La-Neave, Belgium | 2024 |
The 8th Saltin International Graduate Course in Exercise and Clinical Physiology | Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg, Denmark | 2024 |
Validation of prediction models in epidemiology and medicin | Aalborg University | 2024 |
Winter School NLDL 2024 | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | 2024 |
Writing Boot Camp | UNWIND, Hotel Klinten, Rødvig | 2024 |
36th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology | European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence | 2024 |
20th Advanced Course in Diagnostic Neuroradiology | Edinburgh, Scotland | N/A |
Statistik analyse af hjerneskanninger | Aarhus University, Denmark | N/A |
Cardiovascular MR Course | Institute of Child Health, London, UK | N/A |
3rd ICRS Laboratory Skills Course for Translational Science - "From the Lab to the Clinic" | Ecole Polytecnique Montreal, Canada | N/A |
Economics of Risky Behaviour | University of Southern Denmark | N/A |
FreeSurfer Tutorial and Workshop | Copenhagen, Denmark | N/A |
Intro Stats for Med. Research, BIO206-1 | N/A | N/A |
Nutrition and Health Claims on Food | N/A | N/A |
Research Tools and Data Handling Course | GyroTools, Switzerland | N/A |
Skriv en artikel på en dag | (online kursus) | |
Positive Psychology specialization | University of Pennsylvania, USA | |
Aalborg University, Denmark