Aarhus University Seal

Pre-approved external courses

The external courses below have already been pre-approved. Therefore, you do not need to get them pre-approved before attending. However, you do still need to apply for approval of the external course when you have attended.


Course title  Responsible institution and location Year
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2012
Laboratory Animal Science, FELASA category B Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2012
TBNET academy 2013 Tubercolosis Network European Trialsgroup, Moldova 2013
1st European Cardio Thoracic Transplant Association Meeting Budapest, Hungary 2014
2nd GEC-ESTRO Workshop Belgium 2014
5th International Course in Nutritional Epidemiology  Imperial College, London, UK 2014
6th International Workshop on Advances in Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics of Bone Disease   St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK  2014
9th Course in Infectious Diseases and Global Health Myanmar 2014
14th Course in Neuroimmunology from the European School of Neuroimmunology Mainz, Germany 2014
17th Prague Workshop on Catheter Ablation Prag, Czech Republic 2014
27th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology Florence, Italy 2014
Academic English Aarhus University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Denmark 2014
Access 2010/2013 Grundlæggende Danish Technological Institute, Aarhus, Denmark 2014
Acquisition Strategies for Hyberpolarised Spin Systems: Spactral, Spatial and temporal Lyngby, Denmark 2014
Advanced Clinical Epidemiology DCE Summer School, Ebeltoft, Denmark 2014
Advanced Computer Aided Modeling  Technical University of Denmark 2014
Advanced Epidemiology and Regression Modeling S12.4 Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
Advanced Statistic and Data Minig Summer School Dipartimento de inteligencia artificial - universidad politecnica de Madrid, Spain 2014
Advanced Statistical Analysis of Epidemiological Studies  University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Advanced Structural Biology Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark 2014
Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Oberlech, Austria 2014
Advanvced Brachytherapy Physics ESTRO School 2014
Ageing Muscle: Size, Signalling, and Satellite Cells Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences, Denmark 2014
Aktionsforskning - forskning, der fremmer og tager del i forandringsprocesser Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
Analysis of Genome Data Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Analysis of Repeated Measurements in Medical Research University of Southern Denmark 2014
Angst og depression - rationel diagnostik og behandling Institute for Rational Pharmacotherapy (IRF), Odense, Denmark 2014
Animal Management and Welfare course Oxford University Biomedical Services, UK 2014
Anti-thrombotic Therapy Update 2014 European Heart House, Sophia-Antipolis, France  2014
Applied Mediation Analysis University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Applied Regression for Clinical Research Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2014
Applied Survey Design Methods Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 2014
Artery Disease - from Basic Biological Research through better Understanding to Improved Prevention and Treatment The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2014
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in the Metabolic Syndrome University of Southern Denmark, Nyborg, Denmark 2014
Basic Clinical Radiobiology Istanbul, Turkey 2014
Basic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Aarhus University Hospital, NBG, Denmark 2014
Bayesian Cognitive Modeling Interactive Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Bayesian Cognitive Modeling Aarhus University, Department of Culture and Society, Denmark 2014
Bioinformatics for Microbiology Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Bioinformatics Tools for Microbiology Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Biological Basis of Personalized Radiation Oncology (ESTRO) Brussels, Belgium 2014
Biomarkers in Hematology Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
Biomarkers in Hematology Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark 2014
BioNANOtools iNANO Center, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Body Diffusion Weighted MRI: From theory to practice ESMRMB 2014
Brain Prize Meeting  Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark 2014
Business Course for Industrial PhD students Danish Technical University (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark 2014
Cardiac Arrhythmia  Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Cardiotoxicity in Cancer Survivors University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer Nordic CRPC camp 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Cerebral Blood Flow and Energy Metabolism Panum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Classical Methods in Data Analysis Utrecht, The Netherlands 2014
Clinical Evaluation of Drug Products Faculty of Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Clinical Research Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 2014
Clinical Research and Epidemiology EADV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2014
Coronary Physiology in the Catherization Laboratory European Society of Cardiology, Nice, France 2014
Course in Andrological Endocrinology Hammershusgade 11, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Current Advances in Treatment Planning and Optimisation Wien, Austria 2014
Current Advances in Treatment Planning and Optimisation Wien, Austria 2014
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2014 Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark 2014
DEG Week Postgraduate Teaching Vienna, Austria 2014
Den professionelle dermatolog og infektioner i huden Gentofte Hospital, København, Denmark 2014
Dermatokirurgi og tumorer i huden. Strålehygiejne Bispebjerg Hospital, Københavns Universitet, Danmark 2014
ECTS PhD Training Course St. Catherine's College, Oxford, UK 2014
EEG in the Diagnosis and Management of Epilepsy ILAE - International League Against Epilepsy 2014
Effective Speaking University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Efteruddannelseskursus i Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi Domus Medica, København, Denmark 2014
Electron Microscopy The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Empowerment in Contemporary Health Maindal University of Southern Denmark 2014
Environmental Hazards - Risk Assesment and Communication University of Southern Denmark 2014
Epidemiologic Principles & Methods Rome, Italy 2014
EPSEN Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism Karolinska University, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
ESTRO IGRT Course Brussels, Belgium 2014
ESTRO Survival Analysis in Medical Research Odense, Denmark 2014
European Paedeatric Life Support, Provider Coruse Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Evidence-Based Medicine  Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
ExCyte Flow Cytometry Boot Camp Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Experimental Microsurgical Techniques  University of Southern Denmark 2014
FELASA kategori B kursus i dyreforsøgskundskab AMU 2014
FreeSurfer Course University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Frontiers in Cell Toxicology Testing University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Foundation Echocardiography  Moat House Hotel, Stoke on Trent, UK 2014
Getting your PhD on Track University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Clinical School of Hepatology: "Course 22: Cholestatic Liver Disease" European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), School of Hepatology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2014
Glycobiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Good Clinical Practice GCP-enhedens lokaler, Olof Palmes Alle 15, Aarhus N, Denmark 2014
Histological Preparation and Evaluation - PhD Course 2014 Ortopædisk Forskningslab, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2014
H-kursus i stråleterapi Aarhus,  Denmark 2014
Hope in the Making Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
How to Design and Perform your Clinical Studies in Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology  Tübingen, Germany 2014
How to Use and Interpret Large Datasets from Emerging - Omics-based Technologies  Forskningens Hus, Aalborg Hospital, Denmark 2014
How to Write High Impact Papers and what to do when your Manuscript gets Rejected The Graduate School at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Håndbold Symposium Aalborg, Denmark 2014
Image-Guided Radiotherapy in Chemotherapy in Genaecological Cancer - Focus on Adaptive Brachytherapy Florence, Italy 2014
Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice Brussels, Belgium 2014
Imese Suided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Florence, Italy 2014
Immunology of Infectious Diseases London, UK 2014
Implementation Science in Healthcare Radboud Summer School, The Netherlands 2014
Infection Microbiology (Modul A og B) Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Inklusion og eksklusion i uddannelsessystemet Aalborg Universitet, Denmark 2014
Innate and Apaptive Immunity - Cutting Edge Knowledge Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark 2014
Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism ESPEN, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
International Liver Congress 2014 London, UK 2014
Interneutron Summer School Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2014
Introduction to Nutritional Metabolomics Department of Nutrition, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Introduction to QTL Mapping Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 2014
Introduction to Quantitative Methods - Methods III Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methodology Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Introduktionsuddannelse i Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Aarhus Universitets hospital - Research Clinic for Functional Disorders and Psychosomatics, Denmark 2014
Introkursus i akut abdominal ultralydskanning herunder FAST og E-FAST skanning Rigshospitalet, Radiologisk afd. 4122 2014
In-vivo Dosimetry Seminar Belgium 2014
Kvalitative metoder Aalborg Universitet, Denmark 2014
Kursus i arbejdsmarkedsstatistik Danmarks Statistik, Denmark   2014
Kursus i molekylærbiologi i klinisk biokemi Vejle Center Hotel, Danmark 2014
Laboratory Animal Science University of Southern Denmark 2014
Laboratory Animal Science, Category B Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Laboratory Animal Science, Part I Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2014
Ledelsesudvikling for speciallæger med ledertalent Region Midtjylland, Danmark 2014
Lipids and Atherosclerosis University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
MCMC for Genetics Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 2014
Mech-Sense Seminar Dronninglund Castle, Denmark 2014
Mecical Imaging Summer School - Medical Imaging meets Computer Vision MISS, Favignana, Italy 2014
Medicinal Polymer Chemistry  Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Denmark  2014
MEG Analysis with FieldTrip and MNE Karolinska Instituttet, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
Microbial Specialised Metabolites: Origins and Applications IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2014
Microsurgery and Advanced Techniques in Experimental Animals  Panum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Microtechniques to Measure Fluride, Calcium, and pH in Biofilm Fluid Microsamples and in Whole Bioiolms University of Campinas, Piraciaba, SP, Brazil 2014
Mixed Methods Research Design - Advanced Aalborg University Hospital Psychiatric Hospital, Denmark 2014
Mixed Models in Quantitative Genetics Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 2014
MR-Grundkursus for radiografer og sygeplejersker Koncern HR, Center for kompetenceudvikling, Aarhus 2014
MR Workshop  Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby, Denmark 2014
Muscle and Matrix throughout the Body: Similarities and Heterogeneity Comwell, Snekkersten, Denmark 2014
NAMABIO Traning School, 3rd Course Zagreb, Croatia 2014
National Annual PhD Course in Oncology/Hematology in Denmark Hotel Nyborg Strand, Nyborg, Denmark 2014
NCAP 2014 - Evolving New Technology in Computed Tomography Helsinki, Finland  2014
Network and Pathway Analysis of Omics Data Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 2014
Neuroanatomy of the Laboratory Animal Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Neurofysiologisk kursus Aarhus University hospital, Denmark 2014
Neuroinflammation: Molecular Principles and Translational Approach Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, Firenze, Italy  2014
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Osteoporosis and Other Metabolic Bone Diseases Oxford, UK 2014
Paediatric Dermatology Barcelona, Spain 2014
Patentkursus Danmarks Teknisk Universitet (DTU) 2014
Pathway to Therapy and Prevention Tivoli Center Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Pathophysiological-based Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Danish Diabetes Academy, OUH, Denmark 2014
PET Tracer Pharmacokinetics and Data Analysis Procedures  VU medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2014
Ph.d.-netværksdag Hindsgavl slot, Middelfart, Danmark 2014
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Introduction to Teaching: Focus on Large Groups  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK 2014
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Introduction to Teaching: Focus on Small Groups  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK 2014
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Research Information Skills 1: Subject Specific Skills London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK 2014
PhD Transferable Skills Programmes Course: Systematic Literature Reviews London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicin, London, UK 2014
Philips Pulse Programming Course ETH, Zürich, Switzerland 2014
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy Madrid, Spain 2014
Planning a Randomized Clinical trial  Odense University Hospital, Denmark 2014
Practical Diabetology  Schæffergården, Gentofte, Denmark 2014
Practical Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Gastrosenteret, Trondheim, Norway 2014
PRE Congress Course 13th Cuman Proteome Organization World Congress Madrid, Spain 2014
Pre-PhD Course Institute of Regional Health Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2014
Principles in Light and Confocal Microscopy Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Principles in Statistical Genetics Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 2014
Professional Communication  Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
Project Management University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Project Management and Interpersonal Skills  Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
Publicering af forskningsartikler på engelsk Københavns Universitet, Danmark 2014
Publishing Research Articles in English University of Copenhagen (Aarhus), Denmark 2014
Quantitative Genetics Department of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil 2014
Quantitative Methods in Radiation Oncology: Models, Trials, and Clinical Outcomes Brussels, Belgium 2014
Quantitative Research Methods: An Introductory Guide for Clinicans Department of Clinical Medicine, Health, Aalborg University/Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark 2014
Questionaries in Clinical and Public Health Research: Development, Validation and Evaluation University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
The Randomized Clinical Trial for Surgical and Complex Interventions University of Southern Denmark 2014
Tonomety - Theory and Practice Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Australia 2014
Register Based Epidemiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Register Based Epidemiology University of Southern Denmark 2014
R-Workshop Department of Molecular Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2014
Safty and Risks of Engineered Nanomaterial (ENM)  Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
SASP Nordic PhD Course in Pain Research STAMI, Oslo, Norway 2014
SCAN Training Course Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, Denmark 2014
Science Teaching Module 1: Introduction Graduate School of Science and Technology, GSST, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Science Teaching Module 2a: Teaching in Context: Instruction Graduate School of Science and Technology, GSST, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
SCOPE School 2014 Charles Darwin House, London, UK 2014
Signal Processing for Neuroscientists: Introduction to the Analysis of Physiological Data University of Copenhagen, Panum-Frederiksen, Denmark 2014
Signal Proteins Related to Diet and Exercise  University of Oslo, Norway 2014
Simulation as a Teaching Tool: Instructor Course Havard University, Center for Medical Simulation, NYsim, USA  2014
Simulation Intructor Training: Simulation as a Teaching Tool New York - Simulation Center for the Health Science, USA 2014
Simulatorinstruktørkursus INCUBA, Skejby, Danmark 2014
SOL 1 - Generelt obligatorisk kursus i sundhedsvæsenets organisation og ledelse Scandic Hotel Silkeborg, Danmark 2014
Spatial Statistics and Data Processing Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark 2014
Stata Summer School 2014: Survival Analysis Stockholm, Sweden 2014
Statistics in Medicine Stanford University, Online 2014
Statistical Analysis of Survival Data for Biostatical/Statistical PhD-Students  University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Stimulus Delivery for Neuroscience and Psychophysics: A Psychopy Course CFIN, Nørrebrogade 44, Aarhus, Denmark 2014
Structure and Function of Small Arteries in Health and Disease: And Introductory Course Poiano Resort, Italy 2014
Summer School Advanced Epidemiology  Ebeltoft Strand, Ndr. Strandvej 3, Denmark 2014
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism Sinatur Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Funen, Denmark 2014
Survival Analysis in Medical Research  Graduate School of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark 2014
Survival Analysis Using Stata Stata Summer School, Stockholm, Sweden 2014
Symposium on the Single Ventricle Patient University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
The Brain Prize Meeting 2014 Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark 2014
The Business Course for Industrial PhD Students Technical University of Denmark 2014
The European Academy of Nursing Science, Summer School Rennes, France 2014
The Neuroanatomy of the Laboratory Animal Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
The Single Ventricle Patient Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
The Textures of Time Department of Culture and Society, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience 2014 Nijmegen, The Netherlands 2014
Treatment of Symptoms Caused by Neuro-Gastro and Mobility Disorders  Tivoli hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Tværfagligt vulva-kursus Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark 2014
Two Day Flow Cytometry Boot Camp (ExCyte Expert Cytometry) Bartholin Building, Aarhus University, Denmark 2014
UU1/UU2 Kursus i endokrinologi Vejle Centerhotel, Danmark 2014
Vakdidactiek Biomedische, Gezondheids- en revalidatiewetenschappen or Didactics in Biomedical, health and rehabilitation sciences  Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie, The Netherlands 2014
Varian Developer Workshop 2,0 Austin, Texas, USA 2014
Vascular Function and Angiogenesis in Health and Lifestyle related disease Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Virtopsy Course University of Zürich, Switzerland 2014
World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers Aalborg University, Denmark 2014
Wyatt Light Scattering university (MALS) Wyatt Technology Europe GmbH, Germany 2014
Øjenforskertræf 2014 Copenhagen Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Øvre gastrointestinale cancer - sygdomme Dansk Kirurgisk Selskab 2014
Årsmøde for forskeruddannelsesprogrammerne i onkologi/hæmatologi i Danmark Aarhus Universitet (Nyborg Strand) 2014
Immunofluorescense - Laboratory Course Øjenafdelingen J, NBG, Aarhus, Danmark 2014
Writing in Sciences Stanford University, Online 2014
1-Projektstyring, Projektledelse for ph.D.-studerende Syddansk Universitet, Danmark 2015
3-Projektledelse - Projektledelse for ph.d.-studerende Syddansk Universitet, Danmark 2015
3rd GEC-ESTRO Workshops Brussels, Belgium  2015
3-dages grundkursus i mentoring  Rådgivnings- og Støtteenheden, Aarhus Universitet, Denmark 2015
3 PMOD Training Courses; Basic Application Course - Small Animal Image Processing Course - PMOD Statistics Course. Zürich, Switzerland 2015
3 PMOD Training Courses; Basic Application Course - Small Animal Image Processing Course - PMOD Statistics Course. Zürich, Switzerland 2015
3 PMOD Training Courses; Basic Application Course - Small Animal Image Processing Course - PMOD Statistics Course. Zürich, Switzerland 2015
4D Radiotherapy - from 4D-imaging to 4D- dose Delivery and Verification Barcelona, Spain 2015
4th Nordic University Research Course: Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. From Genes, Fetal Programming and Microbiota through Hypertension and T2D to organ Damage and Cardiovascular Disease  Schæffergården, Gentofte, Denmark  2015
8th Course in Operative Paediatric Urology Leeds general infirmary, UK 2015
13th ESCMID Summer School Sigtuna, Sweden 2015
18th workshop of Vitamin D Delft, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2015
28th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology European Educational Programme in Epidemiology, Florence, Italy 2015
32nd Microelectrode Techniques for Cell Physiology Workshop  The Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, UK 2015
38th Annual Research Course in Flow Cytometry  New Mexico, Mexico  2015
Academic English Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Academic Writing - PhD Course in the Preparation of Scientific Papers Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Accessing Biomedical Big Data Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA 2015
Adaptive Brachytherapy  Barcelona, Spain 2015
Advanced Epidemiology and Regression Modeling Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Advanced Life Support - ALS INCUBA Skejby, Denmark 2015
Advanced Reations in Organic Chemistry  Department of chemistry, Arhus University, Denmark  2015
Advanced Social Epidemiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Advanced Statistical Analysis of Epidemiological Studies University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Advanced Statistical Topics and Environmental Epidemiology Florence, Italy 2015
Advanced Treatment Planning Lisabon, Portugal  2015
Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Oberlech, Austria 2015
Advanced Workshop - Fieldtrip Toolbox Interacting Minds Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Advances in Epidemiologic Analysis Netherlands Institute for Health Science 2015
Alpha-Synuclein: The Gateway to Parkinsonism  Innsbruck, Austria  2015
Alzheimer's Disease and other Neurodegenerative Dementias University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Annual PhD Course in Oncology and Haematology Hotel Nyborg Strand, Denmark 2015
Aortic Valve Repair Summit 2015 Bruxelles University, Belgium  2015
Arktisk Sundhedsforskning. Forskningsmetoder i en lille population og forskningsmiljøer i Grønland og Danmark Ilisimatusarfik (Grønlands Universitet), Nuuk, Grønland 2015
Assessing Risks and Benefits of Treatments: Methodological Issues Ebeltoft, Denmark 2015
A-kursus i neuroradiologi Neuroradiologisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital 2015
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in the Metabolic Syndrome (A1) Nyborg, Denmark  2015
Basal Metabolism - Danish Diabetes Academi  Nyborg, Denmark 2015
Basal Statistik Københavns Universitet, Samfundsvidenskabelige fakultet, Danmark 2015
Basalt kursus i dyreforsøgskundskab Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark 2015
Basic Aerobiology Rzeszow, Poland 2015
Basic Clinical Radiobiology (ESTRO course) Brussels, Belgium 2015
Basic Kinetic Modeling in Molecular Imaging University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Biomechanics and Motor Control in Exercise Physiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
BioSAXS Tutorial Day iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Brachytherapi and Metabolic Therapy University of Catania, Italy 2015
Brain Development and Cognition in Adolescence Danish Psychological Association, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Calcium and Calcium Metabolic Diseases Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2015
Cambridge Diabetes Seminar  University of Cambridge, MRC, UK  2015
Cardiocascular Disease in Diabetes Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark 2015
Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetic Patients - an Endo-Cardiological Challenge Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark 2015
Clinical and Operative Neuropelveology Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Clinical and Research Applications of Diagnostic Imaging Techniques: MR, PET, SPECT, CT, and ultrasound Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Clinical Database and Registries Clinical Research Infrastructure (Procrin), Comwell Aarhus, Denmark 2015
Clinical Epidemiology Summer School Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Clinical Research  Aalborg University, Denmark  2015
Clinical Trials towards P3 Medicine - with Focus on Metabolic Diseases Lund University, Sweden 2015
Clinimetrics Part 1 University of Southern Denmark 2015
Cohort studies Erasmus Summer Programme 2015
Computational Methods in Radiotherapy & Imaging MDPH - 704 McGill Universuty, Montreal, Canada 2015
Computing with Data Using R Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Cone Beam CT kursus  Marselis Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark 2015
Controversis in Hypertension Klarskovgård, Korsør, Denmark 2015
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2015 Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark 2015
Danish Diabetes Academy Winter School 2015: Diabetes Complications - from Basic to Clinical Science  Malaga, Spain  2015
DASAIM København 2015
Data Storage in Clinical Settings University of Catania, Italy 2015
Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation University of York, UK 2015
Design and Conduct of Randomized Clinical Trials Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA 2015
Development of Radiotherapy University of Catania. Italy 2015
Diabetes Research: Methodology in Theory and in Practice University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Diabetic Retinopathy - Lessons from Benchside and Clinic Educational Course Denver, USA  2015
Drug Delivery Aarhus University 2015
ECTS PhD Training Course 2015 Siena, Italien  2015
Eden Doctoral Seminar in Organizational Design The S-Building, Fuglsangs Allé, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Educational Programme on Transplant Virology, ESCMID Postgraduate Education Course Lausanne, Switzerland 2015
EMPO Practical Course on Metabolomics  European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK 2015
Endagskursus i Calcium- og Calcium-metaboliske sygdomme Aarhus Universitetshospital 2015
Endoskopisk behandling af øvre bi-blødning  Aalborg Universitetshospital  2015
Epidemiology I: Planning a Study University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
ESTRO: Cancer Survivorship Brussels, Belgium 2015
ESTRO: Particle Therapy Paris, France 2015
Ethics in Dementia Care Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium 2015
Ethnographic Methods and Practice  LSE, London UK 2015
European Academy of Nursing Science Summer School for Doctorial Studies. First, second and thirds year 1. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2. Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3. School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain 2015
European Association of Neurological Societies, Intraoperative Neurophysiology in Neurosurgery: The Essentials  University of Verona, Italy 2015
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology Florence, Italy 2015
Evidence-Based Assesment of New Imaging Techniques  Utrecht, The Netherlands  2015
Evolutionary Medicine and Development of Respiratory Disease Borstel, Germany 2015
Experimental Fluid Dynamics and Data Interpretation  Technical University of Denmark 2015
Exploring RNA biology using bioinformatic tools and the UCSC genome browser University of Copenhagen and University of Santa Cruz, California, USA 2015
Exploring the Human Connectome   Utrecht Summer School, Utrecht, The Netherlands   2015
FSL Course 2015 Oxford Center for Functional MRI of the Brain, Hawaii, USA 2015
From Research Idea to Scientific Paper in Public Health Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Frontiers in Reproduction - Molecular and Cellular Concepts and Applications Marine Biological Laboratory, Woodshole, MA, USA 2015
Fundementals of Biostatistics Harvard University 2015
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Fundraising Course Danish Diabetes Academy, Odens University Hospital, Denmark 2015
Få øje på noget du ikke troede var muligt i din empiri Syddansk Universitet 2015
General Toxicology (online) Utrecht University, Maastricht University, VU University Amsterdam, Wageningen University, Leidin University, University of Groningen, University of Amsterdam, Radboud University Nijmegen (Postgraduate Education in Toxicology) 2015
Get your Paper Published University of Sydney, Australia 2015
Good Clinical Practice The GCP-Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2015
GRASPH Summer School Comwell, Korsør, Denmark 2015
Hallmarks of Cancer: Course of Tumor Biology Kræftens Bekæmpelse, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Hammersmith Echocardiology course Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK 2015
Hard Work and Creativity Qualitative Analysis SFI Copgenhagen, Denmark 2015
H-Kursus i stråleterapi Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark  2015
Hospital Infomation Systems University of Catnia, Italy 2015
Hypertension and Organ Target - how to do  Odense, Denmark 2015
Interpretation of Animal Stress Response Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Interview praksis - Workshop for ph.d.-studerende Sektion for sygepleje, Aarhus Universitet 2015
Introduction to Forensic Toxicology Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Introduction to Nvivo Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Health Science  University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Social Sciences, Denmark 2015
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methodology (Methods II) Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Introduction to Quantitative Research Methodology (Methods III) Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Introduction to Scale Validation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Introduction to Medical Science and Technology Studies  University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Introduktion til Rønten og Nuklear medicinske metoder samt billedbehandling  Institut for ingeniørvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet 2015
Joint Models for Longitudinal and Survival data Erasmus Summer Programme 2015
Klinisk biokemisk onkologi Vejle Centerhotel 2015
Kursus i perfusion og extrakorporal cirkulation  Klinisk Institut, Aarhus Universitetshospital 2015
Kursus i praktisk insulinpumpebehandling Hvidovre Hospital 2015
Kursus i udvikling af kliniske retningslinjer (GRADE) Aalborg Universitet 2015
Kvalitative metoder Aalborg Universitet 2015
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Laboratory Animal Science - part I Odense University Hospital, Denmark  2015
Laboratory Animal Science - part II Odense University Hospital, Denmark 2015
Laboratory Animal Science, Category B Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Life Technologies Applied Biosystems StepOnePlus Instrument and Applications Training Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2015
Limitations for Human Exercise Performance University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Logistic Regression Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences 2015
Machine Learning Summer School  Computer Science Department - University of Texas at Austin, USA 2015
Master Class Metastatic Prostate Cancer Gustave Roussy, Paris, France 2015
MCMC for Genetics Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA 2015
Medical Image Formation University of Utrecht, Holland 2015
Medical Writing Course 1 University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Medietræning for forskere  Victor Albeck bygningen, Aarhus Universitet 2015
Medietræning på Health  Health, Aarhus Universitet 2015
Mendelian Randomization Cambridge, UK 2015
Method Comparison, Reliability, and Agreement Forskningens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark 2015
Metodeundervisning i GRADE for fagkonsulenter  Sundhedsstyrelsen, København 2015
Microvascular Diabetic Complications - Danish Diabete Acedemy Steno Diabetic Center, Gentofte, Denmark 2015
Mitochondrial physiolog, Summer School University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Mixed Methods Research & Mixed Studies Reviews Lausanne, Switzerland 2015
Mixed Models Winter Course EpidM - Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Holland 2015
Modern Scale Validation using IRT and Rasch Models The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Module MPE03: Monte Carlo Simulations of X-ray Imaging and Patient Dose Barcelona, Spanien 2015
Molecular Methods in Cancer Biology  University of Southern Denmark 2015
Molecular Toxicology Amsterdam, Holland 2015
Multilevel Modelling  School of Psychology, University of Sussex, UK 2015
Multilevel Modeling of Public Health Data University of Southern Denmark 2015
NCAP 2015 - The tools of a Medical Physicist, Understanding Phantoms and Software Aalborg, Danmark 2015
Presenting in English  University of Utrecht, Holland 2015
Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound (Basic & Advanced) Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, UK  2015
Network Analysis in Systems Biology Mount Sinai, Egypt  2015
Neurology of the Newborn University of Southhampton, UK 2015
Next Generation Sequencing analysis Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Next-generation sekventering Center for Bioinformatik (BiRC) 2015
NIM Eclipse NP Advanced User Training Medtronic, Switzerland 2015
Nuclear Medicine and Advanced Imaging University of Catania, Italy 2015
Onderwijstechnologie or Education Technology  Faculteit Geneeskunde en Farmacie, Holland 2015
OpenClinica - Central User Training London, UK 2015
Optimal Treatment of Pso/PsA Patients  St. Vincents University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland 2015
Osteoporose  Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark 2015
Osteoporose and Other Metabolic Bone Diseases Oxford, UK 2015
Osteoporose og sjældnere calcium metaboliske sygdomme Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg, Denmark 2015
Particle Therapy Paris, France 2015
Pasteur Program 2015: Leading the Virtual Company Harvard Business School, Boston and InnovationFund Denmark, Copenhagen 2015
Personalized Medicine in Cancer Research Klitgården Refugium, Skagen, Denmark 2015
PhD Course; Laboratory Animal Science Function A/B/D University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind Center for Subjectivity Research, Univerity of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Phylogenetics Workshop  Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia 2015
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy Ljubljana, Slovenia 2015
Positron Emission Tomography: Technology and Application Department of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College, London, UK 2015
Post.doc. Research Leadership - part 2 CBS Executive, Frederiksbjerg, Denmark 2015
Post.doc. Research Leadership - part 1 CBS Executive, Frederiksbjerg, Denmark 2015
Practical Course in Cellular Immunology The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity and Related Diseases University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Presentation Skills  University of Oxford, UK 2015
Pre-PhD Course Institute of Regional Health Research - Faculty of the Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2015
Principles in Light and Confocal Microscopy Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Programme for Clinical Research Infrastructure (PROCRIN) Aarhus, Denmark 2015
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Project Management for PhD Students Faculty of Health and Medical sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Project Management for PhD Students University of Southern Denmark 2015
Projektlederuddannelsen, Region Midt Regionshuset Aarhus 2015
Prostate Cancer experience Exchange Meeting Paris, France 2015
PsychoPy Course with Jonas Lindeløv Aarhus University, Fuglsangs Allé, Denmark 2015
Pædagogik og vejledning for daglige vejledere  Aarhus Universitetshospital, Denmark 2015
qPCR vs ddPCR for RNA and DNA quantification in HIV reservoir research University of Gent, Belgium 2015
Qualitative Research Method Seminars Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 2015
Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiological Research University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Receptor Structure and Function The Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
REDCap PhD Course University of Southern Denmark    2015
Regression 1 Doctoral School of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark  2015
Regression Models Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagne, Denmark 2015
Register Based Epidemiology University of Copenhagen, Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Reproductive Epidemiology  Montreal, Canada 2015
Responsible Conduct of Research Statens Serum Institut, København 2015
Responsible Management of Research Data University of Southern Denmark 2015
Revammad Marie Curie Itn Research Training Programme University of Lincoln, UK 2015
Scale Validation Graduate School of Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
SCAN Present State Examination  Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov, Denmark 2015
Scientific Misconduct Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Scientific Project Planning and Management I Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Simulatorinstruktørkursus  Aarhus University hospital, Denmark 2015
SmArteR Summer School - Small Artery Technology Amsterdam, Holland 2015
SmArteR Workshop - German Matrix Biology Meeting  Münster, Germany  2015
SMIMA1101U QA, QC, GXP for Pharmaceutical Production University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Societies in the World 25: Case Studies in Global Health: Biosocial Perspectives Harvard University, USA 2015
SOL 3 - Generelt obligatorisk kursus i Sundhedsvæsents Organisation og Ledelse Hotel Scandic, Silkeborg, Denmark 2015
Specialespecifikt kursus: Molekylærgenetik   Odense University hospital, Denmark 2015
Specialespecifikt kursus: Onkogenetik Klinisk Genetisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark 2015
Statistical Analysis and Interpretation in Biology Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark  2015
Statistics for Humanities  Nobelparken, Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Statistics in Medicine (online course) Stanford University, USA 2015
Statistisk analyse af hjerneskanninger Aarhus Universitet, Denmark 2015
Stimulus Delivery for Neuroscience and Psychophysics: A Psychopy Course Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Structural Equation Modelling in R The Psychometrics Centre, Department of Psychology, Cambridge University, UK 2015
Survival Analysis in Medical Research and Health Professionals  Reading, UK 2015
Summer Programme in Clinical Effectiveness Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2015
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism (A1) Nyborg, Denmark  2015
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism (A2) Sinatur Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Funen, Denmark 2015
Supervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA  2015
Symptoms Research in Psychosomatic Medicine Nuremberg, Germany 2015
Systematic Review  Sussex ESRC Doctoral Training Center, University of Sussex, UK 2015
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Techno-College and postgraduate programmes in Cardiothoracic Surgery  European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery   2015
The Business Course for Industrial PhD Students Technical University of Denmark 2015
The Data Scientist's toolbox (online) John Hopkins University. Bloomberg School of Public Health 2015
The European Academy of Nursing Science Summer School for Doctoral Studies  University of Barcelona, Spain 2015
The Flow Cytometry Course 2015 University of York, UK 2015
The Logic of Qualitative Research in Political Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
The Manuscript Forskningens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark 2015
The Philosophy of the Human and Social Science Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
The Saltin International Graduate Course in Clinical and Exercise Physiology Toronto, Canada 2015
Theories of Organization Aarhus University, Denmark 2015
Theories of Science Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Translational Genetics and Epigenetics in Hematological Cancer Hindsgavl Castle, Middelfart, Denmark 2015
Translational Neurobiology of the Pain System Xix: Neuroplasticity and Pain Aalborg University, Denmark 2015
Unsupervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning Department of Biostatistic, University of Washington, USA  2015
Vascular Biology: MicroRNAs and Proteomics London, UK 2015
Visualization of Biomedical Big Data  Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, USA 2015
Winter School 2015 - Diabetes Complications from basic to clinical science Malaga, Spain - THB Class Reserva del Higueron 2015
Wissenschaft - Verständlich (Science - comprehensible) Schloss Lautrach, Germany  2015
Workshop in Advanced Sociological Writing and Research Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2015
Workshop in Basic Osteosyntesis Odense, YODA, Denmark 2015
WPPSI-IV (Weschsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence) Børne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Center, Risskov, Danmark  2015
Writing a Scientific Paper University of Utrecht, The Neatherlands 2015
Writing in Science (online) Stanford University  2015
Writing in the Sciences (online) Stanford University  2015
2016 ESH Summer School Hotel Acquaviva del Garda, Italy 2016
3-dages træningskursus i Autisme Diagnostisk Observations Skema - Second Edition (ADOS-2) til klinisk brug  Center for Autisme, Herlev, Denmark 2016
3rd Course in the Integration of Cytogenetics, Microarrays and Massive Sequencing in Biomedical and Clinical Research European School of Genetic Medicine, EuroMediterranean University Centre of Ronzano, Italy 2016
5th Annual MDS-ES Winter School for Young Neurologists Aarhus, Denmark 2016
55th Annual Conference of the Particle Theraphy Co-Operative Group Prag, Czech Republic 2016
8th Nerve Excitability Workshop Chicheley Hall, UK 2016
8th Tractography Workshop Department of Neurosurgery, Vienna, Austria 2016
10th Intensive Course in Tracer Methodology in Metabolism  Derby, UK  2016
13th InVivo NMR Course Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Holland 2016
16th Annual Course: Neuroradiology and Functional Neuroanatomy UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK 2016
21st International Bioinformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea 2016
29th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology Florence, Italy 2016
A-kursus i neuroradiologi Neuroradiologisk Afdeling, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark 2016
Academic and Industrial Career Development Munich, Germany 2016
Action Research Methodologies in Theory and Practice University College Capital, Roskilde University, Denmark 2016
Advanced Brachytherapy Physics ESTRO Course ESTRO, Vienna, Austria 2016
Advanced Epidemiology and Regression Modeling Aalborg University, Denmark 2016
Advanced Macromolecular Crystallography: Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Advanced Proteomics Varna, Italy 2016
Advanced Statistical Topics Florence, Italy 2016
An Morning with NEJM Editors: Writing and Reviewing High Impact Research Papers New England Journal of Medicine, New Orleans, USA 2016
Analysis of Genetic Association Data University of Southern Denmark 2016
Analysing Communication in Healthcare Settings Aalborg university, Denmark 2016
Animal Experimentation Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Animal Pain Vedbæk, Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Applying Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Research Departmen of Epidemiology, Emory University, USA 2016
Approaches in Neurovascular Surgery Cambridge Microsurgery Skills Laboratory, Addenbrooke's Hospital, UK 2016
Anvendt strukturbiologi (Q4) Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark 2016
At undervise på universitetet  Københavns Universitet, Danmark 2016
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in the Metabolic Syndrome Danish Diabetes Academy, Nyborg, Denmark 2016
Basic Clinical Radiobiology Budapest, Hungary 2016
Basic Principles of Epidemiology  Aalborg University, Denmark 2016
Biobusiness Summer School Amsterdam & Leiden, Holland 2016
Biological Membranes University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2016
Bone, Energy Metabolism and Diabetes: Integrated Physiology and Clinical Applications Nyborg, Denmark 2016
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and pQCT Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Australia 2016
Breaking the Lines in Psoriasis Management Barcelona, Spain 2016
Brænd igennem med din forskning Regionshospitalet Randers, Danmark 2016
CAPE Simulation Instructor Programme Stanford University, USA 2016
Casual Inference I University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Clinical Epidemiology Summer School Grenaa, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Clinical Research Aalborg University, Denmark 2016
Cone Beam CT Kursus - 3 dages teoretisk indføring Horsens, Denmark 2016
Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Programme Randers Regional Hospital, Denmark 2016
Computational Biology: Genomes to systems  Heidelberg, Germany 2016
Concepts and methods in causal meditation analysis Florence, Italy 2016
Cross Institutional Molecular Biophysics Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark  2016
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2016 Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, Denmark 2016
Decision Analysis in Clinical Research, RDS 286 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2016
Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation - Foundation Course University of York, UK 2016
De norske kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene som forskningssetting Lysebu, Oslo, Norway 2016
Diet, Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome Danish Diabetes Academy, Hellerup, Denmark 2016
Diabetes and the Brain Danish Diabetes Academy 2016
Diabetes Epidemiology Nyborg, Denmark  2016
Early Career Professional Development in Medical Imaging San Diego, CA, USA 2016
EASL School of Hepatology - Hepatic Nodules  Geneve, Switzerland 2016
Economic Evaluation in Health Care University of Southern Denmark 2016
Educational IT - Pedagogical Master Class 2016 Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Elements of Pharmaceutical/Biotech Pricing ISPOR Conference, Vienna, Austria 2016
Empiriværkstedet School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
En praktisk indføring i brugen af K-SADS Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri, Denmark 2016
ENETS summer school Royal Free Hospital, London, UK 2016
Epidemiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Epidemiology I: Planning a Study University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Epigenetic Epidemiology University of Bristol, UK 2016
ESRA Instrucor Course for Regional Anesthesia Amsterdam, Holland  2016
Ethnography in Health Care Sciences Aalborg University, Denmark 2016
EULAR Online Introductory Ultrasound Course EULAR Online 2016
European Pain School 2016 Siena, Italy 2016
Evaluation and Research Methods Leipzig University, Germany 2016
Evidence based Radiation Oncology - How to Evaluate the Scientific Evidence and Apply it to Daily Practice Porto, Portugal 2016
EW11 - Participatory Design in Health Care - Participation, Power, and Knowledge Department of Aestetics and Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
FreeSurfer Course University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Forandringsambitioner i ph.d.-projektet? - Aktionsforskning som løftestang for praksissamarbejder Roskilde University, Denmark 2016
Foundation Echocardiography Moat House Hotel, Stoke on Tent, UK  2016
GCP and investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials University of Southern Denmark 2016
GCP-kursus for sundhedspersonale Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark 2016
GRASPH Summer School Korsør, Denmark 2016
Helsinki Summer School on Cognitive Neuroscience 2016 University of Helsinki, Finland 2016
HIV Reservoir Symposium and Workshop Gent University, Belgium 2016
How to Write an Abstract University of Southern Denmark 2016
Image Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice Madrid, Spain 2016
Imaging and Image Analysis Munich, Germany 2016
Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Integrative Cardiovascular Human Control The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
International Computer Vision Summer School 2016 Sicily, Italy  2016
Intervention Mapping: Designing theory-based and evidence-based programs (online) Maastricht University, Holland 2016
Intro Clinical Epidemiology, EPI 208 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2016
Introduction to Clinical Research Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Introduction to Clinical Trials  University of New South Wales, Australia 2016
Introduction to Health Technology Assessment ISPOR Conference, Vienna, Austria 2016
Introduction to Imaging Genetics (III) Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University Helsinki, Finland 2016
Introduction to Nvivo Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Introduction to Peer Supervision in Health Services Koldkærgaard Konference Center, Denmark 2016
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Health Science Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark   2016
Introduction to Research Writing in English Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Introduction to Statistics for Medical Research, BIO 206 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2016
Introduction to University Teaching for PhD Students Aarhus University Denmark 2016
Introductory Course on Epidemiology ERA-EDTA, Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Introdoctory Course in Questionnaire Technique and Clinimetrics Odense University, Denmark 2016
Introduktion til planlægning, præsentationsteknik og undervisning BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Ion Channels University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Kjeldgaard Lectures in Molecular Biology Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Klinisk biokemisk forskning Hotel Haraldskær, Vejle, Danmark 2016
Kursus i registerforskning Institut for økonomi, Aarhus Universitet 2016
Kvalitative Forskningsmetoder Aalborg Universitet, Denmark 2016
Laboratory Animal Science for Researchers; Rodents and Lagomorps Uppsala University, Sweden 2016
Linear and Longitudinal Regression, BIO 501 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2016
LW1 - Exploring Embodied Speculation in Participatory Desgin and Innovation Department of Aestetics and Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Medical Imaging Summer School - Medical Imaging Meets Machine Learning   Favignana, Sicily, Italy  2016
Medietræning for forskere Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Meeting the Patient's Needs in the Changing World of Psoriasis Management (Educational Workshop) Frankfurt, Germany 2016
Microsurgery and Advanced Techniques in Experimental Animals University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Molecular Basis of the Biomedicine Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine, Madrid, Spain 2016
MR Fysik Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark 2016
Multidimensional Dosimetry Systems (ESTRO) Turin, Italy  2016
Munich International Autumn School for Respiratory Medicine 2016 The Comprehensive Pneumology Center, Munich, Germany 2016
Musculoskeletal Modelling by Multibody Dynamics with a Focus on the Knee Joint Aalborg University, Denmark 2016
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Bioinformatics, Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
One Week Course in Epidemiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Onkologiske sygdomme Dansk Selskab for Klinisk Onkologi, Vejle Sygehus, Danmark 2016
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Health Research University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Paul Ricoeur Masterclass Sektion for sygepleje, Health Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Placebo and Context Effects - Friend or Foe in Research and Clinical Practice University of Southern Denmark 2016
Planning and controlling a PhD project Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Pmod Basic Application Course Zürich, Switzerland 2016
Pmod Statistics Course Zürich, Switzerland 2016
Policy Evaluation Methods Manchester University, UK 2016
Praktisk Statistik Forskerkurser.dk, Frederiksberg, København, Danmark 2016
Presentation Skills Workshop  Department of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2016
Presentation Traning Skills Danish Diabetes Academy, Nyborg Hotel, Denmark 2016
Project Management: A Practitioner's approach to the Managerial Process Aarhus University, Science and Technology; School of Business and Social Sciences, Denmark 2016
Project Management Skills Steno Diabetes Center, Denmark 2016
Projektledelse, Projektledelse for Ph.d.-studerende Syddansk Universitet, Danmark 2016
Prostate Cancer Preceptorship Klinik für Urologie mit Hochschulambulanz, Charité, Berlin, Germany 2016
Protein Biophysics iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark  2016
Psychosocial Epidemiology Strand- og Badehotel Marienlyst, Helsingør, Denmark 2016
Psykofarmakologi, Voksne Dansk Psykologforening, København, Danmark 2016
Publicering af kvalitative studier i internationale tidskrifter - Styrk dit fokus Institut for Psykologi, Københavns Universitet, Danmark 2016
Qualitative Research Methods Roskilde University, Denmark 2016
Qualitative Research Targeting Narrative Research Methods University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Questionaries in Clinical and Public Health Research: Development, Validation and Evaluation University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Register-Based Clinical Epidemiology Research University of Southern Denmark 2016
Reimbursement Systems for Pharmaceuticals in Europe ISPOR Conference, Vienna, Austria 2016
ReProUnion Workshop: Sperm DNA damage and strategies for its reduction Medicon Valley Alliance, Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Research Management and Leadership University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Responsible Management of Research Data University of Southern Denmark 2016
Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2016
Stata Summer School: Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Stata Birger Jarl Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden 2016
Statistical Analysis of Survival data University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Statistical Methods for the Biosciences I University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Statistics for Medical Research Advanced, BIO 208 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2016
Statistics in Medicine (online) Stanford University 2016
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism Sinatur Hotel Gl. Avernæs, Funen, Denmark 2016
Survival Analysis in Medical Research  Graduate School of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark 2016
Systematic Critical Literature Reading  University of Southern Denmark 2016
TEA: Thrombosis Expert Academy 2016 Amsterdam, The Neatherlands 2016
Techno-College 30th EACTS Annual Meeting Barcelona, Spain 2016
The Brain Prize Meeting 2016 Hindsgavel Slot, Middelfart, Denmark 2016
The Hallmarks of Cancer: Course in Tumor Biology The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
The PhD Student as supervisor - Leadership Education Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
The Process of Theorizing and Theory Building in Management Research Aalborg University, Denmark 2016
Theoretical, Methodology, and Practical Methods in Nutritional Research Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, Australia 2016
Tracing Brain and Behavioral Changes across the Life Span: Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Hvidovre Hospital, Denmark  2016
Tumour Microenvironment and Metastasis International House, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Using Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Theoretical and Practical Issues Aberdeen University, Scotland 2016
Using News Media and Social Media University of Southern Denmark 2016
Varian Developer Workshop Washington DC., USA 2016
Vestibular Testing Master Class Maastricht University, Netherlands 2016
Welfare Professionals and Professions under Transformation: New Paradigms and New Challenges Roskilde University, Denmark 2016
What You Need to Know about Life in the Vascular Wall Panum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Writer Development University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2016
Writing for Publication VIA University College, Aarhus, Denmark 2016
Writing in the Science (online) Stanford University, UK 2016
Zoological Imaging Aarhus University, Denmark 2016
Årsmøde for forskningsnetværk i Hæmatologi og Onkologi Nyborg Strand, Denmark 2016
C85/17 Stereology Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Advanced course: Neuroimaging Techniques Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, USA 2017
Akademisk skrivning - skriveprocessor og deltagelse i akademiske dialoger Lysebu, Oslo, Norway 2017
Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendon-aponeurosis function in sports science, clinical science and aging Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Denmark 2017
AO Basic Osteosynthesis Middelfart, Denmark 2017
3rd Course for Nordic Residents in Urology: 360 degrees around prostate cancer Tampere, Finland 2017
9th Annual Course on Isotope Tracers in Metabolic Research Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA 2017
Advance Choice Modelling Leeds University, UK 2017
Advanced Course in Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Advanced Course in Questionnaire Technique and Clinimetrics (part 2) University of Southern Denmark 2017
Advanced Methods for Reproducible Science School of Experimental Psychology, Bristol University, UK 2017
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods Aarhus BSS, Denmark 2017
Advanced Signal Processing in Joint Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Domains Aalborg University, Denmark 2017
Advanced Structural Biology Aarhus University, Danmark 2017
Assessment and evaluation of human muscle, nervous system and tendon- aponeurosis function in sports science, clinical science and aging University of Southern Denmark 2017
AU talent PhD course in Planning and controlling a PhD Project BSS, Aarhus, Denmark 2017
Basal metabolism and molecukar mechanisms in the metabolic syndrome Nyborg, Denmark 2017
Basic Clinical Radiobiology Paris, France 2017
Basic Flow Cytometry and Cellsorting Copenhagen University, Denmark 2017
Basis I - Introduction to Linguistic Research Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Basic Statistical Analysis  Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University 2017
Basic Ultrasound Course The Danish Society of Diagnostic Ultrasound 2017
Bioinformatics for Microbiology University of Copenagen, Denmark 2017
Cancer and Endocrinolog (6½ hours) The Society of Young Endocrinologists (FYEN), Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2017
Clinical Research in Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
CodeRefinery Workshop Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC), Aarhus University 2017
Complex Interventions in the Municipal Health and Care Services Institutt for helse og samfunn, University of Oslo, Norway 2017
COST Summer School on Corneal Regeneration Linkøping University, Sweden 2017
CRISPR/CAS and BAC Mutagenesis  EDGE/Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany 2017
DaCRA summer meeting University of Copenhagen, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark 2017
Danish Diabetes Academy Winter school Malaga, Spain 2017
Data Mining for Business Decisions BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
DDA Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism for PhD students 2017 Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2017
De kommunale helse- og omsorgtjenestene som forskningssetting Oslo University, Norway 2017
Diabetes Epidemiology PhD Course Danish Diabetes Academy, Nyborg, Denmark 2017
Diabetes Research - Methodology of exploring pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications   The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Dutch Connectome Lab, Utrecht Summer School Utrecht University, Netherlands 2017
Echocardiography and CFR training Sahlgrehnska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden 2017
Empiriværkstedet - Kursus i kvalitativ metode E2017 Aarhus Uniersity Denmark 2017
Endoanal and Pelvic Floor Ultrasound Masterclass, two day hands-on workshop Croydon University Hospital, London 2017
Enlight Annual Meeting and Training Event Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2017
Enlight Training Day Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2017
ESTRO: Physics Research Masterclass for Beginners in Research Florence, Italy 2017
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology Firenze, Italy 2017
Exercise as Medicine Copenhagen University, Denmark 2017
FEBS/EMBO lecture course on "Ion Channels and Transporters" International School of Biophysics, Erice, Italy 2017
FENS-SfN Summer: Chemical Neuromodulation: Neorubiological, Neurocomputational, Behavoural and Clinical Aspects Bertinoro, Italy 2017
Focus Groups as Research Method Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Forskerforum University of Aarhus, Denmark 2017
Forskningsformidling på video Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
From cell physiology to integrated signals and emerging brain functions EMFCSC, Italy 2017
Gait course ESMAC 2017 pre-conference Trondheim, Norway 2017
How to get Numbers for Immunofluorescene Microscopy Experiments EDGE/Hannover Medical School, Germany 2017
How to get research published - knowing the peer-review process University of Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, Denmark 2017
How to write an abstract University of Southern Denmark, SDU 2017
How to write an article University of Southern Denmark, SDU   2017
Image-guided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Gynaecological Cancer: Focus on MRI based adaptive Brachytherapy Prague (CZ) 2017
Immunotherapy in Hematology Hindsgavl, Middelfart, Denmark 2017
In Vivo Pharmacology - Biologic Variation, Reproducibility, and Predictability in Preclinical Drug Testing in Laboratory Animals University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Informations Medieskole Dagbladet Information, København 2017
Innate Immunity Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Intermediate Statistics Using SPSS Aarhus, Denmark 2017
Introduction to Imaging Genetics University of Helsinki, Finland 2017
Introduction to R Aarhus University, Denmark  2017
Introduction to Scale Validation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Introduction to Teaching and Learning Online, Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Kvalitative Metoder Aalborg Universitet, Denmark 2017
Laboratory Animal Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Laboratory Animal Science B Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, SDU 2017
Laboratory Animal Science, Category B Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark  2017
Lipid Metabolism: New Methods and translational aspects University of Cambridge, England 2017
Lær at formidle dit ph.d.-projekt Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Medical Biofilm Techniques DTU, Department of Bioengineering 2017
Medical Physics aspects of Particle Therapy European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vienna, Austria 2017
Medical Physics Aspects of Particle Therapy   ESTRO, Vienna, Austria 2017
Metabolism is the key to understanding cell function Science Center Skejby, Denmark 2017
Metasynthesis-Reseach Course in Advanced Qualitative Methods Nord University, Bodø, Norway 2017
Mitochondrial Physiology - From Organelle to Organism University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Mixed Model Course Store It Lab (1266), Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
MR Billeddannelse og digital billedbehandling Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Danmark 2017
MRI in Radiotherapy The 4th NACP Symposium, Oslo, Norway 2017
Molecular Pharmacology Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Multidisciplinary management of brain tumours ESTRO, Austria 2017
Multivariate Data Analysis Aalborg University, Denmark 2017
Neurobiology of Disease Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, USA 2017
Neuroimaging Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, London UK 2017
Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Nordic OCT Curriculum Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark  2017
Orientation course in oral neuroscience Department of Odontology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden 2017
Oxford Chronobiology and Sleep Medicine Summer Shool Oxford University, England 2017
Patient-reported outcomes in Clinical Health research University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Personalized Telehealth, Informatics and Personcentered Technology Aalborg University, Denmark 2017
Phenomenology and qualitative methodologies University of Southern Denmark 2017
Phenomenology and qualitative research metodologies Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark  2017
Physics for Modern Radiotherapy Bucharest, Romania 2017
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project AU Talent, Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
PMOD Basic application course PMOD Biomedical image quantification 2017
Practical Supervision: Teaching and Collaboration in laboratories for PhD's without teaching experience University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2017
Praktisk Statistik Forskerkursus.dk, Valby, København 2017
Presentation Skills Workshop Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Pressekursus og medietræning for ph.d.-studerende Aarhus University, Denmark 2017
Principles and applications of Dissolution DNP HYPERMAG, Technical University Southern Denmark 2017
Projektledelse for Ph.d.-studerende Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, University of Southern Denmark 2017
Projektstyring for ph.d.-studerende Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, University of Southern Denmark 2017
Python-MNE Workshop Center for Research in Neuroscience, Lyon, France 2017
Quantitative Methods in Radiation Oncology: Models, Trials, and Clinical Outcomes Maastricht, The Netherlands 2017
Responsible Conduct of Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
SCAN (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry) AUH, Risskov, Denmark 2017
Singing for better breathing British Lung Foundation, London, UK 2017
Skeletal muscle: size, signalling and satellite cells University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
STAR - Safe Transfer and Retrievel Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation 2017
Statistical Practice in Epidemiology using R University of Tartu, Estonia 2017
Statistics for experimental medical researchers University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Stereology Workshop Core Centre for Molecular Morphology, Aarhus University 2017
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 3: Reproducible Research for Biomedical Big Data University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA 2017
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 4: Supervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning   University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA   2017
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 5: Unsupervised Methods for Statistical Machine Learning   University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA     2017
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 16: Survival Analysis in Clinical Trials    University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA     2017
Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data; Module 19: Discovering and Evaluating Biomarkers for Guiding Treatment: Methology for Precision Medicine  University Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA     2017
Summer School on Diabetes and Metabolism Ebberup, Denmark 2017
Summer School on Graphical Models, Image Analysis and Computer Graphics Tjärö, Sweden 2017
Survival and Event History Analysis University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Systematic Critical Literature Review Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2017
The Brain Prize Meeting Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark 2017
The European Academy of Nursing Science Summer School for Doctoral Studies  University of Malmø, Sweden 2017
The Hallmarks of Cancer: Course in Tumor Biology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
The Manuscript Aalborg University, Denmark 2017
The neural basis of brain information processing and behaviour: synapses, cells, circuits SDC The university partnership Denmark - China 2017
Thiol Oxidation in Toxicity and Signalling Sant Feliu de Guixols, Girona, Spain 2017
Træningskursus i brug af Autisme Diagnostisk Interview - Revised (ADR-R) Center for Autisme, Herlev, København 2017
Vestibular Diagnosic Måns Magnusson and Mikael Karlberg, Universitetssygehuset Lund, Sweden 2017
What happens after gestational diabetes pregnancy? Novo Nordisk Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark 2017
Wonder in Qualitative Research and Practice-based and Existential Phenomenology Human Centered Communication and Informatics, Aalborg University, Denmark  2017
Workshop for aktive forskere 2017 Dansk Selskab for Infektionsmedicin, Danmark 2017
1st Danish Bone Workshop Sandbjerg Gods, Sønderborg 2018
2nd ESTRO Physics Workshop: Science in development ESTRO, Malaga, Spain 2018
3rd European Conference on Donor Health and Management 2018 Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
4th Dianalund Summer School on EEG & Epilepsy Dianalund, Denmark 2018
6th  GEC-ESTRO Workshop   Brussels, Belgium 2018
31th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology (EEPE) Florence, Italy 2018
Academic English  Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark  2018
Academic Writing for Qualitative Health Researchers SDU Odense, Denmark 2018
Advanced Methods for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Meeting decision-makers' requirements York, UK 2018
Advanced Musculoskeltal Modeling Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Advanved Physics for Brachytherapy ESTRO School, Valencia, Spain 2018
Akademisk skrivning - skriveprocesser og deltakelse i akademiske dialoger Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Scandic Hollenkollen Park, Oslo, Norway  2018
Analytical Work in Qualitative and Ethnographic Health Research Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2018
Anatomi og fysiologi Anne Rosing Institut, Hellerup, Danmark 2018
Annual meeting of the North European Young Diabetologists Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands 2018
Applied Microeconometrics Institute of Economics, Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Bacterial biofilms and their role in chronic infections The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Basal Farmakoepidemiologi DSFE, Denmark 2018
Basal metabolism and molecular mechanisms in diabetes Nyborg, Denmark 2018
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanism in the Metabolic Syndrome Nyborg, Denmark 2018
Basic and applied Immunology Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Basic BD FACSAria Operator Course Erembodegem, Belgium 2018
Basic flow cytometry and cellsorting University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Basic Kinetic Modeling in PET and MR imaging Copenhagen University, Denmark 2018
Basic Neuroscience Faculty of Healtj and Medical Scienes, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Basic Statistical Analysis Aarhus University, ST, Denmark 2018
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2018
Bayesian Statistics, Simulation and Software - with a View to Application Examples Aalborg University 2018
Big Data ManageR Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Bioinformatics Analysis of Genomics-Data     Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, USA 2018
Cancer Genomics Course Hinxton, UK 2018
Cardiovascular Seminar Series 2018 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Cell-Reprogramming Technology in Neuroscience. Circuit Function, Regeneration and Repair Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, San Servolo, Venice, Italy 2018
Clinical research  Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Comprehensive Colposcopy American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP), Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2018
Cone beam CT kursus - 3 dage teoretisk indføring Tandlæge foreningen, Horsens 2018
Course in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Regionshuset in Aarhus, Denmark 2018
Cultural Historical Activity Theory and Work University West, Trollhättan, Sweden 2018
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2018 Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2018 Danske Multidisciplinære Cancer Grupper (DMCG.dk) 2018
DBDS/deCODE Genetics Winterschool  deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland 2018
DCS Ekko 2 Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab 2018
DCT Workshop in Proton Therapy Planning of Head and Neck Cancer Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark 2018
DDA Summer School in Diabetea & Metabolism for PhD Students 2018 Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2018
De kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene som forskningssetting Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, Oslo, Norway 2018
Determinants for labour market attachment and retirement The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
DoH/SDCA Forskningssymposium SDCA, Aarhus  2018
Econometrics for Program Evaluation: Theory and Practice Using Stata, Summer School TStat, CISL Studium Center, Florence, Italy 2018
Economic Evaluation in Health Care University of Southern Denmark, Denmark  2018
Effective Qualitative Research Copenhagen 2018
Effektiv forskningsformidling Center for Uddannelse og Kompetence, Region Sjælland,  2018
Eksekutive funktioner - Praktikerkurses for psykologer med fokus på definitioner, måling og intervention. Filadelfia, Dianalund 2018
English for Researchers: Writing, Level 1 Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital 2018
Epidemiological Methods in Medical Research The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen  2018
ESTRO 37 Pre-meeting course: MRI Physics for Applicants in Radiation Oncology Barcelona, Spain 2018
Ethnography in Health Care Sciences Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
European Academy of Nursing science (EANS) Summer School 2018 Ghent University, Belgium 2018
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology Florence, Italy 2018
European Society of Hypertension, Summer School 2018 Lausanne, Switzerland 2018
Exploring the Human Connectone University of Oxford 2018
FEBS Advanced Lecture Course – Redox-omic Technologies and their Application in Health and Disease in the SFRR-E Free Radical School Series FEBS - Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Spetses Island, Greece 2018
Finitude and moral community Anthropology and Philosophy, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Foundations of Economic Evaluation in Health Care York, UK 2018
Fundamentals and methods for impact evaluation of public policies Venice, Italy 2018
Få øje på noget du ikke troede var muligt i din empiri University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 2018
Generalised Linear Mixed Models Luosto, Finland 2018
Genetic Analysis of Population-based Association Studies Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambridge, UK 2018
Genetics Winter School in Genetics Copenhagen University and deCODE, Iceland 2018
Genomics and Clinical Virology Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK 2018
Good Clinical Practice (GCP-E6(R2) 2016) Online Course, Elearning.trree.org 2018
GRASPH Summer School Comwell, Korsør, Denmark 2018
H-kursus i stråleterapi Aarhus University Hospital,  Denmark 2018
Hälsostödjande familjesamtal - en modell för intervention Linnéuniversitetet, kalmar, Sverige 2018
Health Sociology Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Hey you, let me tell you about my research University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Hey you, let me tell you about my research - How to use the media to reach the public Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2018
How to Write an Abstract University of Southern Denmark 2018
How to Write an Article University of Southern Denmark   2018
Human induced pluripotent stem cell culture, neural differentiation and gene-editing: and theory and in practice University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic analysis of biological and macromolecules and their interactions Prague, Czech Republic 2018
Image Guided Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice Budapest, Hungary 2018
Image-guided Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Gynaecological Cancer: Focus on MRI Based Adaptive Brachytherapy Madrid, Spain 2018
Improve your Research - Reference Managing, Copyright and Bibliometrics for PhD Students University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Infrastructures of Governance Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Innovation and Intellectual property rights in biotechnology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Interactive Eye-gaze UCL, London, UK 2018
Introduction to Directed Acyclic Graphs Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark 2018
Introduction to MATLAB for Multivariate Data Analysis - Course no. 5308-18-04-31 University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Introduction to peer supervision in health services Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Introduction to Scale Validation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Introduction to R Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Introduction to the Human Gut Microbiome Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori och arbetsintegrerat lärande University West, Trollhättan, Sweden 2018
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University 2018
Light Microscopy and Confocal Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen 2018
Litteratursøgning og referencehåndtering for ph.d.-studerende på Arts Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Aarhus 2018
Machine Learning Stanford University 2018
Medietræning og Skærmtræning Health, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark 2018
Mixed Methods Research Design - Basic and Advanced Aalborg University Hospital, Unit for Psychiatric Research, Denmark 2018
Modern Scale Validation using IRT and Rasch Models The Graduate School og Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
MR billeddannelse og digital billedbehandling Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Danmark 2018
MRI Physics for Applications in Radiation Oncology ESTRO, Barcelona, Spain 2018
Muscle metabolism and E-C coupling - role in exercise, training and disease Department of Sports Sciences and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark 2018
Musculoskeletal Modeling by Multibody Dynamics Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Neural circuit development and plasticity Utrecht, Netherlands 2018
Neuromechanics of Human Movement Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Neuroscience Day Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Next Generation Sequencing Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Next generation sequencing data analysis Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Non-invasive techniques for the assessment of plasticity in the human nervous system Center for Neuroplasticity and Pain, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Nordic preceptorship in Spondyloarthritis Rheumatology Unit, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden 2018
Particle Therapy Vienna, Austria 2018
Patient and Public Involvement in Research University of Southern Denmark 2018
Ph.D. Netværksdag 2018 Dansk Selskab for Gastroenterologi og Hepatologi, Vejle, Danmark 2018
Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School 2018 Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2018
Physiological Optics and Vision Science, Basic Vision Science Core Courses (PHOP 6241-3) College of Optometry, University of Houston, USA 2018
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project Aarhus BSS, Denmark 2018
Praktisk Hæmodynamik  Hotel Nyborg Strand, Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab, Danmark 2018
Precision Medicine in Hematology Hotel Severin, Middelfart, Denmark 2018
Proteomics Bioinformatics Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambrigde, UK 2018
Publication Quality Output from Stata Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2018
Qualitative Research within the Health Sciences Aalborg University, Denmark 2018
Quantitative Bias Analysis Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Georgia, USA 2018
R Programming John Hopkins University (online) 2018
Radiation Detection in Medical Physics Institut for Fysik og Astronomi og Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Radiobiological basis of clinical radiobiology Barcelona, Spain 2018
Randomized Controlled Trial in Health Science - Why and how to run a High Quality Trial Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2018
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research  Graduate School, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 2018
Research Essential Skills in Medial Education (RESME) Basel, Switzerland 2018
RNA-Seq Data Analysis Workshop - Quality Control, Read Mapping, Visualization and Downstream Analyses Leipzig, Germany 2018
SAN (Statistisk Analyse af hjerneskanninger) Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
SCAN - Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (Danish) Copenhagen University, Gentofte Hospital, Denmark 2018
SCAN Training Course Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2018
Simulatorinstruktøruddannelse Koncern HR, MidtSim, Region Midtjylland, Denmark  2018
SIOG 2018 Advanced Course Trevisio and Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2018
Skriverliv Aalborg Universitet, Denmark 2018
STATA - Fra 0 til 100 på 16 timer - for REDCap brugere Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark 2018
Statistics, Epidemiology, Communication and Feedback ECDHM, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Statistics in Medical Physics H. C. Ørsted-Instituttet på Københavns Universitet, Danmark 2018
Statistics in Medicine Online/Stanford University 2018
Structural Equation Modeling with appleciations using Lavaan in R University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Summer School in Neuroscience University of Southern Denmark 2018
Systematical critical review University of Southern Denmark  2018
Systematic Critical Literature Review University of Southern Denmark 2018
The 4th Urology Simulation Boot Camp Medical Education Leeds, LIMIT, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds 2018
The Brain Prize Meeting 2018 - Dementia and Beyond Hindsgavl Slot, Middelfart, Denmark 2018
The Scientific Presentation - Perform better under pressure Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Tissue Clearing and 3D Imaging Workshop Institute for Stroke and Dementia Reseach, Munich, Germany 2018
Udvidet kursus i klinisk neuroanatomi, neurofysiologi og neurokemi Uddannelsescenteret v. Regionshospitalet Hammel Neurocenter, Universitetsklinik for Neurorehabilitering, Denmark  2018
Using News Media and Social Media to Increase the Awarness and Dissemination of your Research Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2018
Vejlederkursus for speciallæger Region Nordjylland og Region Midtjylland, Koncern HR, Center for Kompetenceudvikling, Aarhus N. 2018
Vestibular Testing Master Class Maastricht University Medical Center 2018
Viral Immonologi University of California, USA 2018
Visual Methods Aalborg Univerity, Denmark 2018
Viva Voce University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
Winter School on Noninvasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation with a focus on Multimodal Integration Hvidovre University Hospital, Denmark 2018
Writing in the Sciences Stanford University, USA 2018
Writing in the Sciences (September - October 2018) Stanford University, USA   2018
1st European Combined Paediatrics Neuro-Oncology Course SIOPE, Budapest, Hungary 2019
2nd Danish Bone Research Workshop Sandbjerg, Denmark 2019
3rd ESTRO physics workshop ESTRO, Budapest, Hungary 2019
3 Minute Thesis Competition Aarhus University, Denmark  2019
5th Saltin International Graduate Course in Exercise and Clinical Physiology Center for Physical Activity, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
8th International ISCAR, Cultural-historical Psychology: Interdisciplinary Research perspectives and social practices Moscow State University of Psychology & Education, Moscow, Russia 2019
19th Annual Course Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy UCL Institute of Neurology, The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London. United Kingdom 2019
A Couple State of Mind: Insights into Couple Relating and Therapeutic Work with Couples Online Webinar, CONFER 2019
AAI Advanced Course in Immunology American Association of Immunologists, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston 2019
Academic Entrepreneurship Pre-meeting: Academic Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer in Radiation Oncology: Dream or Reality? ESTRO 38, Milan, Italy 2019
Academic Writing  Department of Phychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Academic Writing Global Denmark, Frederiksberg 2019
Advanced course in questionnaire technique and clinimetrics University of Southern Denmark 2019
Advanced social epidemiology: a focus on methodology, context and lifecourse University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Akademisk skrivning - Skriveprocesser og deltagelse i akademiske dialogoer Forskerskolen, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway 2019
Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Dementias The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
An Introduction to CUDA Aarhus University, Department of Physics and
Anaesthesia and Analgia for Laboratory (Rodents) Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Analysis of next-generation sequencing data Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Analysis of Time to Event Data in Medical Research Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Analyzing Neural Time Serie Data Radboud University, The Netherlands 2019
Applied prognostic research Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health, SDU, Denmark 2019
Approaches for Biomarker Discovery and Validation  COST CliniMARK Training School 2019
Artificial Intelligence for Imaging Maastricht University, The Netherlands 2019
Basal metabolism and molecular mechanisms in diabetes Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2019
Basic BD FACSAria Operator Course Erembodegem, Belgium 2019
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
Basis simulatorinstruktøruddannelsen Region Midtjylland, MidtSim, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 82, 8200 Århus N 2019
Cardioonkologi Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab 2019
CFIM crash course in Light Microscopy University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Chinese Culture and Chinese Language University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 2019
Clinical Research and Methods Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
Cochrane methodology and systematic reviews of the effects of interventions Cochrane Sweden, Cochrane Nordic, and Cochrane Norway, Lund, Sweden 2019
Collaborative Experiments in Fieldwork Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Combining Phenomenology and Qualitative Research University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark 2019
Complex Interventions in Health Care: Evaluation Stage  European Academy of Nursing Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal 2019
Cone beam CT kursus - 3 dage teoretisk indføring  Tandlægeforeningen 2019
Crafting Ethnography Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Culture, Psychology and Psychiatry University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2019
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2019 University of Copenhagen, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark 2019
Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2019 Danske Multidisciplinære Cancer Grupper (DMCG.dk) 2019
Data Management and Documentation Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Data Science in Bioinformatics Center for Bioinformatik, Science and Technology, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark 2019
DCCC-RT Workshop on Modeling of Radiation Therapy Outcome Data Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center 2019
DDA Summer School in Diabetes & Metabolism for PhD Students  Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2019
Den kognitive udredning Børne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Afdeling, Skejby Sygehus, Danmark 2019
DEPeNDS Workshop - selection of proton plans for low grade glioma patients  Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark   2019
Descriptive Phenomenology: Theory and Method The Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Design and analysis of cluster randomised and stepped wedge trails London School of Hygine & Tropical Medicine, UK  2019
Developing and Repairing Trust: An Attachment-based Model of Family Therapy Online Webinar, CONFER 2019
Drug Delivery University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
ECNP School of Neuropsychopharmacology ECPN School, St. Cathrine's College, Oxford  2019
Empiriværkstedet Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
English Academic Writing Workshop Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark 2019
English for Researchers, Writing Level 2 KU/SUND, Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
English Grammar in Context: Clear and Fluent Academic Writing University of Southern Denmark 2019
Epidemology - Basic Principles Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2019
ESH Summer School 2019 European Society of Hypertention, Brauron, Grækenland 2019
ESMRMB 2019 conference ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2019
ESMRMB 2019 educational sessions ESMRMB, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2019
ESTRO 38 Physics pre-meeting course: machine learning for physicists The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), Milan, Italy 2019
EULAR-endorsed European Large Vessel Vasculitis Imaging Course (EULVIC) EULVIC - EULAR (European Leauge against Rheumatology), Innsbruck, Austria 2019
European Educational Programme in Epidemiology  Barcelona Institute for Global Health, Florence, Italy  2019
Exercise as Medicine: a Translational Perspective Centre for Physical Activity, Comwell Borupgaard, Snekkersten, Denmark 2019
Finishing your PhD and planning your future career Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Forskningskommunikation på Sundhedsområdet - Forskningsformidling på engelsk Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark 2019
Forskningskommunikation på Sundhedsområdet - Pressekontakt samt Medie- og skærmtræning Aarhus Universitetshospital, Danmark 2019
Foundation Echo Course University Hospital of North Staffordshire 2019
Foundation Echocardiography Midlands Echo, Moat House Hotel, Stoke on Tent, UK  2019
From Fieldwork to Analysis Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
GATK4 Workshop Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
GATK Workshop Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
GBD Advanced Level Workshop Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington, Evia, Greece 2019
Get ready to present your PhD projekt The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) The GCP Unit in Aarhus and Aalborg, Forskningens Hus, Aalborg, Denmark  2019
GRASPH Summer School 2019 KU, Comwell Klarskovgaard, Korsør, Danmark 2019
Guided surgery S.I.N. training S.I.N. training facilities, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2019
Health Scientific Information Searching and Publishing Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Hälsostödjande familjesamtal - en modell för intervention Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar, Sweden 2019
How To Design and Conduct your Mixed Methods Study University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
How to do and how to get numbers from immunofluorescence microscopy experiments Hannover Medical School, Germany 2019
How to Structure an Article Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark  2019
How To Write an Abstract University of Southern Denmark, Odense Denmark  2019
How To Write an Article University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark 2019
Image Guided and Apaptive Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice Porto, Portugal 2019
Integrative Human Cardiovascular Control The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Introduction to peer supervision in health services Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Introduction to Questionaire Research (Clinimetrics part 1) University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 2019
Introduction to Questionaire Technique and Clinimetrics University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark 2019
Introduction to Statistical Programming Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Innate Immunity Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Intensive Medical Writing: Learn how to write papers that get published  Gratuate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
International Summer School in Forensic Genetics and Massively Parallel Sequencing Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Introduction to medical statistics using SPSS The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Introduction to R Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Journal Club of non-coding RNA Biology Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Kunnskapstransalasjon og implementering: Forskningens kunnskapsbidrag og implikasjoner i og for helse- og omsorgstjenestenen i kommunal sektor  Forskerskolen for kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway 2019
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Experimental Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2019
Laboratory Animal Science  Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark  2019
Linear Algebra for Neuroscientists Radboud University, The Netherlands 2019
Logic, Causation and Probability (EPIDEM M204 / STATS M243) UCLA Fielding School of Public Health  2019
Machine Learning Edinburgh University, Coursea Online Learning Platform 2019
Machine Learning Stanford University, Coursea Online Course 2019
Machine Learning for health  Department of Business and Economics, University of Southern Denmark 2019
Measuring Causal Effects in the Social Sciences University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Medical Neuroscience Duke University, online course 2019
Metakognitiv Terapi til Børn med Angst og OCD Kognitiv Terapi Center, Aarhus V, Denmark 2019
Methodology of Conducting an Intervention Review (Online) Cochrane Interactive Learning, interactivelearning.cochrane.org 2019
Mitochondrial Physiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
MRI Fundamentals Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 2019
Multidisciplinary management of breast cancer ESTRO, Budapest, Hungary 2019
National Annual PhD Course in Oncology and Hematology SDU, Denmark  2019
Neuroimmunephisiology University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Department of Matematical Sciences, Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology (2019-2020) The Association of Nordic Cancer Registries, Tampere University, Finland  2019
Object Oriented Programming in Java University of California San Diego, USA 2019
One day introduction to REDcap The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Osteoporosis & Other Metabolic Bone Diseases Oxford, UK 2019
Particle Therapy ESTRO School, Groningen, The Netherlands 2019
Patient and Public Involvement in Research Graduate School of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 2019
Pasientforløp og samhandling på tvers av helsetjenestenivåer og profesjoner Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo 2019
Personale, der betjener knoglescannere (DXA-scannere) Region H, Gentofte Hospital, Danmark 2019
Personalised Sensors BERTHA Summer School 2019
Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School 2019 Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark   2019
PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS AND PEDAGOGY PACE University, College of Health Profession's Lienhard School of Nursing, New York, USA 2019
PHYSICS Pre-meeting: Machine Learning for Physicists Milan, Italy 2019
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project Head of Graduate School, Arts 2019
Practical Introduction to Running Randomised Clinical Trials  Keele University, UK  2019
Presentation of medical results The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Proces og produkt i afhandlingsarbejdet Forskeruddannelsesprogrammet i filosofi, uddannelsesvidenskab og medier, SDU, Odense, Denmark  2019
Projektledelse Implement consulting group, Hellerup, Danmark 2019
PSI Winter School for Proton Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 2019
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact  The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
Quantitative Bias Analysis for Epidemiologic Research  The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
Qualitative Methods - Module A - Introduction & Research Design  Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark  2019
Qualitative Methods - Modul D - Mixing Methods Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, Denmark  2019
Questionnaires in clinical and public health research: development, validation and evaluation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2019
Radioterapi DSKO, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Denmark 2019
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research Odense Patient Data Explorative Network, SDU, Denmark 2019
Register-based research - Pharmacoepidemiology: drug use and safety Karolinska Institutet, Institutionen för medicin, Solna, Sweden 2019
Research Course in Radiotherapy Physics European society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) 2019
Reproducible Quantitative Methods: Data Analysis Workflow Using R Danish Diabetes Academy 2019
Research Design and Applied Data Analysis for Quantitative Social Sciences and Education Studies Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Responsible Conduct of Research University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
Scientific Project Planning and Management 1 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Scientific Writing - A Framework for Writing a Scientific Paper  The Graduate School of Health and Medical Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Scientific Writing and Publishing Nature Masterclasses, Online Course 2019
School of MRI - Basic Course on Applied MR Techniques European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, European Association of Radiology 2019
SLLS Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research University of Geneva, Switzerland 2019
Social Research as a Craft Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark   2019
SPSS Oxford, UK 2019
STATA - fra 0 til 100 på 16 timer - for REDCap brugere Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark  2019
Statistical analysis of survival data University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Functional Imaging Laboratory, University of London, UK 2019
Statistics in Medicine Online Course, Stanford University 2019
Southern School of Biophysics Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso, Chile 2019
Summer School: Advanced Topics in Pharmacepidemiology Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2019
System thinking in Public Health John Hopkins University 2019
Target Volume Determination - From Imaging to Margins ESTRO, Athens 2019
The Physics of Medical Imaging - Diagnostic Radiology and CT The Joint Department of Physics, The Institute of Cancer Research, and the NHS Foundation, London, UK 2019
The Physics of Medical Imaging - Image Theory, Perception and Processing  The Joint Department of Physics, The Institute of Cancer Research, and the NHS Foundation, London, UK 2019
The Physics of Medical Imaging - Nuclear Medicine The Joint Department of Physics, The Institute of Cancer Research, and the NHS Foundation, London, UK 2019
The good scientific presentation: From attractive posters to inspiring talks Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2019
The Role of the Microbiome in Complex Metabolic & Inflammatory Diseases Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2019
The PhD-student as supervisor - leadership education The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2019
Theories and Models for Midwifery  University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland   2019
Train the Laparoscopic Trainer (LapCo) Region Midtjylland, Hospitalsenheden Vest (Herning), Danmark 2019
Translation Research in Psychology: From lab to patient and back again Aarhus University, Denmark  2019
(Un)making data: Exploring (auto)ethnographic epistemologies and 'What counts?' as relevant knowledge in a datafiel era  Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University, Denmark 2019
Validation of Prediction Models in Epidemiology and Medicine Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Videregående kvalitativ metode: indsamling af interviewdata og kvalitativ indholdsanalyse Institut for Statskundskab, Aarhus BSS, Danmark 2019
Vision: A Platform for Linking Circuits, Behavior & Perception  Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory 2019
Web-seminar 1-8 Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway 2019
Which covariates to adjust for: An introduction to directed acyclic graphs Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2019
Writing a Data Management Plan Aalborg University, Denmark 2019
Writing in the Science (online) Stanford University 2019
Yngre Reumatologers inspirationskursus Middelfart, Denmark 2019
3rd Danish Bone Research workshop Danish Bone Society, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark  2020
A study in Trauma and Somatic Memory Online Webinar, CONFER 2020
A-kursus i neuroradiologi Neuroradiologisk afdeling Aarhus Universistetshospital, Denmark 2020
Advanced Course in Qualitative Research in Public and Global Health – From Conceptualization to Write-up  Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Advanced Epidemology Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Advanced Life Support Dansk Råd for Genoplivning 2020
Advanced Statistical Topics in Health Research A Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Analysis of time to event data in medical research Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Anatomy of the Central Nervous System The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
An Introduction to CUDA Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University 2020
An introduction to systematic reviews University of Southern Denmark 2020
Antimicrobial resistance, theory and methods Technical University of Denmark DTU, Voursera.org 2020
Applying Practice Theory in Social Science Research Aalborg University, Denmark  2020
Applied Prognostic Research Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 2020
Basal Metabolism and Molecular Mechanisms in Diabetes 2020 The Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism, Danish Diabetes Academy 2020
Basic Clinical Radiobiology European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), virtual course 2020
Basic EEG 22nd edition  Virtual Epilepsy Academy (VIREPA) 2020/2021
Basic Flow Cytometry and cell sorting I Graduate School of Health and Medican Sciences, Copenhagen University 2020
Basic hands-on course in transmission and scanning electron microscopy of mammalian cells (MaEM) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark   2020
Basic Kinetic Modelling in PET and MR Imaging The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Basic Statistical Analysis in Life and Environmental Sciences Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2020
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers (Danish) - R The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2020
Basis Simulatorinstruktøruddannelsen Koncern HR, MidtSim, Region Midtjylland, Denmark  2020
Biological Membranes The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Biostatistics I Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Cardiac MR Danish Society of Cardiology, Nyborg, Denmark 2020
Client Participation Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Complex Interventions in Health Care with a Special Focus on the Care of Adults and Older Persons Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Sweden 2020
Contemplating Fieldwork Graduate School, Arts at Aarhus University 2020
Course in neurosurgical oncologi Neurokirurgisk afdeling, Rigshospitalet 2020
Critical Ethnographic Research in Cultural and Societal Transformations in the Nordic Countries Doctoral School of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Faroe Islands 2020
Cross Institutional Bioimaging PhD Course AU, SDU, KU and Danish Bioimaging Network 2020
DDA Summer School on Diabetes & Metabolism for PhD Students Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2020
Deep Learning Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Design and analysis of epigenome-wide association studies Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark  2020
De kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene som forskningssetting Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway 2020
Effective Speaking Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Empiriværkstedet Graduate School, Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark 2020
English Grammar in Context University of Southern Denmark 2020
Experimental surgery 1: Basic principles and procedures Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Facilitating Innovative Processes (NorDoc Course) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Finishing your PhD and planning your future career The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
From Analysis to Text  Aarhus University & University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Generic Intructor Course (GIC) Copenhagen Academy for Medical Education and Simulation (CAMES) 2020
Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Good Clinical Practice GCP-enheden, Aarhus og Aalborg Universitetshospitaler, Aarhus, Denmark  2020
GRADE Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health, University of Southern Denmark 2020
HEY YOU, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY RESEARCH - How to use the media to reach the public Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark  2020
How to present your research to the public Danish Diabetes Academy and Elevate Scientific Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Immunometabolism, from bench to bedside Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Intensive Medical Writing: Learn how to write papers that get published The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Introduction to Behaviour Change: Principles & Practise (online) University College London, Center for Behaviour Change, UK 2020
Introduction to Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) University of Copenhagen, SUND 2020
Introduction to medical statistics using SPSS University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Introduction to omics for clinical researchers The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Health Sciences The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Introduction to scale validation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark   2020
Key Concepts and Principles for Design and Critical Interpretation of Nordic Register-Based Studies Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (Online Course) 2020
Klinisk undervisningsforløb Center for health science education and problem-based learning, Klinisk institut, Aalborg Universitet 2020
Kursus for personale, der betjener knoglescannere Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Kvalitative Forskningsmetoder Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Machine Learning Aalborg University 2020
Matrix Biology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Medical Ethics: Theory and Practice The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2020
Meeting the reproducibility challenges in research - importance of qaulity assessment in the laboratory Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark  2020
Metabolic Aspects of the Brain Muscle Axis (online course) Cambridge Metabolic Network, University of Cambridge & Danish Diabetes Academy 2020
Mixed Models Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2020
Modern scale validation using IRT and rasch models The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark   2020
Neuroradiologisk A-kursus Neuroradiologisk afd. AUH 2020
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Denmark 2020
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact! Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Paediatric Research The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Pediatric Nutrition Journal Club The PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen 2020
Phantasmography and Anthropology Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark  2020
PhD Course: Organizational Ethnography Doctoral School of Social Science and Business, Roskilde University, Denmark 2020
Physics for modern Radiotherapy ESTRO, online course 2020
PMOD Training Course (Basic- and Advanced Application Course)  Biomedical Image Quantification, Zurich, Switzerland (online course)  2020
Political and Organizational Ethnography Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark 2020
Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research (SRT) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Pregnancy and Programming and Later Risk of Obesity Related Disease (Online) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Present your research Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden (offered as an online course) 2020
Presentation of medical results – Basic course (Online) Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2020
Process Evaluation of Interventions in Complex Systems Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Projektledelse for ph.d.-studerende The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark  2020
Pure and applied phenomenology The PhD School, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen 2020
Qualitative Research within Health Science Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Randomized controlled trials in health sciences - why and how to run a high-quality trial Graduate Program in Physical Activity and Musculoskeletal Health, Odense, SDU 2020
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research University of Southern Denmark  2020
Responsible conduct of research The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2020
Safety during work with radioactive sources  Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2020
Scientific Computing using Python - 1. Python + Scientific Computing Online Course,  Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Scientific Computing using Python - High Performance Computing in Python Online Course, Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Skriverliv - om at blive og være et skrivende menneske Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark  2020
Smell and Taste 12 Smell & Taste Clinic of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Technical University of Dresden 2020
Statistical analysis of survival data The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Statistics in Medicine Online Course, Standford University, USA 2020
Stem Cell Research and Critical Thinking Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Systematical Critical Review University of Southern Denmark 2020
Teoretisk Basiskursus i Pronterapi Dansk Center for Partikelterapi, Aarhus Universitetshospital, Denmark  2020
The good scientific presentation: from attractive posters to inspiring talks University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
The PhD-student as supervisor - leadership education (Danish) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
The Use of Concepts: Choosing and Unfolding Concepts in PhD Theses Copenhagen business School, Frederiksberg 2020
Theories ans Qualitative Methods for Investigating Technology in Action Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Tumor i Centralnervesystemet, udredning og behandling Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Machine Learning and Imaging Projects Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Update your Academic Publishing Toolbox Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2020
Validation of Prediction Models in Epidemiology and Medicine Aalborg University, Denmark  2020
Which covariates to adjust for: An introduction to directed acyclic graphs Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark  2020
Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers  Aalborg University, Denmark 2020
Writing in the Sciences (online) Standford University 2020
33rd Course on Clinical Genomics and NGS Online course, ESHG and CEUB, Italy 2021
4th European Conference on Donor Health and Management 2021 (ECDHM) Online Course, University of Hamburg, Germany 2021
5th Variant Effect Prediction Training Course (VEPTIC) Online Course, Global Variome, The Human Variome Project 2021
6th NorMIC Imaging Workshop - Course in Advanced Light Microscopy and Image Processing Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) and Department of Life Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 2021
Academic Writing Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2021
Advanced Causal Inference Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden 2021
Advanced Life Support Dansk Råd for Genoplivning, Aarhus N, Denmark 2021
Advanced Social Epidemiology: A focus on Concepts, Context, Life-course and Policy The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Advanced Training Programme: Changing Behaviour in Systems UCL Centre for Behaviour Change, online 2021
Akademisk skriving - Skriveprosesser og deltakelse i akademiske dialoger Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo, Norway 2021
Analysis of genome-wide association study data with a focus on prediction of complex traits Doug Speed (QGG - graduate school of technical scienses) - Aarhus University 2021
An Introduction to Genomics in Health Science University of Southern Denmark 2021
ASAS e-core course on Axial Spondyloarthritis Online Course, ASAS, asas-group.org 2021
Basal Metabolism & Molecular Mechanisms in Diabetes The Education Committee, Diabetes and Metabolism Danish Diabetes Academy and Danish Cardiovascular Academy 2021
Basic academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University 2021
Basic Bioethics Online Course, Aalborg University, Denmark  2021
Basic Course in Qualitative Research Methods in Healthcare Amsterdam University Medical Centres (UMC), The Netherlands 2021
Basic Methods in Pharmacoepidemiology Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and University of Southern Denmark (SDU) 2021
BASIC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES The Faculty of Science and Tecgnology, Aarhus University 2021
Basis simulatorinstruktøruddannelsen Koncern HR, MidtSim, Region Midtjylland, Denmark 2021
Broad Cancer BootCamp Broad Institute Cancer Program 2021
Cancer Genomics Online Course, EMBL, European Bioinformatics Institute 2021
Central Concepts and Theoretical Debates in Social Science Approaches to Alcohol and Drug Research Aarhus BSS Graduate School, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, Denmark 2021
Clinimetrics Part 2 University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 2021
Computational Psychiatry Course 2021 Translational Neuromodeling Unit, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich 2021
Constructive and Explainable Machine Learning Aalborg University 2021
Course in Good Clinical Practice GCP Enheden, Aalborg og Aarhus Universitetshospitaler 2021
Crafting Ethnography: Analysis, argument and writing Faculty of Arts, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University 2021
Curso de Formacâo em Odontologia - Course in digital dentistry (ENG) Sao Paulo, Brazil 2021
DaCRA Summer Meeting 2021 Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark  2021
DCS Ekko 2 - 2 dages kursus i basal ekkokardiografi Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab 2021
DDA Summer School on Diabetes & Metabolism for PhD Students Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism and Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark 2021
Design Thinking in Health and Medical Sciences (NorDoc Summer School 2021) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
DCS EKKO 1 - 3 dages kursus i basal ekkokardiografi Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab 2021
EANS 10th Annual Young Neurosurgeons’ Meeting & Research Course European association of neurosurgery, Online 2021
EANS Research Course 2021 Online Course, Sint Martens Latem, Belgium 2021
EC301 Eclipse Scripting API basics v15.1 (c) Online Course, Varian Medical Systems, Las Vegas, USA 2021
Empiriværksted Online Course, Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark  2021
Empower Your Talent Danish Cardiovascular Academy, SAS Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Aarhus, Denmark 2021
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Development (NorDoc Summer School 2021) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Ethnography in health care sciences Aalborg University, Denmark 2021
Exercise as Medicine; a translational perspective The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Facilitating Innovative Processes (NorDoc Summer School 2021) Online Course, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen University, Denmark 2021
Finishing Your PhD and Planning Your Future Career Online Course, NorDoc Summer School 2021, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
General Pathology  Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Hands-on course in transmission and scanning electron microscopy - process your own sample The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2021
Hands-on Qualitative Methods Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 2021
Hemodynamic Monitoring 2021 - e-DAY 2021 ISICEM, Virtual 2021
How to get published Aarhus University 2021
How to teach communication skills and conduct peer supervision – pedagogical reflections, learning theory and communication models Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University 2021
Human Brain Anatomy Course Online Course, Neurocourses UK 2021
Imaging for Physicists ESTRO, Online Course 2021
Imaging tools for the comprehensive diagnosis and management of PsA Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Beerse, Belgium 2021
Implementation of interventions and implementation research in health and medical sciences The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Gene-editing and Brain Cell Models The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2021
Industrial PhD Course: The Business of Impact, Innovation, and Co-Creation Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Inequalities in Health and Healthcare Summer School of the Tinbergen Institute Graduate School og Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2021
Influenza School (mixed online and in-person format) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen 2021
Intermediate course on reproducible research in R Danish Diabetes Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Intermediate methods in pharmacoepidemiology 2021 Online Course, The Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology 2021
Introduction to estimation of the causal effects in an observational study and g-methods University of Southern Denmark (SDU) 2021
Introduction to Analysis in Qualitative Research Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2021
Introduction to R Online Course, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2021
Introduction to Teaching and Learning (InTel) Centre for Educational Development, CED, Aarhus University, Denmark 2021
Introduktion til universitetspædagogiske overvejelser og kommunikation Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet 2021
IASP Euro Pain Winter School Online Course, International Association for the Study of Pain and Heidelberg Pain Consortium 2021
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2021
Laboratory Animal Science B Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2021
Machine Learning and Imaging (MLIM) Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Machine Learning for Single Cell Analysis Yale Genetics and Yale SEAS 2021
Measurement of Pain SCANDINAVIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF PAIN, Rigshospitalet København 2021
Media School for PhD students in health and medical sciences (Online) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Medical Statistics Online Course, Stanford University, USA 2021
Metabolomics Data Processing and Data Analysis Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre, University of Birmingham, UK 2021
Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School 2021 2021
Multidisciplinary management of breast cancer ESTRO - Brussels, Belgium 2021
Muscle metabolism and E-C coupling – role in exercise, training and disease Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark 2021
Neuropsychopharmacology Department of Clinical Neuroscience & the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Instituttet, Sweden 2021
Next-generation sequencing in routine clinical microbiology and infectious diseases ESCMID Online Postgraduate Education Course, Online 2021
NMA-Computational Neuroscience Online Course, Neuromatch Academy 2021
NSG6133 Decision Making in Clinical Practice The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada 2021
Online Teaching Course Particle Therapy German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Virtual Course 2021
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact! (Online) Graduate Schrool of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Pediatric Nutrition Journal Club The PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen 2021
Personalized Medicine in Cancer Research – from Bedside to Basic Science to Bedside Doctoral School of Clinical Science and Biomedicine, Aalborg University and Clinical Cancer Research Center, and Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark 2021
PET pharmacokinetics course Uppsala University, Sweden, Virtual event 2021
Phenomenological lifeworld perspective, methodology and analysis Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway 2021
Phenotyping of Genetically Engineered Mouse Models University of Copenhagen, Department of experimental Medicine 2021
Philosophy of Science Copenhagen Business School 2021
Planning and Controlling a PhD Project Online Course, Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark  2021
Polysomnografi - skåring av søvn og søvnrelaterte hendelser Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for søvnsykdommer (SOVno), Universitetet i Bergen, Norway 2021
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process Department of Management, Business and Social Science, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Graduate School of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark  2021
Prospects in Contemporary Anthropological Theory Session 2: Well-being University of Copenhagen, online 2021
Qualitative Research within the Health Sciences Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark 2021
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research Graduate School, Faculty of Health, Sciences University of Southern Denmark 2021
Researching (urban) Landscape Governance and Management Online Course, Swedish University of Landscape Governance and Management (SLU) 2021
Reproducible Research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows Danish Diabetes Academy, Aarhus, Denmark 2021
Scientific Project Planning Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2021
Signal and Spectral Analysis: extracting information from noisy data Aalborg Universitet 2021
Single-cell RNA-seq analysis using R Online Course, European Bioinformatics Institute, UK 2021
Skriv ph.d. afhandlingens "kappe": struktur, sammenhæng, kvalitetskriterier og bidrag Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark 2021
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SMP) for MEG/EEG Online Course, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, London 2021
Statistisk analyse af hjerneskanninger (SAN) CFIN, civilingeniøruddannelsen i Biomedicinsk Teknik, Science and Technology, Aarhus Universitet 2021
Suffering in Contemporary Society Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University, Denmark  2021
Summer School 2021 - The Skin Barrier The LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center, Denmark 2021
Survival Analysis Graduate School of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark 2021
Teoretisk Basiskursus i Protonterapi Dansk Center for Partikelterapi, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2021
The 33rd Residential Summer Course Online Course, European Educational Programme in Epidemiology, Florence, Italy 2021
The evolving role of medical physicists in clinical trials ESTRO - Madrid, Spain 2021
The PhD student as supervisor - leadership education The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
The social media landscape - a crash course Aros Business Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy 2021
Translational Paediatric Oncology in the Era of Immunotherapy and Omics Online Course, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden 2021
Treatment of Diabetes, Obesity and Assessment of End Organ Damage (Kidney and Liver/Intestine) Danish Diabetes Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark 2021
Reproducible Research in R: An Introductory Course on Modern Data Analyses and Workflows Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark 2021
Validation of Prediction Models in Epidemiology and Medicine Aalborg University, Denmark 2021
Visual Methods Aalborg University, Denmark 2021
Why, when and how: Theory in Qualitative Empirical Studies (Online) Online Course, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2021
33rd Course on Muscukoskeletal Pathology  Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy 2022
34th Residential Summer Course (13th June - 1st July) European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence 2022
155th O2k-Workshop on High-Resolution Respirometry Orobuoros Instruments, Schröcken, Austria 2022
Academic Writing Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2022
Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience Giuseppe Nicosie & Panos Pardalos, Siena, Tuscany, Italy 2022
Advanced Flow Cytometry Health, Aarhus University 2022
Advanced Life Support Dansk Råd for Genoplivning 2022
Aktionsforskning og organisatorisk læring som forskningstilgang Institut for Kultur og Læring, Aalborg Universitet 2022
Analysis of qualitative data; Introduction and "hands on" with a phenomenological hermeneutical approach inspired by Paul Ricoeurs  Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark 2022
Analysis of Time to Event Data Aalborg University, Denmark 2022
Analytical work in qualitative and ethnographic health research National Institute of Public Health,University of Southern Denmark 2022
Annual meeting in Graduate School of Immunology 2022 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Arctic Community Perspectives on Covid-19: Collaboration, methodology and lessons learned Greenland Center for Health Research, University of Greenland 2022
Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine Jacob T. Schwartz International School for Scientific Research - Lipari School on Computational Life Sciences, Italy 2022
Bacterial biofilms and their role in chronic infections (Online) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Basal Cardio-Metabolic PhD Course - from Impaired Glucose and Lipid Metabolism to Cardiovascular Disease Danish Cardiovascular Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy 2022
Basic Bioethics Aalborg University, Denmark 2022
Basic Clinical Radiobiology Online Course, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) 2022
Basic Kinetic Modeling in PET and MR Imaging The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Basic statistics for health researchers - SAS statistical software (Danish) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Bayesian methods in biomedical research The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Behavioural testing in rodents: there's more than meets the eye The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
BI-portal Ninjauddannelsen BI-kontoret, Region Midtjylland 2022
Biobanking in the era of precision medicine The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Cancer genomics European Bioinformatics Institute, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK 2022
Cancer Genomics. Current concepts and clinical applications The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) and its cardiovascular applications The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen 2022
Cardiology, Diabetes and Nephrology At the Limits (2022 and 2023) At the Limits / Royal College of Physicians, London, UK 2022
Causal Inference, Part 1 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Challenges in the Surgical RCT – focus on patient selection and PROs The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Clinical Neuroscience The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen 2022
Communication & presentation in the academic context The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Computational Genomics Summer Institute (CGSI) University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) 2022
Cone Beam CT Kursus - 3 dages teoretisk indføring Tandlægeforeningen  2022
Copenhagen Image Analysis 2022 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Crafting Ethnography: Analysis, argument and writing Faculty of Arts, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University 2022
Creative Techniques for Thesis Writing (Online) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Data Science Spring School & Challenge for Early Career Researchers & Professionals Danish Data Science Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy 2022
DCAcademy Summer Meeting 2022 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
DCAcademy Winter Meeting 2022 Danish Cardiovascular Academy 2022
Decision Analysis Methods in Public Health and Medicine, RDS 285 Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA 2022
Designing, conducting and evaluating interventions in Sport and Exercise Psychology Faculty of sport science, Leipzig University, Germany  2022
Diabetes Research Symposium Aalborg University 2022
Diffusive and Stochastic Processes University of Copenhagen 2022
Drug Delivery University of Copenhagen, Denmark  2022
Economic Evaluation in Health Care University of Southern Denmark 2022
Effective Speaking The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
EMBL Course: Advanced fluorescence imaging techniques EMBL Advanced Light Microscopy Facility, Virtual 2022
EMBO Workshop: The molecular and cellular basis of regeneration and tissue repair EMBO. Barcalona, Spain 2022
Empower Your Talent – Leadership course 2022 Danish Cardiovascular Academy 2022
Epidemiology - Basic Principles Aalborg University 2022
Eriksholm Summer School on Translational Research Eriksholm Research Centre and Demant Headquarters 2022
Ethical challenges and dilemmas in research with vulnerable and socially exposed groups in society The Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University 2022
Ethnography for Healthcare Improvement Summer School The University of Leicester 2022
European Acardemic Nursing Science (EANS) Summerschool The Vilnius Univsersity of Faculty of Medicine 2022
Exercise performance and training of the top-class athlete The PhD School of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Experimenting with ethnography, Making time-space for analysis PhD school at the IT University of Copenhagen 2022
From high throughput sequencing to diagnosis in immune mediated disorders - ESID/ERNRITA workshop European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, Paris, France 2022
Fundamentals of Genetics: The Genetics You Need To Know Stanford, Center for Professional Development, Online course 2022
Foundations of Behavioral Economics Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Online 2022
Get ready to present your PhD project The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
GIS (Geographical Information Systems) in Environmental Epidemiology European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence 2022
GRASPH Summer School Comwell, Korsør, Denmark 2022
Health Research with Vulnerable Groups Aalborg University 2022
Hjertekarsygdom og den hæmostatiske balance University of Southern Denmark 2022
How to Make an Award-winning Scientific Poster Danish Diabetes Academy 2022
How to teach communication skills and conduct peer supervision –  introduction to pedagogical reflection, learning theory and communication models Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet 2022
How to Write an Abstract University of Southern Denmark 2022
Human Digestion and Absorption - a Mechanistic Understanding The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
H-Kursus i stråleterapi Dansk Selskab for klinisk Onkologi, Aarhus Universitetshospital i Skejby 2022
Image and Data Integrity - EMBO workshop (Online) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy ESTRO, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2022
Implementation of interventions and medical/health implementation research The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen 2022
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Gene-editing and Brain Cell Model The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Innovation and intellectual property rights in biotechnology and drug discovery University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences 2022
Institutional Organizational Analysis – Change and Transformation Copenhagen Business School 2022
Intermediate Course on Reproducible Research in R for PhD students & Postdocs – Expanding Your Data Analysis Toolkit Danish Diabetes Academy, Denmark 2022
International FISH Course 2022 Division of Microbial Ecology, Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, University of Vienna 2022
International Training Course in Hyperpolarized 13C & 129Xe MRI: moving to Clinical use The MR Research Centre, Department of Clinical Medicin Aarhus University 2022
Intervention Mapping: Designing theory-based and evidence-based behavior change programs Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, The Netherlands 2022
Internt kursus i tematisk analyse Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen 2022
Introduction to Quantitative Bias Analysis to Epidemiologic Data University of Southern Denmark 2022
Introduction to R Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University 2022
Introduction to RayStation Planning RaySearch Laboratories, Hyperboost 2022
Introduction to the Ucloud platform for highperformance next-generation sequencing analyses University of Southern Denmark 2022
Introductory Course on The Biology of The Skin Downing College, Cambridge University 2022
Kursus for personale, der betjener konglescannere Region Hovedstaden, Rigshospitalet 2022
Kursus i Muskuloskeletal Ultralyd Dansk Ultralyddiagnostisk Selskab, Hvidovre Hospital 2022
Kvalitative metoder Aalborg Universitet 2022
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Zoophysiology, Aarhus University, Denmark  2022
Laboratory Animal Science - EU Function ABD (mixed online and in person format) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Laboratory Animal Science - supplementing online course Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2022
Learning and Memory Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, in Venice, Italy 2022
Living wih Algorithms: Power, Practices, and People in a Datafied World Arts, Aarhus University  2022
LUMA practitioner certification program Deakin University, Melbourne 2022
MAGNETOM Free.Max Siemens Healthineers, Aarhus, Online Modules 2022
Medical cancer treatment Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital 2022
Microbial biofilm techniques Technical University of Denmark, DTU 2022
Microfluidics for lab-on-a-chip EPFL, Schwitzerland 2022
Mikrobiologisk Donorscreening Dansk Selskab for Klinik Immunologi, Odense Universitets Hospital, Danmark 2022
Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School 2022 2022
Mixed models in Health Science Odense Universitetshospital, SDU, Denmark 2022
Molecular Methods in Cancer Biology/Basic Cancer Biology Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark 2022
Mixed Methods Research – An Introduction Western Norway Graduated School of Educational Research II 2022
Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology ESTRO, Lyon, France 2022
National Annual PhD Course in Oncology The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen 2022
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus University 2022
NMA Computational Neuroscience Online Course, Neuromatch Academy 2022
Non-Coding Genome Sorbonne Université 2022
Nordic Baltic PhD Course: Hypertension, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Danish Cardiovascular Academy & Danish Diabetes Academy 2022
Obesity in a Life-Course Danish Diabetes Academy  2022
Occurrence rates, cumulative risks, competing risks, state propabilities with multiple states and time scales in Register Research with R and Epi Ilisimatusarfiks Ph.d.-skole 2022
One day introduction to REDCap The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Optimize your communication - train your personal impact! The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School AI for Global Goals, CIFAR, University of Oxford, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. 2022
Particle Therapy ESTRO, Aarhus, Denmark 2022
Pasientforløp og samhandling på tvers av helsetjenestenivåer og profesjoner Forskerskolen for de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene, MUNI-HEALTH-CARE 2022
Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Health Research University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics Uppsala University 2022
Pharmacoepidemiology Summer School 2022 Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Grenaa, Denmark 2022
PhD course in Innovation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
PhD seminar Feminist Methodologies Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Aalborg University 2022
PhD Summer School 2022 - Topics in Computational Biology University of Copenhagen 2022
Present Your Science - Visual Storytelling for Scientists Visualize Your Science 2022
Principles of fMRI 1 John Hopkins University and University of Colorado Boulder, USA 2022
Process Evaluation and Complex Interventions Aalborg University 2022
Programming and statistical modelling in R The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2022
Project Management: A Practitioner's Approach to the Managerial Process Department of Management, Business and Social Science, Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Graduate School of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2022
Qualitative Methods in Sports Exercise and Health: Innovative Approaches The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Qualitative Research Methods an Analysis University of Oslo, Norway 2022
Quantitative 3D Imaging Quantitative 3D Imaging 2022
Quantitative methods in radiation oncology: models, trials and clinical outcomes ESTRO, Lisbon, Portugal 2022
Questionnaire Development Aalborg University 2022
Questionnaires in clinical and public health research: development, validation and evaluation The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Realist Evaluation Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen 2022
Register-based Clinical Epidemiology Research Faculty of Health Sciences, Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark 2022
Reinforcement Learning and Dynamic Programming Aalborg University 2022
Reproducible research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows Dansih diabetes Academy 2022
Research Coordination Meeting International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria 2022
Research course in Radiotherapy Physics ESTRO, online course 2022
Saltin International Graduate Course in Exercise and Clinical Physiology School of Kinesiology, University of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine University of Ottawa, Ontario, Niagara on the lake, ON, Canada 2022
Science Writing and Communication Aarhus University 2022
Scientists of Tomorrow Copenhagen Institute for Furture Studies (CIFS) & The Danish Diabetes Academy 2022
Social Research as a Craft Department of Political Science, Aarhus University 2022
Surgical Pathophysiology The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Survival Analysis Graduate School of Health Sciences, SDU, Odense, Denmark 2022
Statistical analysis of repeated measurements and clustered data with SAS The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) fMRI/MRI/VBM Online Course, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL, London 2022
Statistics for Assessment of Occupational Exposures and Health Outcomes Statens Arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (STAMI), Oslo 2022
Statistisk analyse af hjerneskanninger (SAN) Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroimaging, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark 2022
The 2022 EASO ECN Winter School European Association for the Study of Obesity, Seville, Spain 2022
The complexity of age-related diseases The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2022
The European Basic Course in Neuropathology The European Confederation of Neuropathological Societies, Virtual 2022
The fifth CanTest International School for Cancer Detection Research in Primary Care Magdalene Collega, University og Cambridge 2022
The Principles of Neural Organization The Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2022
The Talented Researcher - lead yourself & lead your project Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen 2022
Thinking through your PhD-project. Working with situational analysis in practice. University of Faroe Island, Faculty of Communication and education 2022
Training Time - & Project mangement, Traning Presentation Skills Hyperboost-Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam, Online 2022
Translational Neurobiology of the Pain System XXVII: 1) Probing Neuroplastic Manifestations in Neuropathic, Nociceptive, and Nociplastic Pain Conditions, and 2) Pain Comorbidities in other Diseases Aalborg University 2022
Unashamed Citizenship The PhD School, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen 2022
Vaccinations- og Blodprøvekursus via LabVikar ApS LabVilkår Aps 2022
Vascular function and angiogenesis in relation to health and physical activity University of Copenhagen 2022
Visualize your Science Visualize your Science, Online 2022
Academic Information Searching: Methods, Sources and Documentation Aalborg University 2023
Advanced academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences Aarhus University 2023
Advanced course in questionnaire technique and clinimetrics University of Southern Denmark 2023
Advanced professional writing and editing in English for natural sciences and technical sciences

Aarhus University

Analytical work in qualitative and ethnographic health research Department of health sciences, University of Southern Denmark  2023
Applied Python Programming for the Bio- Medical-sciences The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Atherosclerosis: Molecular Mechanisms, Genomic Modifiers and Therapeutic Strategies Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Comwell Klarskovgaard, Korsør, Denmark 2023
Basic academic and professional English writing for natural sciences and technical sciences Aarhus University 2023
Basic data science skills for health researchers using R and the Tidyverse University of Southern Denmark, Faculty of Health Sciences 2023
Basic Methods in Intro to Pharmacoepidemiology Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (DSFE) 2023
Basic Statistical Analysis Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University 2023
Basic Statistical Analysis (extra) Natural and Technical Sciences, Aarhus University 2023
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers - R University of Copenhagen 2023
Bayesian Statistics, Simulation and Software - With a view to Application Examples Aalborg University 2023
Biobanking in the era of precision medicine University of Copenhagen 2023
Bioimaging Core Facility workshop on Light Sheet Microscopy Bioimaging Core Fascility, Aarhus University 2023
Biology of the Skin course  Postgraduate Medical Centre, Cambridge UK 2023
Biostatistics I Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark 2023
Bridging Endocrinology with metabolism - Glucocorticoid Psyksiology and Pharmacology and Circadian Rhythms and merabolic stress Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2023
Cardiometabolic Research PhD Course, From metabolic disturbances to the quest for novel solutions Danish Cardiovascular Academy & Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism 2023
Clinical Trials Course Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. 2023
Communication and presentation in the acedemic context Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Controversies in Parkinson's Disease Research International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society. The venue was at Bordeaux Neurocampus, Bordeaux, France 2023
Coronary Physiology - From basic to clinical science Dansih Cardiovascular Academy, Comwell Hvide Hus Aalborg 2023
Course in Good Clinical Practice Aalborg og Aarhus Universitetshospitaler - Regionshuset - Oluf Palmes Alle 15 - 8200 Aarhus N - Danmark 2023
UK Cardiac CT course Level 1 and Level 2 Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, UK 2023
Data Scientist With Python Datacamp, online 2023
Data Visualisation Workshop Danish Data Science Academy, Danish Cardiovascular Academy and Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2023
DBI-INFRA QuPath Workshop University of Copenhagen 2023
DCAcademy Summer Meeting 2023 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
DCA winter meeting - Navigating new research agendas as a cardiovascular reasearcher   Danish Cardiovascular Acadamy  2023
DDEA Summer School on Diabetes, Metabolism & Endocrinology for PhD Students Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2023
Det første nationale ctDNA-RECIST kursus Helnan Marselis Hotel, 8000 Aarhus 2023
Diabetes Technology in Clinical Practice  Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2023
Digital PCR methods for circulating tumor DNA analyses - Theory and Practice Roskilde University 2023
Dissemination of Clinical Research - Papers,
preprints, and social media
The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Drug Delivery Faculty of Health and Medical sciences, University of Copenhagen  2023
Effective Speaking The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Ekko 2  Dansk Cardiologisk Selskab, Aarhus Universitetshospital 2023
ESGCT Spring School 2023 European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy - Giens, France 2023
Ethical challenges and dilemmas in research with vulnerable and socially exposed groups in society The Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University 2023
Epidemiology - basic principles Aalborg University 2023
Epidemiology I: Planning a study The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Feltarbejdet som videnskabelse - workshop om tilrettelæggelse og gennemførsel af feltarbejde i samspil mellem vidensinteresser og feltets aktører University of Roskilde, Roskilde , Denmark  2023
Fundamentals of Clinical Data Science Aalborg University 2023
Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen  2023
Global Health Case Challange School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen & KU Ligthhouse 2023
Grundkursus i Protonterapi Danish Center for Particle Therapy, AUH 2023
Hands-on Training on Open and Reproducible Science Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2023
Health promoting conversations – a model for intervention (Swedish) Linnéuniversitetet, Kalmar, Sweden 2023
How to teach communication skills and conduct peer supervision –  introduction to pedagogical reflection, learning theory and communication models Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University 2023
H-kursus i stråleterapi Dansk center for klinisk onkologi, Aarhus Universitetshospital 2023
Industrial PhD Course: The Business of Impact, Innovation, and Co-Creation Copenhagen Buisness School 2023
Informations Medieskole Dagbladet Information, København 2023
Institutional Organizational Analysis – Change and Transformation Copenhagen Business School 2023
In Vivo Pharmacology - Reproducibility & predictability in animal studies The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Integrative Human Cardiovascular Control The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Intermediate course on reproducible research in R - expanding your data analysis for PhD students and postdocs Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy, Education Committee, Copenhagen 2023
International Clinical Certification Course in Transcranical Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Maastricht University, The Netherlands  2023
Introduction to Analysis in Qualitative Research Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark 2023
Introduction to omics for clinical researchers part 1 The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen 2023
Introduction to R Aarhus University 2023
Kend dit publikum - om at formidle forskning i samspil med journalistikken  Arts, Aarhus University  2023
Laboratory Animal Science Department of Zoophysiology at Aarhus University 2023
Lullabyte Training Camp Donders Institute, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen 2023
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in clinical neuroscience - potential & pitfalls The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Masterclass - head and neck surgery Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark 2023
Maximize the impact of your presentation Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Moesgaard Museum 2023
Media School (By the Danish newspaper Information) University of Copenhagen  2023
Methodological Innovation in Public Health Intervention Science: Development, Evaluation and Adaptation Cardiff University, DECIPHer-group 2023
MRtrix3 workshop Arenberg Castle, KU Leuven, Belgium 2023
Multidisciplinary Management of Breast Cancer ESTRO, Naples, Italy 2023
Missing Data Using R Statistical Horizons, livestream online seminar  2023
Mitochondrial Physiology - from Organelle to Organism University og Copenhagen, Faculty of Helath and Medical Sciences 2023
Mixed methods methodology – designing and conducting a mixed methods study Aalborg University Summer School 2023 2023
Mixed methods methodology – mixed methods integration and writing a mixed methods paper Aalborg Psychiatric Summer School 2023 2023
Mixed Models Danish Ramazzini Centre, Aarhus University Hospital 2023
National annual PhD course in Oncology and Hematology Danish Society of Clinicsl Oncology, Comwell Kolding 2023
Netværk med fokus på etik i forskning med sårbare og udsatte grupper i samfundet Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University 2023
Neuro-immune interactions in health and disease The Hertie Foundation and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) 2023
Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies 2023
Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University 2023
Non-invasive techniques for the assessment of plasticity in the human Aalborg University 2023
Obesity: Causes and Consequences - interplay between behaviour, society, and genes Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Oxford Machine Learning Summer School - ML x Health Oxford Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, England 2023
Pain Reprocessing Therapy and Emotional Expression and Awareness Therapy Aarhus University 2023
Patient and public involvement in health research The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
PMOD Application Course Bruker Corp. & PMOD Technologies LLC 2023
Population Genetics and Forensic Analysis Department of Forensic Medicine, University Hospital Copenhagen  2023
Protein Research and Critical Thinking University of Copenhagen 2023
Psychometric validation of patient reported outcome measures (HyFlex) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Qualitative research within health science Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University 2023
Radiation Safety Aarhus University Hospital 2023
RCT Course A Guide to Design, Conduct, Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting  Centre for Medical Statistics, Merton College,University of Oxford 2023
Responsible Conduct of Research 1: An Introduction (online) The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Reproducible Research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows for PhD Students & Postdocs Education Committee, PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism, Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2023
Research Grant Proposals SDU HR, Vejle Sygehus 2023
Research seminars in Qualitative Analysis The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen  2023
RNA Medicine - From Bench to Bedside Aalborg University 2023
Serious Illness Care Program Summit 2023: Driving Equity in Serious Illness Communication and Care Harvard Medical School 2023
Skeletal muscle metabolism and growth - insight into models and mechanisms University of Copenhagen 2023
Skriverliv - skrivning som kreativ og analytisk praksis The Doctoral School of Social Science and Humanities, Aalborg University 2023
STATA - fra 0 til 100 - for REDCap brugere Health, Aarhus University 2023
Statistical Analysis in the Lexis Diagram: Age-Period-Cohort models and cousins Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Aarhus University 2023
Strengthen your project management capabilities Danish Cardiovascular Academy - Copenhagen 2023
Summer school on missing data, augmentation and generative models DIKU, DTU, AAU. Kobæk strand hotel and conference center 2023
Summer School "Rethinking Global Health" Circle U. European University Alliance - Université Paris Cité 2023
Surgical Pathophysiology Center of Surgical Science, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen 2023
Targeted Register Analysis The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2023
Target Volume Determination ESTRO, Prague Czech Republic 2023
Theories and Models for Midwifery Oslo Metropolitan University 2023
The Application of Stable Isotope Tracer Techniques in Human Physiological Research The Physiological Society. Place: The University of Nottingham at Derby Medical School, UK 2023
The PhD-student as supervisor - leadership education
The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen
The phenomenology and normativity of mental health Faculty of ARTS, Aarhus University, Denmark  2023
Urothelial Cancers: Tumor heterogeneity and therapeutic resistens Institut Curie - Paris 2023
Visualize your Science Visualize your Science 2023
Webinar 1-6 MUNI-HEALTH-CARE, Oslo University 2023
Workshop Clinical Neuropathy - The Elephant in the room DDEA, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen and DGI Byen Copenhagen 2023
Writing in the Sciences (online) Stanford University 2023
35th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology  European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence 2023
Adaption, process evaluation and realist evaluation - interventions in complex systems  University of Southern Denmark  2024
Advanced statistical methods in Biomedicine University of Southern Denmark 2024
Algorithmic Fairness and Bias in Machine Learning The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 2024
An Introduction to the Analysis of the Nextgeneration Sequencing Data Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands 2024
Analysis of Qualitative Data Copenhagen Business School 2024
Analytical work in qualitative and ethnographic health research National Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen, SDU 2024
Basic Statistics for Health Researchers R (Danish course) University of Copenhagen, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences 2024
BioPhotonics DaMBIC, University of Southern Denmark, Odense 2024
Causal Inference with Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University 2024
Clinimetrics: Assessing Measurement Properties of Health Measurement Instruments EpidM, department Epidemiology and Data Science, Amsterdam UMC, online 2024
Course in Good Clinical Practice GCP-Unit at Aarhus University Hospital 2024
Dissemination of Clinical Research - Papers, preprints, and social media The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2024
DCAcademy Postdoctoral Winter Meeting 2024 Danish Cardiovascular Academy 2024
ESGCT 7th Annual Spring School ESGCT, Budapest, Hungary 2024
Exploring gene and environmental exposure interactions to understand human health and disease EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute, the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK 2024
Getting started: Writing your first manuscript for publication The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen  2024
GRASPH Summer School Comwell, Korsør, Danmark 2024
Hey you, let me tell you about my research - get public media outreach The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2024
How to do research across healthcare sectors University of Copenhagen 2024
Intermediate Course on Reproducible Research in R Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy, Copenhagen, Denmark 2024
Introduction to Complex Systems Approaches in Public Health The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2024
Introduction to estimation of the causal effects in an observational study and g-methods University of Southern Denmark 2024
Introduction to omics for clinical researchers Part 1 (Online) University of Copenhagen, The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences 2024
Introduction to R Graduate School of Natural Sciences/GSNS and Graduate School of Technical Sciences/GSTS, Aarhus University 2024
LC-MS based metabolomics and metabolite identification with the Q Exactive™ Plus and Orbitrap ID-X™ Tribrid™ Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre, University of Birmingham 2024
Model-based data analysis for clinical application ZHAW School of Engineering, Zurich University of Applied Sciences  2024
Modeling of Musculoskeletal Systems based on Multibody Dynamics Aalborg University 2024
Open Neurophysiology - analysis tools and datasets The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2024
Practical Course in Systematic Review Technique in Clinical Research (SRT) University of Copenhagen 2024
Presenting Powerfully: Communicating Yourself and Your Science Organizing partners & Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2024
Qualitative Methods for PhD: Advanced level University of Bergen 2024
Qualitative research methods, design and fieldwork Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2024
Quantitative 3D Bioimaging PhD course Danish Diabetis and Endocrine Academy, Roskilde Univeristy 2024
Questionnaires in clinical and public health research University of Copenhagen 2024
REDCap introduktionskursus Region Hovedstaden - Sjællands Universitetshospital Roskilde 2024
Reproducible Research in R: An introductory course on modern data analyses and workflows for PhD Students & Postdocs Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy 2024
Responsible Conduct of Research 1: An Introduction  The Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen 2024
STATA - fra 0 til 100 - for REDCap brugere Aarhus University 2024
Strengthen our project management capabilities Danish Cardiovascular Academy, Aarhus University 2024
Validation of prediction models in epidemiology and medicin Aalborg University 2024
Writing Boot Camp UNWIND, Hotel Klinten, Rødvig 2024
36th Residential Summer Course in Epidemiology  European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE), Florence 2024
20th Advanced Course in Diagnostic Neuroradiology Edinburgh, Scotland N/A
Statistik analyse af hjerneskanninger Aarhus University, Denmark N/A
Cardiovascular MR Course Institute of Child Health, London, UK N/A
3rd ICRS Laboratory Skills Course for Translational Science - "From the Lab to the Clinic" Ecole Polytecnique Montreal, Canada N/A
Economics of Risky Behaviour University of Southern Denmark N/A
FreeSurfer Tutorial and Workshop Copenhagen, Denmark N/A
Intro Stats for Med. Research, BIO206-1 N/A N/A
Nutrition and Health Claims on Food N/A N/A
Research Tools and Data Handling Course GyroTools, Switzerland N/A
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Positive Psychology specialization University of Pennsylvania, USA

Aalborg University, Denmark