Aarhus University Seal

Practical information

Below we have gathered some information that hopefully answers some of the questions you might have about practical matters in relation to running a course.

If you have questions to topics not found below, please contact us: courses.nat.tech.he@au.dk

Attendance form

The old paper attendance forms are replaced by a digital attendance registration which the participants must do themselves. The PhD course administration will inform course participants about this.


We use the education platform called Brightspace. The PhD course administration will create a closed course module in the system, and will add you as the course leader.

The participants will be added to the course module straight after the cancellation deadline. If the participant is not affiliated with AU, they will need to create an AUID number which they send to the PhD course administrator. Upon receipt of the AUID number, the administrator approves the participant and adds the participant to the course in Brightspace.

It is important that you familiarise yourself with the use of Brightspace and how you wish to design the platform from your need since the Graduate School of Health is only able to assist you very little.

You can find help and guidance on CED’s website, AU Educate.

AUID and access to Brightspace

If a teacher does not have an AUID, you will have to ask the person to sign up for AU’s systems by using this simple guide to getting an AU ID

Subsequently, we kindly ask you to submit the given AUID to the PhD course administration who will then include the teacher in the Brightspace user database. Once this is done, the teacher can be signed up for the course.

Catering – full day course

Coffee/tea will be delivered at 9:00 and coffee/tea and fresh fruit at 13:00. This will be served outside the course room.

Change in the group of participants

A course leader cannot allocate/promise a seat to a student. So if you receive any inquiries from the course participants regarding their course registration (attendance/non-attendance/switch seats etc.), please forward this to the PhD administration as soon as possible.

Evaluation of a course

All course participants are asked to evaluate the course online. We hope that you will encourage them to fill out the online evaluation form.

Approx. 14 days after the course has ended you will receive a copy of the report.

We also ask you to evaluate the course. An electronic evaluation form will also be sent to you on the last day of the course.

Payment of teaching

Payment for teaching  - Teacher affiliated with AU

If the teacher is affiliated with AU the payment for teaching at PhD courses will be handled by the AU department with which the course leader is affiliated.

The graduate school kindly asks you to refer all course teachers to the relevant contact person:

Payment for teaching – Teacher not affiliated with AU

If the teacher is not affiliated with AU the payment for teaching at PhD courses will be handled by the PhD Administration.

Travel and stay

In accordance with the Danish state rules and AU rules (Agreement on Official Travel), we ask you to make sure that all teachers travel in the cheapest way possible, including low rate for car driving.

The course leader can apply the graduate school for covering expenses related to travel and stay of 1-2 external speakers, if relevant, when planning the course.

Rules of reimbursement of travel expenses for external teachers not affiliated with Aarhus University

  • Airfare - We only reimburse airfare booked on economy class.
  • Train tickets - We only reimburse train tickets booked on economy class.
  • Shuttlebus to and from airports (find information about timetables, prices and tickets at Billund Airport and Aarhus Airport).
  • Light rail – Aarhus – Route L2 or L1 (find information about timetables, prices and tickets at Midttrafik
  • Transportation by own car. Reimbursement amount is currently DKK 2.23 per kilometers. Please enter your details in the special sections for travelling by own car.
  • Parking, Ferry and toll fees – will be reimbursed according to receipts.
  • Taxi – if special circumstances demands it, this may be allowed. Special circumstances could be in order to catch a connecting flight, late arrivals or departures, delays making it hard to reach airport in time to catch plane etc. However, please make a comment when forwarding the claim, on the reason(s) why you have been travelling by taxi.

All claims for travel expenses should be forwarded/entered within the current fiscal year and journeys relating to December should be forward/entered no later than by the end of January the following year.


Aarhus University is covered by the State and Municipal Procurement Service (SKI) hotel agreement, which includes a wide variety of hotels in Denmark. This means that teachers with need of accommodation must book hotel through the course administrator.

Graduate School HE, Nat/Tech will reimburse up to 3 nights of accommodation (if necessary), but you are welcome to extend the booking at the same hotel at your own expense.

Once you know what dates you need accommodation please forward details to courses.nat.tech.he@au.dk, and we will assist you with the booking.

All hotel bookings should be made via courses.nat.tech.he@au.dk.

If you need help with your travel arrangements (not accommodation), please contact the course leader for guidance.

Amounts for travel and accommodation

Travels must always be made in the cheapest possible way. We only reimburse for actual expenses (receipts must be available) with the maximum as below.


For teachers with address in Denmark the limit for round trip travel expenses is: 1.000 DKK
For teachers with address in Europe the limit for round trip travel expenses is:   8.000 DKK
For teachers from overseas the limit for round trip travel expenses is:    15.000 DKK
The amount for accommodation per day, incl. breakfast, is limited to:  1.448 DKK


Materials for courses

Purchase of materials for courses must be made in accordance with the approved course budget.

Invoices can be sent to the course administrator or department secretary through Indfak with clear indication of journal number and course name including buyer’s reference. Invoices relating to purchases outside Indfak must be sent to the department secretary.


We use the following locations for the courses:

  • Viktor Albeck Building, Vennelyst Boulevard 4, 8000 Aarhus C.
  • The Conference Centre, Fredrik Nielsens vej 2-4, Aarhus C.
  • Auditoriums

If you wish to use other locations than the above, the PhD course administration will not be able to assist with this. These locations should in stead be booked by the course leader/department.