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Apply for a PhD with your own project

There are two annual ordinary open calls, one in the spring semester and one in the autumn semester. When there is an ordinary open call it is advertised here.

To be enrolled as a PhD student, you must apply for enrolment and have your project approved and financed. 

In our ordinary open calls you apply for enrolment and a faculty fellowship. In addition, a number of fully financed integrated PhD fellowships from the Graduate School of Health is offered. 

When you apply for admission, you apply for one of our graduate programmes. You can read more about the graduate programmes here

All PhD applications are evaluated based on the submitted material within the deadline, using the assessment criteria for PhD fellowships. 

When all applications have been assessed by the Stipend Committee, you get a reply to your application (see the timeline below). See the types of admission offers.

Before you apply, please consult our application guide to learn about our admission requirements and mandatory elements of the application.

Here are 12 things you need to consider and remember before you apply!

  1. Do you meet our requirements for enrolment?  Application guide: ordinary open calls
  2. Does your project description adhere to our rules? Application guide: ordinary open calls
  3. Do you know how your application is assessed? Assessment of application

Attachments (should be uploaded only in PDF) – did you remember:

  1. Your project description? Project description (word)
  2. A recommendation from your main supervisor? Recommendation from main supervisor (Word)
  3. Your CV?
  4. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree diplomas and transcripts of records?
  5. Motivation and competences? Motivation and competences (Word)
  6. The initial PhD plan? Initial PhD plan (Word)
  7. Language documentation (recommended, documentation required before actual enrolment)?
  8. A budget? You are welcome to use this budget form (Excel)
  9. Any other documents relevant to your application?

Timeline for ordinary open calls for PhD applications for enrolment and fellowship 2025

Spring 2025 - enrolment and fully financed PhD fellowship

Call Application for Reply Earliest starting date
30/1-27/2-2025* Enrolment and fully financed PhD fellowship End of May 1/6-2025

*dates can be subject to change

Autumn 2025 - enrolment and fully financed PhD fellowship

Call Application for Reply Earliest starting date
4/8-4/9-2025* Enrolment and fully financed PhD fellowship End of November 1/12-2025

*dates can be subject to change

Open call: enrolment and fully financed PhD fellowships

The Graduate School of Health is now accepting applications for enrolment and fully financed faculty PhD fellowships.

In addition, the Graduate School of Health offers a number of fully financed integrated PhD fellowships.

Application criteria

In order to apply for a 3-year PhD study programme you must have completed a relevant master’s degree. The master’s study must be equivalent to a Danish Master’s degree of 120 ECTS. If you are preparing an application together with a main supervisor, and you want to have your degree assessed, you can submit your diplomas for an assessment via graduateschoolhealth@au.dk

Important dates

  • Application deadline: 27 February 2025 at 11:59 pm (midnight)
  • Invitations for interviews for fully financed PhD fellowships: Late April 2025
  • Interviews for fully financed PhD fellowships: 22 May 2025
  • Reply: Late May 2025
  • Earliest possible starting date: 1 June 2025

An offer of a fully financed PhD fellowship is valid for six months.
An offer of enrolment is valid for a year (until 1 December 2024)

General criteria for PhD applications

All applications are evaluated based only on the submitted material.

The application will be evaluated on the following: 

The applicant

  • Research experience (in relation to the length of the actual research time) including participation in journal clubs and conferences and publications (accepted and/or published)
  • Early recruitment (integrated PhD)
  • Grades
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Motivation
  • Other qualifications

The project

  • The project’s originality and innovative aspects.
  • The scientific level of the project.
  • The PhD student’s part in defining the project.
  • The standard and volume of the project – is there sufficient scientific weight for a PhD? Is the project appropriate for the enrolment period?
  • How does the project stem from the newest knowledge in the field?
  • The project’s use of varied methods and techniques.
  • Is the project developed across disciplines, including e.g., basic research/clinical research.
  • Does the project include feasibility considerations, e.g., the power (of test), or a description of alternative possible solutions to the raised scientific question?

The research environment and PhD plan elements

  • The scientific environment including:
    • how the main supervisor and co-supervisors contribute to the completion of the PhD study their availability and the supervisor team’s experience in supervision.
    • how the PhD student is exposed to an international research environment.
    • activities across disciplines and sectors.
  • Courses
  • Dissemination
  • Learning targets
  • Mobility, including statement from host institution.
  • Main supervisor statement

The time for research experience after the qualifying exam/graduated master’s degree is taken into consideration.

Fully financed PhD fellowships

Applicants considered for a fully financed fellowship is expected to demonstrate that the project incorporates one or more of the below strategic criteria (should be described in the “motivation and competences” form):

  • how the PhD student is exposed to an international research environment (international co-supervisor and/or through a research stay abroad)
  • activities across disciplines (interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary co-operation) and sectors (co-operation with the business community, university colleges and other external partners in municipalities and regions)

Applicants considered for a fully financed fellowship are in addition expected to show commitment to the Faculty and the Graduate School of Health by taking on a task/active role related to the PhD education.

Therefore, your motivation and competences must include a description of how you plan to show commitment to at least one of the below mentioned tasks

  • Being an active member of the PhD association
  • Being part of the Organizing Committee planning the PhD Day
  • Participation in the NorDoc PhD Summit and reporting back to the Graduate School of Health
  • Writing a column for the Graduate School of Health’s monthly letter about a topic of current interest
  • Participation in the Annual meeting on PhD education (Forum for Forskeruddannelse)

Applicants considered for a fully financed PhD fellowship will receive an invitation to an interview on 22 May 2025. Invitations are sent out late April.  

The application

The application and all mandatory attachments (in pdf. only), incl. the project description, must be in English.

Please read our application guide carefully before applying: Application guide: ordinary open calls

Please note that the following requirements must be followed strictly:

    1. your project description must be in English.
    2. your project description can max. be five pages (12,000 characters including spaces)
    3. you must state the number of characters incl. spaces in your project description.
    4. you can include max. three tables or figures in the appendix following your project description.
    5. you must have a recommendation from your main supervisor.
    6. you must upload a budget.

If the abovementioned points are not strictly followed and all required documents uploaded, the application will be administratively rejected.

After deadline, the PhD administration checks whether applications meet our formal requirements. If your application does not meet our requirements, it will be administratively rejected, and you will receive an answer shortly after deadline. Please note it is not possible to submit any material nor a revised application after the deadline in the case of administrative rejection.

Furthermore, please be aware that we only evaluate one application per applicant per call. So, if you have submitted more than one application, we reserve the right only to evaluate the last application received.

In addition, PhD students who are already enrolled are not eligible for PhD fellowships and applications from enrolled PhD students will not be taken into consideration.

How to apply

Access the application form by clicking ‘PhD Call February 2025 OR 'PhD mol.med. Call February 2025' at the bottom of this page. The mol.med. call is only for applicants who want to be a part of the molecular medicine PhD programme.

Please choose the graduate programme that reflects the department of employment of your future main supervisor. The administration will relocate your application to the appropriate GP if necessary.