Besides receiving ECTS for participating in PhD courses, you can obtain ECTS when participating in conferences and congresses and/or going on your research environment changes abroad. Find the rules below.
You can obtain ECTS credits for actively taking part in a conference or a congress, e.g. with a poster presentation, a lecture/talk etc.
This applies to conferences/congresses that you have actively taken part in from 1 May 2018 and onwards, and only if the conference/congress has direct relevance to the PhD project and is completed no more than two years before enrolment.
Active participation in one conference or congress will grant 1 ECTS credit. For conferences and congresses you can obtain a maximum of 1 ECTS credit per year/3 ECTS credits in total during your PhD study.
It is optional to obtain ECTS credits for conferences and congresses.
If you register a conference or congress for ECTS credits, you cannot register the same conference or congress as dissemination hours (and vice versa).
You need to choose whether a conference or congress should count as 1 ECTS credit or a dissemination activity (see teaching experience for further info).
You can gain up to four ECTS credits for studies abroad, provided that the following conditions are met:
Allocation of ECTS credits for a study period abroad does not prevent you from obtaining ECTS credits for courses completed while abroad. Credits for such courses are subject to special application. For more info, see our page external courses.