Aarhus University Seal

How to finance external courses

As a rule of thumb, you are responsible (or via your department, section etc.) for financing your external courses - both national and international courses - this includes transport costs, administration fees and materials. 

Open Market for PhD courses in Denmark

All PhD students at Health can participate free of charge in courses offered by other partners of the “Open Market Agreement for PhD courses in Denmark” (primarily Danish graduate schools, from e.g. University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University). 

You can find all PhD courses included in the agreement in the national PhD course database.

Financial support for some external courses abroad

You can apply for financial support in connection with attending external courses abroad, if you attend an external course according to one of the following conditions:

  • Courses offered in a formalised collaboration between the Graduate School of Health and universities abroad. 
    The graduate school will be able to cover the study fees of these courses, transport costs and accommodation costs. 
    You can see what courses are included in a formalized collaboration here:
    International course collaboration. Here you can also see what rules apply in order to apply for funding.

  • Courses during your longer research stay abroad (min. 30 days). The graduate school will be able to cover costs in relation to PhD courses that are pre-approved by the PhD administration. Make sure to get a pre-approval before applying for funding.

You apply for funding for courses abroad by using our application form. Applications should be submitted no later than 14 days before attending the course/leaving for your stay abroad.

The graduate school can grant a maximum of DKK 90,000 during your enrolment period. This includes a maximum of DKK 15,000 per month. However, the maximum of DKK 15,000 per month can be exceeded if one of the above conditions are met.