Aarhus University Seal


Graduate Programme

Clinical Medicine, Forensic Medicine and Dentistry and Oral Health

The ClinFO Programme covers three fields of clinical sciences associated with the Department of Forensic Medicine, the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, and the Department of Clinical Medicine. 

The research projects extend from basic and transitional research to advanced studies in epidemiology and clinical trials including in vivo studies in healthy subjects, clinical patient-related research and animal experiments as well as in vitro research using tissue biopsies, explants and cell lines.

Our research facilities are excellent with state-of-the-art equipped research laboratories and our highly skilled laboratory assistants and post-docs enable advanced projects at the highest level.

The ClinFO Programme collaborates closely with the clinical departments and faculties at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital as well as other hospitals and universities, nationally and internationally. In addition, the programme has formed close ties with the industry – e.g. in the pharmaceutical and the food industry - in order to support, develop and use innovative ideas in our PhD projects.    

Approximately 450 PhD students are enrolled in the ClinFO Programme. 

Read more about researchers and research topics at the department websites:

Local Representatives

PhD Student Representatives