Aarhus University Seal

International course collaborations

NorDoc - Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences

It is the aim of NorDoc to provide free access to all courses – both scientific and transferable skills - for doctoral candidates affiliated with a NorDoc member.  

The Graduate School of Health is one of the founding partners in the NorDoc network. All PhD students at the graduate school can participate in PhD short courses at the NorDoc partner institutions free of charge.

Financial support

In 2025, you can get financial support when attending a PhD course abroad in the NorDoc collaboration. Find a list of all NorDoc partners and the joint NorDoc course database

As a PhD student, you can apply for up to DKK 10,000 to cover travel and accommodation costs in connection with course attendance (one or more courses). You can attend all PhD courses at the NorDoc partner institutions free of charge.  

How to apply for financial support

You apply for financial support via our application form (which can be found in the right sidebar)

You may submit applications to the graduate school no later than 14 days before attending the course/leaving for your stay abroad.

See what GSH's grants covers and does not cover here.

How to apply for courses

Find a list of all courses offered by the NorDoc partner institutions at the NorDoc website.
You will apply for course attendance via the responsible institution.  

Creating a profile in PhD Course Management

When creating a profile in PhD Course Management you should choose the title ‘NorDoc student’ if you are a PhD student from one of the partner universities outside Denmark – check the NorDoc partners list.

If you are enrolled in one of the Danish Universities under the Open Market agreement between Danish Universities you have to sign up as an ‘External PhD Student’. This also includes PhD students from University of Greenland.

How to get ECTS accreditation

Once you have attended a PhD course in the NorDoc collaboration, please submit an application for approval of an external course. You do not need a preapproval of PhD courses offered in the NorDoc collaboration.

European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE)

Faculty of Health and the European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE) have established a PhD level course collaboration. The yearly summer course offered by EEPE in Florence, Italy is approved as part of the training and course programme for PhD students at the Graduate School of Health.

How to apply for financial support

You apply for financial support via our application form (which can be found in the right sidebar)

Applications should be submitted no later than 14 days before attending the course/leaving for your stay abroad.

See what GSH's grants covers and does not cover here.

How to apply for courses

You will apply EEPE summer course attendance via the responsible institution.  

How to get ECTS accreditation

Once you have attended the EEPE summer course, please submit an application for approval of an external course. You do not need a preapproval of the course.

Learn more about the EEPE summer course

University of São Paolo

To support the strategic collaboration between research groups within the health sciences at Aarhus University and University of São Paulo it has been decided that guest PhD students from University of São Paulo can participate free of charge in PhD short courses offered by the Graduate School of Health.

Learn more about the course collaboration.

Currently, there is no identical course agreement to benefit the PhD students from the Graduate School of Health. However, you can apply for financial support in connection with attending external courses abroad if it is during your research stay abroad - see "How to finance external courses"

Learn what else the collaboration between AU and USP covers.

Circle U.

Aarhus University is part of the university alliance Circle U. together with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), King’s College London (United Kingdom), Université de Paris (France), University of Belgrade (Serbia), University of Louvain (Belgium) and University of Oslo (Norway).

The aim is to combine expertise and common interests to build a European University that is inclusive, research-intensive and interdisciplinary. You can read more about Circle U. here.

How to apply for financial support

You can apply for funding for summer schools and similar activities within the Circle U. framework that have relevance for your PhD project. The activities must be part of the Circle U. course catalogue and have to be pre-approved in order for you to apply for funding.

You apply using our application form (which can be found in the right sidebar)

Applications should be submitted no later than 14 days before attending the course/leaving for your stay abroad.

You can apply for and be granted max. DKK 10,000. 

Please be aware, GSH only covers expenses normally covered by our travel grants regardless of what it says on the organizer’s website. See what GSH covers and does not cover here

How to apply for courses

You apply for course attendance via the responsible institution.  

How to get ECTS accreditation

Once you have attended the course, please submit an application for approval of an external course. Remember, you need a preapproval of PhD courses offered within the Circle U. framework